Trading & Investing: Tesla Trade Level, Stock Market Near Resistance, Stock, Crypto, Gold and Silver

    e good morning everybody welcome to this
    Monday morning game plan my name is
    Gareth solay Chief Market strategist
    here at verified lot to discuss today Tesla
    is ripping up Apple’s having a rally
    semis are kind of mixed today so we saw
    a big rally late last week in the semis
    now those may be taking a break we have
    seen again that apple and Tes and Nvidia
    tend to move in opposite directions
    money flow one way then money flow back
    so let’s get right into it there’s a lot
    to cover this week let’s go for it all
    right so first and foremost let’s flip
    over to the Chart the first thing I
    wanted to start on was some history
    right so what I did over the weekend
    guys I did a lot of writing in terms of
    um articles on the website on verified and what you could see
    here is this is an amazing chart it’s a
    little bit on the bigger side but but
    what you can see and you can go to the
    verified investing website scroll down
    but you can see that in 1918 in the W
    viar Republic right in Germany basically
    one gold old deuts Mark was worth one
    paper deuts Mark or or Mark right and
    look at the inflation rate to the point
    where one gold deuts Mark was then worth
    ultimately essentially a trillion
    dollars in paper and that is what we
    call hyperinflation folks and I only say
    this not to say that we’re at that point
    yet here in the US or any other country
    but when you think about the GDP rates
    that you’re seeing debt to GDP you know
    Japan I mean we’ve talked about the the
    yen collapsing essentially against the
    US dollar because of what’s going on
    there they have 250% debt to GDP ratio
    here in the US we’re about
    130% and ultimately my point is is that
    we need to learn as a as a world about
    history and history ultimately can help
    us avoid some of these mistakes now many
    people would argue and say oh well you
    know hyperinflation will never happen I
    disagree I think again you’re getting
    down a slippery Road where you get to a
    point where ultimately the debt there’s
    no way to pay it off right essentially
    you get to a point where interest rates
    are so high that the amount of interest
    payments on that debt are only going to
    help or make it grow bigger and bigger
    and bigger and then how do countries pay
    off debt they print their currency and
    that’s exactly what happened here in
    Germany after World War I here you can
    see in this picture amazing picture by
    the way this woman is literally lighting
    her stove with
    money billions probably in money right
    here putting it right into the stove
    because this money was worth less than
    buying Lumber or or wood for the
    fireplace so just things like this you
    want to be aware of guys is that you
    know and again you look at some of the
    causes that essentially went on in in
    Germany and essentially they ended up
    after World War I they they basically
    funded World War I by printing money
    right so they had a massive amount of
    debt from World War I and then the
    reparations afterwards from World War
    One it only added to that debt and what
    did this the country do they said well
    listen there’s no way we can pay this
    off so let’s just print our money and
    pay it off that way and ultimately it
    worked the country got mostly out of
    debt that way by the you know basically
    hyper inflating their currency but um
    what ended up really going on here is
    the people suffered right people that
    had a lot of money ended up that money
    being basically worthless people were
    starving and so on and so forth and so
    it’s just a little bit of a heads up in
    that respect the other thing I wanted to
    show you guys is this chart here which
    is a chart I put together this weekend
    on reverse repo now if we remember
    reverse repo is very very important to
    understand the flow of money and I know
    it sounds very simple but the flow of
    money and how much money is in the
    system really determines if the stock
    market goes up or down to explain this
    basically I denoted here and I put it on
    this right is that here was the reverse
    repo and to understand reverse repo here
    basically when reverse repo goes up
    banks are taking money that they have
    and parking it at the Federal Reserve so
    here banks have had a lot of money you
    know and all of a sudden they started to
    funnel it to the Federal Reserve because
    it was the safest place to store money
    and they were getting a guaranteed
    return right what better place than at
    the Federal Reserve to store your money
    basically as guaranteed as it can get
    and so as the banks pushed money into
    the fed and stored it there it sucked
    money out of the system out of the
    financial system and interestingly
    enough you can see as the money got
    sucked out this is when the stock market
    topped in 2021 right here and as they
    continue to do it we saw the big
    correction in 2022 the bare Market the
    NASDAQ was down like 37% I think the S&P
    was down about 25% then what you can see
    is reverse repo topped right here and
    literally basically to the day the stock
    market bottomed in October of 2022 so as
    soon as the the bank stopped pushing
    money and storing it at the Federal
    Reserve essentially taking it out of the
    monetary system that’s when the stock
    market topped and then look at this this
    was the top on this was the bottom of
    the market the stock market and then
    what happens to that money well the FED
    eventually has to give that money back
    to the banks and as the FED is giving
    that money back to the banks it’s
    flooding the system with so much
    liquidity and you could see here and
    what do we know about the stock market
    from October of 2022 to where we
    currently are we basically ripped up
    took out the previous 2021 all-time
    highs and ripped up and made new
    all-time highs and we’re essentially
    right around those all-time highs notice
    reverse repo though is starting to level
    out and this to me is another indicator
    that if if listen it’s not going back up
    which would be sucking money out of the
    system but you’re kind of getting to a
    plateau area here where you may stop
    seeing at least additional money from
    the banks go or coming from the FED
    going into the banks that then gets lent
    out into the monetary system so little
    stuff like that I love kind of doing a
    macro Monday basic you know insights
    here as we get into things all right so
    we’re going to take a look at the charts
    in just a second here but I do want to
    do our drawing guys because again there
    was a free year of trading View and
    again to do that what we’re going to do
    is we’re going to do our quick drawing
    here and see who wins that free year of
    trading view so here we go guys again
    love the comments on Friday about what
    you would change or not change about the
    game plan I did read them and thank you
    so much for posting all right so the
    winner of one year of trading view right
    here Williams john- o2g congratulations
    buddy absolutely awesome well done and
    thank you so much for following us it’s
    my appreciation to you that I can get
    sponsors as well as verified investing
    to give back to all of you guys each and
    every day we do a drawing each and every
    day okay don’t forget reach out to lotet
    verified investing he’ll hook you up um
    again that’s lton verified
    that’s where you email to claim your
    prize all right let’s look at the S&P
    500 so number one markets are higher
    Today part of that is we’re seeing
    yields come back in right right so this
    is your Friday data right here this is
    the daily chart notice we kissed a level
    that I gave you in Friday’s game plan as
    a high resistance level at around just
    under 510 right around 509 to 510 we did
    get pushed off there if we flip to the
    intraday action we can see that again
    here’s where we closed on Friday right
    over here and you could see after hours
    on Friday and then this morning we
    gapped up and we kind of floated back
    down and are moving back up and so we’re
    right at that this is that same line
    from Friday that we were just looking at
    on the daily chart this is where we’re
    hovering right now now in all fairness
    if yields remember markets tend to go up
    when yields come in so yields right now
    and we can flip over to the 10year yield
    this is your daily chart of the 10-year
    yield and if we look at this and we zoom
    in on it what do we see 10year yield is
    down today just a little bit we’re back
    4.63% now again remember I’ve predicted
    and I forecast that we should actually
    come back in and come back here over the
    next couple months so I do think Ys are
    going to come back down the question is
    and this is the really the conundrum
    that I’m facing is that you know
    normally you’d say oh if yields come
    back here the markets are probably at
    new all-time highs I’m not sold on that
    and the reason I’m not sold on that is
    because we saw GDP come in so much
    lighter if the jobs data this week comes
    in light yes yields will pull back but
    the question is does that still leave
    the door open to oh my gosh the economy
    is weakening but inflation is still
    moving up is there the stagflation worry
    like basically what we we saw is when
    that GDP number came out the markets
    were not thrilled about it right and
    again the question remains is does that
    be is that reinforced by a weak jobs
    number this week and just to quickly
    have you guys on point here so on
    Tuesday after the close Amazon reports
    earnings all right Wednesday morning we
    get ADP private sector numbers we get
    jolts at 10: a.m. jolts stop which is
    job openings data then in the afternoon
    the Federal Reserve announces their
    policy statement I’m going to go live
    like I do every fed meeting at 150 p.m.
    eastern time mark it on your calendars
    guys 1:50 p.m. eastern time I will be
    going live here to trade the FED
    announcement cover it watch the charts
    I’m hoping Dr B joins me as well we’ll
    be rocking it right here for you guys
    then again Thursday after the Bell Apple
    reports earnings and Friday morning we
    get the jobs report so there’s a a lot a
    lot of stuff this week that’s going to
    be very influential on the charts and
    keeping us on our toes okay so again
    yields are coming down just a little bit
    that’s helping the stock market catch a
    little bit of a bid here you can see
    again pre-market the S&P is trading up a
    little bit here again if we go back to
    the daily chart we know we have
    resistance here at 510 basically and
    then also at 513 so these are the two
    levels I have resistance number one
    resistance number two okay so again my
    thought process here is very simple we
    should ultimately see a reversion here
    we’ve Fallen we’re going to come up here
    maybe up here and then I still think
    we’re going to roll over I still think I
    think this is a sell the rip market
    right now even in spite of the recent
    rally remember you don’t have Market
    tops where you just collapse and go
    straight down because buy the dippers
    have been programmed in fact no more
    never in history have people been
    programmed more to buy the dips than in
    this market environment because the FED
    has always been there to lift us up with
    free money and printing money the only
    problem is a little different this time
    because inflation is higher than usual
    and that’s something that again we have
    to take into account to understand if
    the markets are going to roll over
    because remember higher for longer rates
    means that the financial stress on the
    economy is larger which is the the
    likely outcome is a recession so again
    I’m still in the camp we still see a
    recession by year end but I do think
    that again you have to think that what’s
    the outcome for stocks in that scenario
    well if we have a recession consumers
    are spending a lot less and therefore
    stock valuations probably have to
    reflect less earnings potential okay
    going to a couple other starts we got to
    talk on Tesla here real quick Tesla guys
    was one of my crown jewel calls in this
    game plan I said going into earnings I
    was long right down here big move to the
    upside awesome well guess what over the
    weekend Elon Musk comes out surprise
    visit to China China just singing his
    Praises over there everything’s hunky
    dory and essentially they got their fast
    their their self-driving uh system
    approved in China the stock is soaring
    this morning and I have some levels on
    the on the chart but let’s go to the
    intraday let’s take a look you can see
    again look at this move up folks again
    if you had told me I mean listen I was I
    was bullish going into earnings because
    of the chart just simply the chart but
    if you had told me we would be up from
    $139 to
    $91 in five trading days from earnings I
    would have said you’re crazy but here we
    are here we are now again I was bullish
    down there to be honest seeming a little
    based on charts and momentum to be a
    little overdone here on the charts so
    let’s go look at the daily levels so
    there are a couple daily levels we just
    pre market we’ve gotten through this Gap
    fill here so again we’re looking at a
    little bit of a level above but there’s
    two huge levels on the chart right here
    there’s a big gap fill and there’s a
    pivot point gap fill right here right so
    that zone is basically 203 to 208 I
    203 to
    208 that is a huge level of resistance
    on Tesla so just be aware of that that’s
    looking to me potentially like a level
    where Tesla could pull back so again
    loved it down here we know that that
    trend line was one of the most epic
    trend lines the methodology that I teach
    in my education guys is that when you
    have a trend line that extends back this
    amount of time going back to the 2020
    lows to this low here when you get to
    the the second or third hit the
    likelihood is probabilities favor a
    bounce once you get to the fourth and
    fifth and sixth hit the probability
    starts flipping to a breakdown so as of
    now this was the third hit of the line
    it made sense that it was going to
    bounce thus the bullish call now the
    question is again are we starting to get
    into resistance on Tesla remember
    Tesla’s earnings were not good it’s just
    that the expectations were so low that
    you just needed and I said this I still
    remember I said the best thing about
    being long into earnings is that
    especially on a beaten down Tesla is
    that Elon musk’s ego takes over and he
    does not like to see the shorts winning
    on that and so therefore he’s going to
    come out with guns blazing and say
    amazing things and that’s exactly what
    he did they talked about a cheaper car
    this and this compete and all these
    things and now he’s just putting the
    screws you know to the shorts and
    driving this thing up but that’ll only
    last so far until there’s actual real
    sales behind it so again watch that 203
    is to 2089 level that should be a key
    level there next up we have to talk
    about Apple this morning look at Apple
    all right so they basically got an
    upgrade um an analyst coming out one of
    the main analysts coming out and saying
    that Tesla I mean excuse me Apple is the
    the fear about China on Apple is not
    it’s not systemic meaning it’s it’s more
    economic and so this will pass and
    that’s really giving investors that
    positive View today where we’re trading
    at 173 uh 74 right $173 74 now if we go
    to the daily chart there are some levels
    to watch here so lots of resistance
    right up around
    175 so again right in this Zone I have a
    Downs sloping trend line again it goes
    off the page but there’s a major level
    here at 175 this could be a Day
    tradeable level for me today not a swing
    trade short but a day trade and then
    also you have a pivot point right here
    and right here at around
    17850 right so that’s going to be my
    level that I’m watching as well so these
    two as of now these aren’t swing trade
    short levels for me these would be more
    day trading but again those are my two
    short-term resistance levels on Apple
    we’re very very close to this one here
    and I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit
    that one today that’ll be the first test
    of resistance on on the chart all right
    other than that guys again we’ll have to
    see where things go um I’m looking
    across the board but I think at this
    point let’s get to our wheel spin as
    it’s getting a little bit later in the
    morning session here and what we’re
    going to do is we’re going to spin this
    wheel as we always do the wheel of
    appreciation right here at verified
    investing to thank you guys for being
    you know basically supporters you guys
    are supporters of what we’re doing here
    you’re supporters of me of the company
    and we really want to just give back
    each and every day so we got trading
    view token metrics winning priz is we
    got the live trading rooms nordvpn lots
    of sponsors up here and that is
    wonderful so let’s see what it
    is oh look at that another oh another
    year of trading view that is very cool
    guys so again another year of trading
    view giving away that tomorrow again
    that’s multiple hundreds I think it’s
    about $3 $400 worth of trading you might
    even be up to 600 cuz I think it’s their
    premium prum top level package there but
    either way congratulations to tomorrow’s
    winner I can tell you right now we’re
    changing up what we’re doing instead of
    asking a question what I want you guys
    to do is share this game plan it drives
    me nuts that we’re seeing 30 to 40 if
    you combine the views on my channel and
    on verified investing 30 to 40,000 views
    on this it should be 150,000 it should
    be 200,000 it should compete with CNBC
    so what I want you to do is share this
    on one of your socials and then post as
    a comment the link to where you shared
    it anyone who shares it you’re entered
    in and we’re going to just continue to
    do that because I want to get the views
    on this game plan to the point where it
    is massive where it starts to push out
    the mainstream media where you guys
    again help me do this let’s make this
    the biggest thing ever all right over
    here guys wait before we go there we
    have to do a quick little 30- second
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    today all righty guys we’re back thanks
    for taking that little 30-second break
    guys right back into the charts we’re
    right with Bitcoin here all right so a
    couple things to go over on bitcoin
    number one over the last week or so
    we’ve been slowly fading it’s been a
    very slow fade but what we can see here
    is that we got very close to my upper
    resistance line now again I show I’m
    showing the zoomed out because I want
    you guys to see where these trend lines
    come from but in reality we can zoom in
    to kind of keep it a little bit simpler
    and really show you guys uh at home or
    wherever you’re watching the level so
    right here we still know that we have
    our key support right here we have key
    resistance right up in this range and
    again these come back from previous
    pivot Points going back off the screen
    so watch this level I believe it’s right
    61,000 now all right 61k right there
    that is your key support on bitcoin you
    want that to hold if it doesn’t hold you
    got to level around 59,000 but then
    nothing until around 53 to 52,000 on the
    upside if you’re a bull you got to see
    this level broken up here so this level
    again look at how it’s sloping up it’s
    getting closer in fact you could
    actually draw a secondary trend line
    here through this high and this high and
    it’s basically coordinated right up in
    this 70,000 Zone up there so this is
    your resistance level this is your
    support level I’m still waiting to see
    which way it breaks But ultimately as a
    technician of the charts this keeps me
    very calm like I know a lot of people
    are so like you know on the edge of
    their seat about what the next move in
    crypto is going to be but you just
    really just let the charts speak to you
    you you sit back and say okay well I
    know my support if it breaks that yeah
    then you get a bigger down move if it
    breaks here honestly you’re probably
    going to well above all-time highs all
    right so we’ll see what those charts do
    for us in the coming days uh ethereum
    ethereum tagged it actually had a decent
    week in rally here it did tag resistance
    and the resistance worked like a charm I
    mean amazing to just watch the charts in
    action so again we have our two lines on
    ethereum one comes right back here to
    here and right through here in these
    lows right and this that’s right what we
    hit on Saturday I should say on Sunday
    and then look at how price was rejected
    right off of that coming back in now
    again same thing as Bitcoin you have
    your support down here around 277 uh 28
    I think it’s around 2850 give or take
    and then we have our resistance right up
    here around 33 to 3400 which way does it
    break the only thing that’s a little
    nerve-wracking about ethereum is that at
    least in the short term what type of
    pattern formation is that and again we
    can even draw something like that again
    this type of pattern is a bare flag or
    in spirit of bare flag and so again you
    look for kind of clues about which way
    it’s going to go slightly negative
    slight negative bias but again you know
    ultimately the Arbiter of Truth is going
    to be which line does it break through
    and confirm through right so again just
    something to keep an eye on ethereum now
    gold we’re going to have some fun with
    gold today because Gold’s not moving
    much but what I do want to do real quick
    is I want to go to our monthly chart and
    I want to show you this guys this is
    pretty darn cool so on our monthly chart
    if we zoom out there is a monster trend
    line that I actually showed to you guys
    and this is where I said it would stall
    out on the chart but but what we have
    here look at this so you guys see this
    chart going back to
    1979’s high right there that was a big
    blowoff move then we have this line here
    this is the high of 2011 and then if you
    zoom in I want to show you this because
    this is just a power of lines we did
    Pierce by quite a bit this line but on
    the month L chart look at the candle
    it’s actually come back right to that
    line incredible right so again we were
    trading all the way up here but the
    monthly candle hasn’t closed yet and it
    look at where it came back to and again
    the month what do we have like one more
    day so I’m very curious to see do we
    close on below or above on the monthly
    now I’m going to show you guys something
    you want to see the most bullish
    prediction my most bullish prediction on
    gold and again please be understand as a
    technician of the charts I look at every
    angle I look at the most bearish I look
    at the most bullish I look at the levels
    in between so what I’m going to do today
    for you guys is show you this is this is
    my this is and again I want to be clear
    I don’t want people be like oh GTH
    saying it’s going to 8,000 this is one
    of many scenarios one of many scenarios
    but as a technician I have to be aware
    of them so what we’re going to do is
    we’re going to go back to our monthly
    and what we’re going to do is look at
    the bull runs of each of the last bull
    markets and we’re going to map that out
    we’re going to use that as our predictor
    and so basically if we go here and you
    can watch it on the chart and we go up
    here we had a basically a
    634 per gain from the beginning of this
    bull run to the high of that bull run if
    we go to the 19 uh the 2000 low uh same
    kind of thought process here we take
    that low and we bring it up here what do
    we have guys look at this look at that
    all right so now what do we have so in
    terms of this chart we had a 633 per 634
    per gain in this bull market gold then
    ran 630 per essentially the same amount
    I mean isn’t that wild that the bull
    runs were percentagewise the same in
    each bull market going back to the 1970s
    bull market to the 19 the 2000s bull
    market so by the power of deduction if
    we saw from the consolidation lows where
    would this go right well you probably
    have to use this low right so we we have
    to use this low right here as our low
    pivot but then let’s drag a trend line
    630 let’s see where this thing could end
    now again to do this this is where it
    gets tricky right because to do this I
    literally have to shrink my chart down
    insane amounts actually we need to start
    the line first because otherwise I won’t
    even be able to pull the line from the
    low but if we take the low from 2015 and
    drag it up we’re going to have to keep
    going we’re only at 141% right now now
    240% now 45 almost almost there let’s
    see where this goes
    630 per. we’ll call it right there so
    basically what we’re looking at here
    guys is and again please understand this
    is just one potential this is probably
    again the most bullish potential but
    this bull run on gold could potentially
    take us up to almost $8,000 an ounce now
    you say that’s wild I mean holy cow yeah
    you’re right it is wild but in a weird
    way if you’re like me you could almost
    see how that could happen like imagine
    the economy gets really weak and the Fed
    has to start printing money and the
    government the less Revenue comes in the
    government so our debt starts to grow
    even more and what I mean again in a
    recession are they really going to push
    austerity measures and push us into a
    depression no so they’re going to have
    to take on more debt more debt and more
    debt all of these things bullish for
    gold right and so ultimately by the way
    bullish for Bitcoin too if you’re a fan
    of Bitcoin uh and I totally understand
    and that’s my long-term thesis for being
    a bull on bitcoin but anyways just
    wanted to do that little projection for
    you guys pretty wild stuff maybe we’ll
    do silver tomorrow to look at where
    silver could go uh looking at the chart
    here on oil oil again is bouncing up
    just a little bit here again little bit
    of a bounce this could be the beginning
    of a bearish pattern so we’re going to
    look at that a little closer but right
    now it’s holding technical support and
    then quickly onto the chart for natural
    gas kind of had a disappointing second
    half of the week but it is starting to
    curve up so let’s see can we still run
    up to my target of
    $220 or to
    $225 all right guys I got to get to my
    trading floor here here so let’s rock
    that football right here you guys again
    thank you so much don’t forget to share
    the game plan on one of your socials and
    just post it up as a comment on Twitter
    or on YouTube that you’ve done it so we
    can verify and then you will be entered
    to win that year of trading view plus
    all the prizes going forward have a
    great one guys let’s go rock this week
    take care

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    1. Gareth, Lawton: I watched Mike Maloney on his feed regarding the silver 45 year chart. I think you should check it out. It's a big cup and handle๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ—ฝ

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