“Don’t Be Fooled By the Crash! What’s Coming Is ABSOLUTELY Bananas” – Raoul Pal & Larry Lepard

    I think the last cycle was truncated by
    the Chinese Miners and some and the FTX
    some other issues FTX U so I think this
    cycle will go higher I think it’ll be
    200 easily I mean I I know Kaiser says
    you know 230 is in play that sounds
    about right to me um but it could be 4
    or 500 I mean I know a lot of smart
    people a lot of models show that could
    be could be a million I also think
    wherever it goes on this cycle I don’t
    think that I think we’re done with 90%
    down 80% down 70% down probably 60% down
    I could maybe see a 50% or 40% down the
    cryptocurrency market has experienced
    quite a bit of turbulence over the past
    week and most crypto assets are now down
    to multi-week lows yet prominent
    Personalities in the space are highly
    optimistic about higher price gains as
    we get deeper into the bull market
    according to experts like real Vision
    CEO Raul pal and renowned investment
    manager and sound money Advocate
    Lawrence leopard the market is just
    taking a brief breather a typical bull
    market consult idation before prices
    take off sharply again while Raul and
    Larry are not certain about the timing
    of these impending price increases they
    are certain that the moment is nearly
    Upon Us in a recent thread shared on
    social media platform X real Vision CEO
    Raul pal writes about what he describes
    as the banana Zone a bull market phase
    characterized by heightened Market
    activity and potential for exponential
    price increases pal predicts this much
    awaited phase will begin shortly and
    continue well into
    2025 in a recent interview with
    blockware leopard also shared his
    expectations for Bitcoin before the bull
    market ends in
    2025 his prediction is that Bitcoin will
    hit at least $200,000 at the top of the
    cycle leopard however believes Bitcoin
    prices could go much higher and might
    even hit a million dollars before the
    cycle ends as we bring you clips from
    leopard’s interview and Pal’s highly
    insightful tweets please take a little
    time to like this video subscribe to the
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    thanks and enjoy the video I’m a sailor
    it’s going up forever Luke you know on
    what time schedule and what you know
    model who knows as you know it’s an
    unpredictable Beast um I I do believe we
    are going to have hyper Bitcoin ation um
    I I strongly believe that um I don’t
    know the time frame nobody does um you
    know I I think it’s at least seven or
    eight years out um but I could be wrong
    I mean MH things that have altered my
    view a little bit I’ll take I’ll give
    you one was um the failure of Silicon
    Bank um what I call an electrical or
    digital Bank Run uh in one day silicon
    Belly Bank had roughly hundred billion
    dollars of deposits
    and as we all know they sold some bonds
    the bonds were you know way below the
    value they had carried them at some
    smart people did the math and said oh
    wow you know there’s a$2 billion hole in
    this balance sheet this bank is bankrupt
    that word or that knowledge spread like
    wildfire through the Venture Capital
    Community in
    California and within 2 days they were
    they were gone but somebody withdrew $45
    billion worth of their deposits in one
    day so
    um this is you know this is new this is
    a digital Bank Run This did not exist
    before this is not George Bailey you
    know um you know standing in the in the
    in the teller’s window giving out a
    couple of dollars to people who are
    doing a bank run this is the real deal
    and so the point I’m making is that you
    know social contagion and the way you
    know the internet works the way all the
    social media works the way word spreads
    things can happen really quickly um when
    something becomes obvious to a large
    mass of people people so in that case
    what became obvious to a large mass of
    people was that this bank was clearly
    bankrupt and that you had to protect
    yourself and get your money out of it so
    the the The Logical followon question is
    when does it become obvious to a large
    mass of people if not everyone close to
    everyone that the US dollar has no value
    that that the the government which
    operates it and controls it runs it uh
    is so criminally you know misguided and
    out of control that there’s no way back
    and once that happens it’s all over you
    know it’s it’s I mean that’s that’s Yar
    23 um we’re not there yet um I don’t
    think we could be there anytime soon as
    measured in a couple of years 5 to 10
    years I don’t
    know you know it’ll depend upon how they
    play it right I mean it’ll depend a lot
    upon how irresponsible they are um
    because the number of people I mean
    think about in the Silicon Valley
    instance a certain number a Tipping
    Point in terms of number of people had
    to become aware of what the problem was
    and that’s exactly what we’re looking at
    here a Tipping Point in terms of the
    number of people in the world need to
    become aware that Fiat is truly Fiat and
    that it will be abused Forever on an
    increasing scale you know and you know I
    would say geometrically right um and so
    as that happens you know what’s the
    price of Bitcoin is a replacement for
    Fiat it’s it’s infinite in Fiat terms so
    we’ll be you know we’ll be measuring
    things in Bitcoin terms you know that
    car cost a tenth of a Bitcoin you know
    that house cost half a Bitcoin whatever
    it might be so uh it’ll be a different
    world that’s for sure full confession
    right I’ve been thinking this was
    imminent I mean I was telling my friends
    this was imminent 20 years ago right so
    you know take everything I say with a
    grain of salt um however you know I like
    Preston’s analogy where he says it’s you
    know okay so a woman is pregnant she
    starts to feel some some contractions
    you know all right well whatever you
    know maybe the baby’s coming well they
    get more common they get more intense
    they get quicker and I think there’s a
    pattern here that we can see of that
    leopard is a sound money Advocate and a
    Gold stock fund manager for decades well
    before the creation of Bitcoin he has
    been following the gradual then over the
    past few years The Not So gradual
    decline of Fiat currencies and the
    global monetary system his Twitter
    account features several tweets and
    retweets that show just how far gone the
    system is especially in the United
    States the purported global superpower
    and issuer of the world’s Reserve
    currency one of his latest retweets is a
    post from a widely followed Twitter
    account with the handle game of Trades
    the Tweet reads this is shocking
    treasury bond issuance in 2024 is
    expected to hit $1.9 trillion surpassing
    level seen even during the 2008
    financial crisis according to a wsj
    piece from last month the situation in
    the US Treasury Market is beginning to
    make Wall Street very nervous the
    national debt has grown so massive that
    the treasury has to be on a constant
    borrowing spre to meet up with the debt
    expenses and deficit yet experts believe
    the situation can only worsen from here
    regardless of the outcome of the
    November elections a section of the wsj
    article reads the world’s largest most
    important Financial Market is growing by
    Leaps and Bounds on Wall Street that is
    making people nervous annual issuance of
    us treasuries has exploded nearly
    doubling since the pandemic began the
    government sold a record $23 trillion
    worth in 2023 and few think the Spree is
    going to slow soon the treasury market
    has grown more than 60% to $27 trillion
    since the end of 2019 it is roughly
    sixfold larger than before the the great
    financial crisis as leopard stated in
    his interview the pattern is stronger
    than ever and we are drawing
    precariously close to the brink of
    disaster let’s get back to the interview
    from back to your timing issue you know
    we’re going to have some more
    contractions um but with each one will
    become more um you know more monetary
    accommodation more people aware of the
    inflation problem more people aware of
    the fact that you solve the inflation
    Problem by buying something the
    government can’t print um and once
    people start to see that everyone who’s
    doing that is doing very well and
    everyone who’s not doing that isn’t
    doing well at all um you know they’re
    going to you know I think shove the
    dollar into the waste Canan it’ll be
    gone you know and we’ll be we’ll be
    transacting in
    Satoshi is is what I Envision and it
    could be over by 2028 or 2029 or 2030 I
    mean it we just don’t know I mean it
    it’s um you know there’s a great Dan
    Oliver has a great chart the merma K
    chart Luke has reposted actually posted
    it yesterday so you can go see the the
    swings of the Deutsch Mark against gold
    and the 23
    hyperinflation that thing the that Mark
    was worthless in
    1923 and but the big swing started in
    kind of 1919 or 1920 yeah it was only
    like four or five years once it really
    got exactly that’s my point now now they
    tried really hard I mean they had you
    know War debt to repay and they you know
    they didn’t have any sound you know
    anything sound to pay it with and so on
    and so forth and they really tried hard
    they ran the printing presses 100% so I
    don’t think this is a perfect analog to
    that but I do think it it’ll rhyme yeah
    and uh you know so yeah it feels to me
    like the end of this decade it might be
    the time when it’s it’s all done and you
    know between here and there I mean what
    do we got we’ve got probably Bitcoin
    100,000 hell that could be next month
    you know we’ve got Bitcoin a million I
    mean if you believe Samson that could be
    you know in a year or two or less I mean
    I I don’t know that’s that’s the tough
    one for me I don’t know what this
    Bitcoin slope is going to look like I
    don’t know how far this ramp is going to
    go you know we were talking about at
    dinner last night with uh Preston and
    and Jeff Booth last night we were all
    trying to kind of guess what was going
    to happen at this thing it’s very hard
    to know I mean I I I think the last
    cycle was truncated by the Chinese
    Miners and some and the FTX some other
    issues FTX U so I think this cycle will
    go higher I think it’ll be 200 easily I
    mean I I know Kaiser says you know 230
    is in play that sounds about right to me
    um but it could be 4 or 500 I mean I
    know a lot of smart people a lot of
    models show that could be could be a
    million on this cycle I just don’t know
    I I also think wherever it goes on this
    cycle I don’t think that I think we’re
    done with 90% down 80% down 70% down
    probably 60% down I could maybe see a
    50% or 40% down I maybe not I don’t know
    it’s hard to say I mean the difficulty
    is that we’re getting onto the Steep
    part of the curve and so the corrections
    are going to be a lot shallower if we
    very R if we had a god candle that took
    us to half a million like like let’s say
    I mean you know we can’t even imagine
    this but like like let’s say we had a
    got you know let’s say we ramped to half
    a million sometime within the next 3
    months okay I mean way above the base
    could you have a 60% draw down off of
    that Absol fraking lutely I mean there’s
    just no doubt I mean and but you know
    absent that you know it’s I think that
    you know you can I mean the 200 day
    moving average will be a meaningful data
    point and it will you know the having
    that deep having that big a draw down is
    going to require having a ramp that gets
    you know way way way above you know the
    the 200 day moving average so you know
    so so to that point you’re getting
    you’re getting more and more Supply or
    more and more demand coming from more
    and more bigger buckets and you know
    you’ve got Sovereign wealth funds you’ve
    got I was at Dubai at the conference
    there and you know there were a lot of
    you know Arab wealth managers sitting
    there quietly listening very intently
    about Bitcoin and you know those guys
    don’t buy a million dollars you know
    they buy tens and hundreds and arguably
    billions of dollars of something and
    there’s not there’s just not enough of
    it to go around as stated earlier in the
    video real Vision founder and CEO Raul
    pal recently posted a thread on Twitter
    about the current situation in the
    cryptocurrency market and what to expect
    going forward according to Pal this is
    the pause that refreshes the brief
    consolidation that comes just before
    everything goes absolutely bananas he
    notes that once the markets are fully
    refreshed we go straight into the banana
    Zone picking up to full Mania towards
    the latter part of the year and well
    2025 that is the trademark of crypto
    summer and fall pal writes think of this
    pause as the last days of spring crypto
    summer is usually the start of alt
    season which goes full bubble static in
    fall in another tweet pal notes that
    this banana zone is the period ethereum
    will outperform Bitcoin salana will
    accelerate its outperformance of both
    Bitcoin and ethereum and a new big L1 or
    L2 altcoin will explode versus Salon the
    rest of the posts read crypto summer and
    fall will be confusing because
    everything will have a narrative and
    will get caught up in Euphoria this is
    when memes really get silly in price
    unproven narratives like Ai and rwa go
    to dumb valuations Etc we will also see
    another two or so nasty Corrections due
    to excess Leverage the banana Zone
    cometh be patient and please don’t this
    up do you think we are going into the
    banana Zone which if it happens at the
    same Pace as previous Cycles we’ll see
    Bitcoin hit at least $200,000 per coin
    or do you think these predictions are a
    little too optimistic please share your
    comments and observations in the comment
    section below also Ure you like this
    video subscribe to the channel and turn
    on post notifications for more videos
    like this thanks for watching for

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    $500,000 BITCOIN from ETFs? (Lawrence Lepard)

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