In this video I chat about the profound changes in Polar Sea Ice.

    In particular, it appears that we may have already crossed a tipping point, with wrenching changes in Antarctica Sea Ice in particular since 2015-2016. Up until then, Antarctic Sea Ice grew slowly, with a trend increase in extent of about 1.5% per decade. Since then we have had a number of trend-setting record low years, with 2023 having a minimum sea ice extent of less than 2 million square kilometres. Even worse, the winter ice growth has been severely lower than normal by several million square kilometres.

    Associated with this lack of sea ice, the overturning ocean circulation systems have been severely reduced. This Thermo Haline Circulation (THC) overturning circulation, includes the AMOC in the North Atlantic (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) and the SMOC in the southern hemisphere (Southern Meridional Overturning Circulation) has slowed, by up to 30% in the last few decades.

    Remember that Earth’s Climate is an intricate interconnected system, analogous to an exquisitely crafted mechanical system of gears in an expensive Swiss watch. Humanity has effectively thrown a wrench into the cogs and gears of the watch, and is only starting to feel the effects and understand what we did.

    Please donate to to support my research and videos connecting the dots an abrupt climate system mayhem.

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