Bitcoin Holders Get Ready For What’s Next

    welcome back to crypto zos I’m George we’re all George so welcome to another morning stream today there are a lot of things to talk about once again what’s grayscale going to do what’s Robin Hood going to do but I do know this as Bitcoin holders we need to get ready for what’s next so let’s talk about what to anticipate this week and and later this month let’s do it welcome welcome welcome guys Bitcoin is starting out today around 636 it actually went up as high as almost 66 this morning and then it start coming down me I think I think due to Robin Hood or SEC but before I get to that the US market is looking like it wants to move green today that’s good because last week we ended Friday with a big green day even though it didn’t make much sense treasury yield fell because jobless jobless claims went up unemployment went up and that’s not good for the economy but it’s good for inflation sort of speak and that’s why Markets started rallying and today we’re seeing more of that rally right so I guess that’s good because when the mar when the market rallies when when the money starts flowing that’s very very very good for everything including Bitcoin and you know what Burkshire hathway and Warren Buffett you know they just kind of they’re just like stop holling on cash right now right um actually it came out that Burkshire hathway now has about 189 billion and he doesn’t know what he going to do with that money he thinks it’s good to build a cash position right now right despite everything that’s going on which could be a good move but you know people are urging him like Elon urging him to take a position in Tesla which may happen but probably not because Warren Buffett is heavily invested in another EV company called byd which goes against Elon and Tesla’s kind of losing to right now so I don’t think that’s going to happen or something else uh that will probably never happen in his lifetime is uh maybe you could put that into Bitcoin Michael sailor says Bitcoin is hope for birkar hathway 189 billion can you imagine $189 billion is being put on coinbase and uh you have a $189 million Buy on a spa Market what that would do that would be absolutely absolutely crazy that would be craziness again less chance of that than uh Burkshire investing in Tesla but one can wish and maybe whoever takes over afterwards we’ll we’ll have a different I don’t know different opinion about Bitcoin it’s just it’s unfortunate um anyways moving past this what else is going on right uh grayscale grayscale started out the day good and this is important because For the First Time In grayscale Bitcoin ETF history we had an inflow I made a big deal about this in my Sunday walk video yesterday which I actually posted on my main Channel usually on the Cru plus I want to see how it do on the main Channel but this was one of the big things I’m looking forward to this week if grce scale is not outflowing this week and starts inflowing with the rest of the ETFs watch out get ready because this week will be absolutely fantastic Grace scale has led to selling for for three months almost two and a half months selling anywhere from 20 to 30 million all the way up to$ 50000 million per day okay and even recently a few days selling over a $100 million now that stop stops and we’re getting inflows of $100 million every single day that is going to help Bitcoin short short term a lot a lot right and that’s what we want we want more inflows than outflows so this is another thing to look forward to this week it’s too early to tell grayscale Shares are up still right so we’ll have to see how it goes right but it would not surprise me it would not surprise me at all now that we’re seeing a reversal on grayscale possibly just starting to inflow finally that we start seeing some real pressure on the buy side build up I mean if you think about a100 million being sold every single day for like basically 77 days that’s a lot that’s a lot of selling pressure and if you just remove that guess what that’s go that’s going to help the buy side tremendous ly okay so we have that to look forward to also okay now what else is there something else from a a macro perspective uh I should have I should have like moved to this when I talked about bonds and all that stuff but in the US though you know we have the M2 money supply which unfortunately is turning upwards again this will also help Bitcoin in the long run um because whenever money starts flowing you know that means people are using that money to do something with right and a lot of people do put that money into Investments like Bitcoin but you could see for about a year and year and a half the M2 money supply actually went down which is actually good thing because look at how much it has gone up since 2020 in 2021 and it started coming back down in 2022 and 2023 looked good and now we’re going backup and why this is good for Bitcoin and bad for everything else like inflation well because where’s the money coming from why is the money the supply so high right it it’s generally because the US government is printing money right and we don’t want to see that because printing money dilutes the existing Supply and causes inflation to go up but it’s good for Bitcoin because if you’re holding hard assets like Bitcoin or you could argue real estate or anything else or gold it’s good because inflation is causing the price to go up but nothing has ever outperformed Bitcoin so Bitcoin is the best one to hold uh however if you look at this you’ll see that every time M2 money supply goes upwards in a big way what happens Bitcoin pumps up to a new high it’s almost like it’s correlated one to one correlation and you can see when the M2 money Supply goes down that’s usually a signal for bitcoin’s bottom so if it is going to start going up again well that’s going to be fantastic for Bitcoin another reason why we need to get ready because if this happens inflation will start getting out of control once again and drive things to the moon and that includes Bitcoin right so this is positive as well very very positive indeed um all right what else is there well I did see this this is a little bit of fun but I don’t think this going to make a big dent today uh this just came out about 40 minutes ago or an hour ago that the SEC may be suing Robin Hood okay the SEC likes to send Wells notice to like everyone and basically it’s the stupidest thing if you think about it basically if you get a Wells notice it’s saying okay we may or may not Sue you um and there’s nothing you could do about it we’re not asking for more information we’re not asking you to stop anything we’re just giving you a warning that we may sue you that for my interpretation that’s what a Wells notice is so as a company when coinbase got their Wells notice they’re like okay tell us what to do what can we do to stop no answer and then like what a year later to get sued Unis swap recently got one they don’t know what the hell to do right and then now Robin Hood gets one so you know this is an exact reason why consensus representing ethereum is suing SEC because it’s a stupid practice it’s like you can’t even do anything about it it’s like I don’t know it’s like the police department sending you a letter saying hey we may issue you a ticket end of letter no explanation why and there’s nothing you could do about it basically that’s how I’m interpreting it and uh you know just cause some fud today cause some fud um and we know Robin Hood doesn’t like lawsuits they generally just give in really really easily unlike coinbase or unlike anyone else that’s been fighting they tend to give in hopefully they don’t just give in to whatever SEC wants but you know they probably don’t even know what SEC wants at this point right Robin Hood doesn’t even sell that much crypto but we’ll see uh but despite this fud okay I don’t think it’s going to stop Bitcoin it’s not going to stop Bitcoin at all in fact if you look at the charts okay um actually pretty bullish too so this week could actually be very good and not only this week this entire month and I’m will to show you why first of all from a TA perspective if you’re looking at Short Term um you know we just had something happen this bullish engulfing pattern and you could see every time almost every single time except one time back in August of 2023 but outside of that all the other times when we had a pretty good dip okay you know you know we have dips 20% dips happen all the time whenever we have those dips the the bottoming I s indicator is when you have this engulfing pattern and we did have a dip we had a 23% dip and we just had a pretty good recovery after that so that’s a pretty good sign that a reversal has happened okay that’s short term short term what about longterm well if we go out a little bit longer we know that we just had a having event okay and if you look at one of the previous having events this current right now mimics of 2016 have the event way more than the 2020 because 2020 was just really screwy because of pandemic stuff but if you look at 2016 we had the same thing happen Okay we had a little bit of a pump before the having event and then we had a pretty drastic dump after having event then we had to wait months before we start going upwards so if you look at what’s happening now this year um it’s kind of the same things except except it’s at a much smaller scale because Bitcoin is so much stronger the volatility has shrunk drastically drastically okay so yeah we kind of had the same thing we had like a pre pump before the having event we came back down about at 23% right and now what’s going to happen next is I think is going to mimic what happened in 2016 we may have a time on us we may go sideways for a little bit maybe a month or two maybe even all the way of four or five months I don’t even think we have to wait four or five months I think probably just a few months um and then you know what comes next is the parabolic phase we’re in that already we’re already in that phase just hasn’t hasn’t hit yet but we’re in that face here’s something else that’s very interesting and I I know you guys seen charts like this before every having event you what happens afterwards we start going up right but the first monthly candle after every having event has been green some of them substantial the 2013 was substantial the 2021 was substantial and of course this is the month after the having event right so I think based on history this not just this week this month alone will be very good for Bitcoin remember April was bad yes the prior 7 months we had green green green green green green Green we had seven consecutive green months leading up to April and we had her red April but now that we got that over with we can have another 7 months of green maybe slow or maybe not but based on history at the very least this month should be green and it could be substantial especially considering what we went through last month so we could just completely wipe that out this month okay so that is also very very positive and the last thing I’ll say about Bitcoin is this the 200 day moving average okay has for ped 50,000 for first time basically all-time high whenever the 200 day moving average which takes a long time to move because it’s a 200 day moving average it’s averaging more than half of a year at a time right so despite the volatility this shows you that yeah we are higher in fact we’re higher than a 200 day moving average in 2021 so even though right now we’re a little bit off from our previous High we’re not that far off and all it takes is a little bit maybe Warren Buffett does put a little bit of 189 billion into bit Bitcoin all it takes is just a little bit to send us higher and considering that we’re in the parabolic phase where after the having event grayscale may be turning positive and pending inflation Wows once again all of these things will send Bitcoin higher that’s why get ready for what’s next all right so that that’s what I want to say about Bitcoin uh as for others let’s see something else that could be positive I don’t know if this is positive for industry or even positive for ripple for at all uh I saw this David Schwarz was doing some kind of interview and he was asked when Ripple will launch their stable coin okay and their CTO Davis Schwarz hinted that there’s a Apex event in Amsterdam and that more will be announced then so it does seem like or maybe they’re going to launch it during the Apex event so that’s coming up in June that’s next month right um quite honestly my opinion is xrp should have always been a stable coin okay it’s just that stable coins didn’t exist when X when uh Ripple and xrp Ledger was created it should have been in stable coin it makes more sense to be a bridge currency between different Fiats to use a stable coin right so the thing is this sounds like it’s very positive you know why um number one is Ripple will probably make billions upon billions of dollars by issuing this kind of like tether tether is just making money like printing money literally hand over fist because of tether I don’t know if Ripple’s us you know their stable coin maybe RUSD or something will be at as popular but they will make billions from this which is good that’s good for ripple right um however I don’t know if this is good for xrp because I’m thinking there will be all the financial institutions and I say all and I don’t know how many that is maybe like one because there’s not a lot of Institutions that actually use xrp but the ones that do they’ll probably just switch over to stable coin they’re not going to buy xrp anymore so I actually think this may be hurting xrp even more long term unless Ripple converts xrp Ledger somehow into like like a smart contracts L1 I I know they’re moving in that direction already they they’ve put out a lot of Grants but unless they do that hardcore and make a big emphasis on bringing D makers on top of X Ledger I think this is actually going to make it worse for xrp everyone’s just going to be using a new stable coin but Ripple doesn’t really care because they’re going to make make billions from this billions upon billions upon billions that’s my opinion um I guess we’ll see after this is announce and and gets rolling all right what else is there um meme coins according to crypto croo research coin market cap registered 138 New Meme coins setting a record high while April 2023 there were only 18 well yeah of course we don’t need this to tell us that okay and there was a lot more a lot more that came out in April it’s just that CMC didn’t register all of them um probably like a thousand more okay there’s no doubt about it most of them rugs but still memes will lead this cycle um from the retail side there’s no doubt about it zero doubt about it retail will full moon to memes memes will continue to be hot and grow an allcoin season may happen after the memes top out that’s the that’s the funny thing and scary thing okay um Bitcoin is going to top out when the institutions finally say they had enough and maybe they don’t ever say that but I think Bitcoin is definitely led by the institutions but on the on the alt side you know everyone that’s coming in they’re fomo into memes and now you’re seeing exchanges list more and more more memes way more than they ever did before because they know retail they’re just looking at the latest memes they’re not even looking at oh should I put money in Cosmos or polygon or or any the big l1s they’re just looking at putting money into memes and memes I think will continue to go higher and higher and higher and one day when there’s a top for memes that money’s going to come out and then people will start putting that into the great l1’s and other projects I think that’s how it’s going to go I think that’s when all coin season go to start all right that is it let’s do some Q&A oh you guys just miss Miss some gems right there I just said I just listed out like five alts that’s go do a 10x this week but I’m not going to repeat myself because I I don’t want to do that all right let’s uh let me scroll up here Tesla losing to byd there’s zero substance behind that comments no go do some research man China I mean their EV all their EV brands are growing like crazy Tesla is not doing well byd is growing by Leaps and Bounds their quarterly numbers their sales numbers everything is going upwards Tesla is losing ground to be yd hardcore the the biggest fear yon has is when byd starts expanding outside of China into Europe and finally the US I don’t know if it’s ever going to expand to us but it will expand to Europe and once that happens it’s going to wipe out the Tesla Market in Europe all right uh Jose next leg up will be the craziest I think so this parabolic phase once it starts going man it’s going to be it’s going to blow people’s socks off I don’t know if people still say that um yeah I’m really struggling as for Tesla really struggling um because I could pick up my I could pick up my uh cyber truck but I really don’t want to get it anymore and I was hoping that the public opinion would change my mind but all of you guys like 75 75% of you guys are saying don’t get the cyber truck so that’s really bad press I think it’s going to be based on just initial comments I think it’s going to be a big flop for Tesla you know Tesla just concentrating on like you know updating the s or the X you know rather than coming out of the cybertruck uh they’d probably be a lot better shape now will big red recover to his launch price I’ll say yes your deposit is some cost you know the thing is I had a chance so my original $1,000 was refundable then they said do you want to order a foundation edition if you do then we’ll go take your $11,000 um and and put it in and then that will not be refundable so now I’m like I just have to lose that ,000 unless they change her mind and they go give it back but yeah I just can’t I can’t do it like as much as I want the Cyber truck I can’t I can’t do it there’s just so many flaws to it it looks cool as hell but there’s just way too many flaws and I’m going to lose tens of thousands of dollars through depreciation um yeah but it still just looks cool I still think it looks cool though especially if you wrap it it’s going to look sick or fire as the the kids would say um does byd have mega packs Optimus FSD power wall each one could be a trillion dollar industry okay just calm down okay uh they have their own version of FSD they have their superar and they’re doing a lot of great things which includes selling massive amount of cars power wall is a joke man power wall is a huge joke do you know people that got a cybertruck and they asked if you know if you want to install a power wall you know how much it costs it’s like $50,000 to to just put in infrastructure to do a Power wall and those battery packs if you’re getting solar if you buy those Tesla power packs you will never make that money back I done the calculations I even talked to solar companies in fact in my house I have solar okay with my solar panels I can recover my initial investment back in about 5 to 7 years if I buy a power wall it pushes up to like 50 years it’s like it’s so stupid to buy a power wall battery it it’s so insanely stupid you could buy a natural gas generator for like onethird the cost and and never worry about running out of power if you really wanted that and who cares about Mega packs Optimus I’ll say is interesting okay but Mega packs all these other brands they have their own they’re they’re 4860 or 4890 you know that they’re using a cyber truck or whatever you know the guy behind that quit or he got fired because it’s not even doing that well it’s not scaling well there are so many inherent issues with Teslas I’m just that’s that’s just my thoughts of course the Tesla Fanboys don’t want to hear that even my best friend who’s the biggest Tesla guy he’s turned negative towards Tesla all right uh enough Tesla talk let’s talk uh thoughts on fat Singularity ocean merging into ASI I like it I just don’t know when it’s going to happen no one does Nissan Titan with that cumins engine um that was supposed to be one of the best engines turned out to be the worst engine that they ever created actually it killed the Titan because of it no one has a new Titan and they got rid of that engine because it was so problematic they just did not do well with that engine at all don’t get on a ping plane isn’t that funny how there’s like only two plane manufacturers in the world basically Airbus and Boeing and all the problems we hear about like doors blowing open and stuff um and others are all from Boeing planes you never hear anything bad about Airbus planes but it’s just funny how the whole world just relies on only two manufacturers locky are we still bullish on salana I don’t know about you I am I still maintain salana it’s going to flip ethereum I think that’s going to happen hey gray scale is still positive today so we could have another inflow day that could be good uh can you check out SCS on salana for me what is SCS Soul Casino I’m just going to say no right there Cino coins is going to be very tricky a lot of jurisdictions will go after them and that’s something I’m generally bullish on when it comes to crypto byd already in Norway Tesla go to watch out byd’s once upon a time Elon laughed at byd and now he says they’re the the biggest competitor they have they produce really good cars at a very cheap price uh gifted five memberships from Lo locki thank you um what do you think about Jupiter Jupiter is kind of like you know kind of like aerody drum although aerody Drome I I don’t know what’s wrong with Aerodrome I can never use it every time I try to use it it just like keeps circling circling circling I don’t know what’s going on with aerody Drome so anything that’s on base you can just use Unis swap basically um but Jupiter is by far the best decks out there um it’s fast it’s nice it pulls everything from radium and others uh in fact has more monthly users than than even Unis swap now it’s crazy how big they are so my point is is uh as salana gets stronger so will Jupiter will so over hit $1,000 yes possibly even the end of this year don’t get the truck too many issues one big headache that’s what I’m thinking there’s just there are too many headaches I didn’t realize I watched I read reviews recently just kind of remind myself all the issues um another big one is there’s no visibility out back I don’t know why Tesla started doing this they started shrinking the back window more and more and more thinking that with the computer with the big screen and everything you just don’t need to look out back like a truck but you know 99% of the population still looks out back right uh but every single new car Tesla just makes it even worse uh so rear visibility is almost non-existent in the Cyber truck so from what I read you just close the tunnel cover and just pretend like there’s no back window that’s not something I’m going to enjoy either um I don’t know Tesla just I mean Elon just has some wild ideas like you know in his vision the Yoke steering wheel was a good idea horrible idea horrible idea I finally got used to it but it’s horrible so now the engineers made the Yol steering wheel a complete like kind of like a oval steering wheel now on the Cyber truck but still just put a damn circular steering wheel there’s nothing wrong with it so when I got my ex they forced it upon me that I had to get the Yol but now standard is back to the regular like there’s no reason just like the the horn should be in the middle of the steering wheel but no they had to make the horn into a button so every time I want to slam on the the horn it doesn’t work and I have to remember to press the button just like stuff like that it’s just so stupid so stupid sometimes you know Elon has done a lot of great things a lot of great things and he always thinks outside the box is great but there are some things that just don’t need to be changed and uh unfort he changed a lot of things that shouldn’t be changed what is the best meme coin to buy and may go up 1,000x in a bull run if I knew that for you know with 100% certainty I’ll be real like I wouldn’t share with you I’ll just keep that to myself um and I just go all in on it but because I don’t know what’s going to do a THX with certainty I can’t tell you that there are a lot you just have to you have to pay attention and see which ones are doing well all right good we’re back up to 64,000 if you had 100K and only could put into one meme or one all to make the biggest profit where you choosing no question salana I wouldn’t have to even think about it if I only buy one outside of Bitcoin if Bitcoin was option I put all into Bitcoin but outside of Bitcoin if I had to put in one it would be salana it’s crazy BDC went down and Robin Hood Wells notice n temporary scare you’re not even going to remember it later why don’t you get a customer steering wheel you mean a custom steering wheel who already paid enough money on that I don’t want to pay more money on that car in fact I can’t even get rid of it like I I would think about selling my ex or trading my ex for the Cyber truck like at least you know just to have one Tesla it’s I I’ll say this it’s nice to be able to just charge at home and not worry about going to gas station with a Tesla that that is a nice feature um but I’d be losing like $70,000 by trading in my ex it’s just it’s just so stupid how high can Ada go um pretty high High I guess at least back to their previous High which is around $3 and then afterwards I think it could go another 2x probably something in terms of memes I will say Pepe has become very strong and I guess that makes sense it actually doesn’t make sense because I don’t think Pepe is on coinbase yet uh but I will say this Pepe has gotten really strong recently it actually is outperforming even wh and others um it’s a little surprising little surprising what is the point of memes number one uh to make money number two is to bring more activity to the chain and three uh increase Dex volume and four probably the most important is community building but no one really cares about that but yeah community building around a meme is very important because it helps an entire ecosystem just saw a cyber truck hauling 1,800 lbs of drywall that’s not supposed to be impressive a cyber truck like all full-size trucks should have a payload at least 3,500 lb if not more right but supposedly side truck has lower than a 3500 payload capacity so that’s actually bad the range also sucks it’s supposed to have at least have 300 miles of range but people that have done real world testing shows that it could get about only 220 so another thing that’s bad about a cyber truck and it takes longer to charge because it has the biggest battery pack of any Tesla again there’s so many negatives about the Cyber truck um it looks cool that’s about the biggest positive everything else is such a big negative versus everything else that exists so it’s so hard to get behind the Cybertron do not get a cyber crap um with a high volume rug can me you be detrimental in crypto long term yes so as an investor you got to be really careful okay you can’t just come in and fomo into anything because these rugs are getting very sophisticated these teams are getting very good at mimicking or man manipulating I should say uh social media and charts and everything else so uh I could see yeah it could be detrimental but overall I think it’s more positive than negative as long as people are getting educated on what to look for and chains are starting to do that chains are vetting some of their memes uh that are getting popular just to make sure that they’re okay uh thoughts on another 20% dip before the next pump from our level I don’t think so that would bring us into like the low 50s or high 40s I don’t see that happening uh cyber truck Fu money it doesn’t have to work as a museum piece except it’s not even Fu money like the foundation Edition I chose there there was a 20 20K markup uh otherwise it’ be 80k truck so it’s not really I mean cons consider ing some of the trucks out there many many many are in the 80 range plus but a foundation Edition that give you like some benefits that’s supposed to justify the 20K markup but it’s really a way to just skip the line and get a first uh match SHO shush shuy sorry I can’t say that I T to Mercedes CEO here in Germany clearly stay there not worry about Tesla at all only byd viewed as a real competitor yeah I’ve never seen a byd car before so I can’t say that but just reading about their like quarterly their earnings their uh their sales their expansion plans everything about them makes them seem like a really good car company should I buy now or wait a few days maybe a dip there was a dip man we were just at 56 58 60 for like the entire week this is what always happens I tell you guys hey you know what it’s a pretty good time to DCA even we go lower but I mean we already went down 24% good good time in DCA now we’re up you’re asking if you should DCA you had the entire week to buy lower than where we are so I I don’t know what to tell you uh can you do analysis of poo please I mean no it’s a meme there’s not much to do analysis on good recovery back up let’s see if we could go back and have this kind of like let’s get a green candle that shoots us back up yeah I think this week is going to be good guys I think we’re going to be really good all right so get ready for what’s next there are a lot of great things like I said today and even more okay so stay strong have a good day I’ll see you guys tonight 8:30 p.m. Central Standard Time and make sure you smash the like subscribe to the channel and uh and I’ll see you guys tonight all right bye-bye

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    0:00 Intro
    0:35 Market Overview
    1:20 Treasury Yields
    1:42 Berkshire Hathaway
    3:25 Grayscale
    5:40 M2 Money Supply
    8:05 Robinhood
    10:10 Bitcoin Charts
    15:35 Ripple Stablecoin
    18:10 Memecoins
    20:10 Q&A

    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.


    1. When ever this guy’s title is get ready we go up .

      I sell everything .
      I close every position .
      Always works 🤣

    2. Full self driving has decades to go before it will be adopted mainstream. It may work on a few cars but if they start putting thousands of cars on the road there will be accidents, the technology has to be perfect and it is just not possible yet and not even close. The batteries also need more work.

    3. Just looking at the title how are we to get ready exactly for what happens next you're either invested or you're not how do you get ready for the market to go up or down

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