Bitcoin Holders…Could This Happen?

    welcome back to crypto Z us I’m George we’re all George so tonight let’s talk about if this event Could Happen something was said today that I think spooked the markets a little bit so Bitcoin holders could this happen let’s discuss and let’s discuss everything else that has happened happen today all right let’s do it welcome welcome welcome guys hopefully you guys are hang in there a lot of membership gifting if you’re watching right now in the live chat awesome stuff high energy but unfortunately Bitcoin is a little bit lower than this morning right we’re at 625 wondering what is going on and I think I have a few explanations I’m going to try I’m reading what John said okay that’s highly inappropriate but funny um but you know let me try to put it together why did Bitcoin go down did it really go down I mean when you’re zoomed in on a f minute chart yeah it does look like we gone down but when you zoom out let’s say on let’s get rid of that on the daily chart you know more and less we’re just going sideways but yeah we did go down a little bit okay so a couple things number one we have this guy right here this fed president uh kashari he is the most like hwest fed President we had or fed Governor whatever his title is whatever he speaks it always Spooks Dem markets because he’s always talking about rate hikes even though we just had a fomc meeting even though the reporters pressed and pressed and pressed F Cher pal if there’s a possibility of a raid hike Paul said no basically zero chance fat chance we’re going to get a rate hike in fact he was still pretty dovish and indicating that we’re going to get rate Cuts but this guy right here is like no rates will stay high for extended period and we can’t rule out rate hike when in fact we can because fed share AP just said so so this guy he’s always so hawkish he’s also the guy you know when Paul finally said hey we need to stop uh hiking to raids this guy keeps saying no no no we need more raid hikes I mean he just constantly going against the grain and trying to cause a whole lot of fud for for no apparent reason not sure why okay so this may be one of the reasons why you know Bitcoin got spooked a little bit maybe a little bit uh but I’d like to remind you guys in case you’re wondering this is what the Dollar’s buying power looks like versus bitcoin’s price and you may notice something that they’re basically there’s an inverse relationship between the two so this is important okay because inflation will make the dollar disappear it’ll make it disappear more and more and more to the point where one day you literally can’t buy anything with a dollar on the other hand if you hold Bitcoin it’s going to keep going up and value comparative to the dollar because of inflation and because the dollar is worth less and less and less that means it cost you more and more dollars to buy SATs or buy Bitcoin with right so keep that in mind so all the shenanigans that the FED are trying to do or have done or planning It All Leads to this a weaker Dollar in the long run and a stronger Bitcoin in the long run so just keep that in mind okay so maybe this fed president CA some scar but you know what maybe it was also grayscale we can’t we can’t just blame grayscale itself because gray scale we had two good green days and then a small negative Day At A minus 29 million and I’m pretty sure they’re not the only ATF that actually had an outflow today so at the very least it wasn’t like 150 or 200 million or something like that but maybe there was some selling um and over all combined you know we don’t know right but we had two good days Friday and Monday today somehow we got a little I don’t know people got a little scared for whatever reason can’t figure it out maybe the miners are selling a little bit more can’t really find data behind it but definitely someone decided to sell today don’t know who but you know who’s not selling uh a lot of institutional investors that’s for sure for example this uh I don’t even know how to say it says Quay Hana International Group uh they are a global trading technology investment firm and they have just a Clos they have $1.8 billion in Bitcoin ETFs okay so obviously a lot of big institutions they’re loading up right now despite the weakness despite volatility what they’re doing is taking advantage and buying and buying and buying and buying some more 1.8 billion that’s not chump change that is quite a lot and who’s to say that they’re not going to buy more and you know what Mr 100 is back at it again bought 300 Bitcoins today that’s almost entire issuance for the whole entire day because there’s only 450 being produced so he’s buying so there are a lot of people that are still buying and loading up right now despite you know price falling right because that’s the way you’re supposed to do it you’re supposed to buy low and sell High okay so uh let me show you this too look at if you look at this kind of telling story The Exchange reserves just keeps on dropping dropping dropping dropping in this is very positive part of the growing fundamentals why is it growing well because it’s becoming more scarce there’s less Supply out there it’s just a matter of time price catches up right so you can’t discount this and the last thing I’ll show you about Bitcoin is this okay again when in doubt zoom out and when you zoom out you realize well the dip that we just experienced doesn’t even really register and we have seen this before we have seen this many many many times before but what I’m trying to do is show you guys that hey a lot of big boys these institutions whales like Mr 100 Banks countries they’re still loading up every single day follow what these guys are doing not paper hands not lettuce hands of retail investors that are Panic selling that’s not what you’re supposed to do you got to buy low and then you sell High you buy when others are fearful and then you sell when others are feeling fomo that’s usually how it works if you want to if you want to make money when it when it comes to investing doesn’t matter what you invest in stocks bonds gold Bitcoin that’s what you’re supposed to do but we know the fastest horse in the race is Bitcoin there’s nothing faster that’s why it’s the best all right now outside of Bitcoin what else can you load up on that is going to be recovering to new highs and going to kill it in this cycle well according to investment firm Franklin Templeton uh salana is going to become the third largest crypto asset okay which means they’re under e eum in my opinion they’re not bullish enough they’re too conservative I think salana will become number two will flip ethereum whether it comes this year or next year it’s just a matter of time it’s a matter of when not if but I’m not the only one that thinks so even someone as big as Franklin Templeton thinks that salana is extremely strong and there is definitely time to load up right now while it’s still low in fact salana is holding very very strong right now very strong it’s still holding about $149 holding at number five up 70% for the week still looking pretty darn strong and there are many reasons for that the Dex Wars okay ethereum versus salana Dex dexes right now clear winner is Jupiter look at Jupiter Jupiter is well above Unis swap can you believe that okay and radium is number three right under Unis swap so you got the biggest exchanges out there but now salana is leading the way the salana ones I should say right absolutely killing it and that’s not the only thing right volume transactions per day all being led on salana so why wouldn’t they flip uh ethereum right and you have even another meme coin pump. fund has outperformed Unis swap last base chain binance smart chain Revenue Genera in the last 24 hours I don’t even know what this is oh it’s a meme coin launching platform called pump. fun maybe maybe I can launch Pez coin on it um but that’s crazy if you think about it right and then you got like useful projects like render that’s on top of salana as well so it’s not just about memes and dexes you actually have some real world applications running on top of salana like render and then helium is another one right and you got some games on top of it as well you got a lot of useful deps that people are using now speaking of render they had somewhat of a big news I was trying to connect the dots and this is what render’s trying to do and I don’t know there’s a really official partnership but you guys know today Apple had a keynote okay and I don’t know what they announced but I think they announced some more powerful iPad Pros or something like that but render’s parent company created something called octane X for Apple it’s some kind of GPU rendering software now there’s no direct correlation between octane X and render although the company that created it is the company behind render so one thinks that maybe that they could turn on something and then utilize the GPU processing power of the network right but that is certainly not enabled and there’s no official announcement between render and apple but maybe it’s going to come in the future and if they do actually enable that across all all iPads and iPhones and Macs that would be absolutely huge that would pump render tokens to the Moon if that ever happened right but right now there’s no direct correlation although render is trying to make it seem like there is so I don’t know you just have to got to cross your fingers to hope that it happens right um okay so outside of render what else is there obviously a lot lot of render hot just like a lot of other projects because they’re in AI okay even Apple said they’re working on some kind of AI stack and meta on AI stack everyone’s working on AI right now so obviously a lot of the AI projects in crypto are also doing very well AOS Rose uh 177% after being listed on bitam near also did a little bit and near in AI too both of these are in Ai and according to Noah on my team hey near is on the verge of a massive breakout heading into the Nvidia earnings on the 22nd so still a couple of couple weeks left but you can see if it breaks through that line near could be going way way way higher so watch out for that all right last two things uh I saw grayscale pulls his application for the eum ETF or conversion of their Futures into ETF 2 days ahead of deadline no one knows why um if they want to they change their mind or they knew was going to be denied or or they want to revise it no one knows all of a sudden just happened right so people are speculating on what’s happening there and then last I saw this so supposedly FTX creditors almost everyone that lost money on FTX will receive their money back not only that there will be interest on top of your lost crypto so 98% of FTX creditors will receive at least 118% of allowed claims in cash within 60 days so that’s pretty positive news so basically FTX recover all the funds not only that they have more funds to distribute I don’t know where the money came from maybe SPF was just really bad with accounting and they just they just looked at it and said oh all the cash there uh I don’t know I don’t know but maybe maybe you see how it says allowed claims in cash maybe FTX is selling all the crypto they have on hand they have to sell it to make cash maybe that’s the reason I I I don’t know I again I can’t identify who actually sold today someone did maybe it’s FTX maybe it’s someone else I don’t know but I guess it’s very positive you lost money FTX it seems like you’re going to get it back all right that’s uh that’s everything let’s do some Q&A I’m so broke that I have to buy beer and can form now I don’t know what it is uh beer and cans taste a lot worse than beer in bottles that aluminum somehow just like ruins the taste uh um all right let me scroll up let’s see uh let’s see what I missed Alex what’s up uh let’s see uh Joey says can we use Bing X in the US Unfortunately they dis Implement kyc no so there’s two exchanges that I recommend that I’m partnered up with I’m glad to asked that uh bit Unix and then also faires uh faires is actually gaining a lot of popularity a lot of other kol’s are using them so I decided to give them a try partner up with them so yeah so if you’re on mexc you’re about to get kicked out next month in the US so you better look for a better exchange uh b x unfortunately kicked out us residents so there’s not that many good foreign exchanges left for people to trade on right so B Unix faires they’re both actually pretty good A lot of trading pairs no kyc no bpn required us residents okay so if you guys are looking for a good exchange check them out URL in my description uh C and way says George is sent a millionaire no not there yet not there yet um if I was I don’t know if I’ll be streaming maybe on my yacht or my private plane or something um DJ flexa smash the like button like it owes you money um let’s see can you still use Mexi with a VPN no they’re go they require to do kyc and you can’t do kyc in the US even with a VPN there’s the same problem with binance and C coin and everyone else if you have if you’re in the US you’re kind of out of luck every exchange is being shut down one after another after another after another so finding the good ones left very hard why are ETFs MJ made tricks ask why are ETFs selling they’re desperately buying BTC when they’re desperately buying BTC when got approved keep in mind ETFs um they’re not doing themselves basically it’s the institutions are buying or selling their shares and the shares represent a portion of their funds and if a whole bunch of people buy they have to buy more Bitcoin if a whole bunch of people sell they have to sell right now the fund company itself could decide to hold more or less if they wanted to and in terms of grayscale it’s because they have sister companies and parent companies that got into bankruptsy problems and then they were selling so that’s why I blame grayscale a lot mostly because of dcg and Genesis um but as for everyone else it’s out of their hands basically cool guys say I’m in Vegas right now make sure you after the show go head over to Spearman Rhino you’ll have a good time there uh is Exodus still a safe wallet I don’t know I’ve never considered Exodus a safe wallet I was hacked before so I stopped using them after that you could use Mexi in US no problem Ronald I told you they already told me because I’m a affiliate of theirs come June they will force all us people they force everyone not just us people to do kyc and us people cannot do kyc so us people will be shut out come June I don’t know what day in June but you will be shut out and it sucks I like Mexi I use Mexi all the time but come June it’s gone uh Calvin big Super Chat rain on polygon is a automated store value take a look what does automated store value really mean [Music] rain what is it this one rain coin 7 million on polygon pure crypto fun 100% Supply added to liquidity pool okay this is not new this has been done before so it’s it’s a meme that’s supposed to have better token economics no even if it’s not a meme it’ll be like Wonderland or something I mean it’s been projects have done that before projects have tried to figure out how were you hacked this was years ago but um someone Brew Force into my Gmail and then I don’t know how they did it with Exodus um but they were able to brw force a password into my Exodus account because because you know you need a password to get in and also there’s a recovery FR a recovery link but even even with the recovery link you still need to know the password and somehow they were able to bypass the password and get access to my funds and luckily it was only like $800 at a time but others have told me that it has happened to them too now Exodus I think there’s I mean I Haven haven’t used them for years but I know that now you can hook up your treasure to it which makes a lot safer but Exodus wallet itself I don’t I don’t use it or trust it getting anxious of all the chop from injective thoughts I don’t know what chop meaning volatility I will say injective got pretty weak this year I don’t know what it is but this year has been not so good you could see you know 2023 and then yeah you know what I take that back it was good until March and then it just got really weak right um but still if you look at where it is now versus where it was before it’s way higher so I take that back it does seem like it’s been weak for a long time but no it’s really just like a few months William you mentioned you’re invested in Orange uh it’s only Trad on sacks no Dax and once mexc starts kyc none of those sex will allow us residents as such how do you plan on selling orange later I have no idea um but they are building a they’re building their own decks the point of Orange Is they’re trying to create a Bitcoin wallet right and they’re trying to in uh trying to build in everything like a swap and a deck within and then incubator and everything else it’s supposed to support all kind of Bitcoin stuff BRC and and Native Bitcoin and probably runes and stuff like that so uh eventually they’re going to be on their own decks uh thoughts on Zeus haven’t seen many other brain Bitcoin to salana looks right for picking yeah people have asked me about Zeus I just don’t know it’s really early because it just it’s a new project um but if if like you know Jupiter and others figure out a way to bridge Bitcoin into salana using Zeus or something um that would be pretty positive very positive indeed I just don’t know like what what is actually going to do I for as far as I know it’s a bridging mechanism to bring Bitcoin you know to salana I don’t know if that means everything like can you bring brc2 tokens or runes over I’m not even quite sure what runes are to be honest but um but if it could Bridge everything it’ be pretty powerful um blast chain it has very high TBL but I haven’t heard of one single project that’s on blast I don’t even know if it has a token that’s not even right it’s not safe blast Maybe it doesn’t have a token yeah it’s it’s a L2 for ethereum I don’t hear anyone talk about it is FX safe for us users well you need to use a VPS so right now I know if you use a VPN they’re still open to us residents right but I don’t know if that’s going to last I don’t know how long that’s going to last so I don’t know um and what wallet do you recommend I mean I really like Phantom wallet Phantom supports Bitcoin and salana tokens I really like Phantom I and metamask of course is invaluable um basically Sports Every Chain besides salana um and Trust wallet I think those three are great those are all hot wallets they’re not cold wallets if you want cold wallet still stick with a ledger or treasure but um these hot wallets are pretty darn good these days will algorithmic stable coin ever succeed can iide ever make a comeback sure but I think after you know uh after Luna crashed I don’t know us after us crashed I don’t know if anyone’s going to really trust it I don’t know never used tandem tangum before of weird like out of the blue you know the other thing I looked at is you know from a moon standpoint it is a start of the new moon so I don’t know if that’s what caused it to go down you know I’m looking at the last time we had this you know here’s a new moon right and the day afterwards it started going down um but this one we waited a few days and it went down right so this one nothing it kept going this one definitely a new moon caused to go down so I don’t know it’s inconclusive if a new moon actually causes things to go down that caus it go down normally speaking a full moon causes things to go up but maybe the opposite is happening maybe that’s what explained why Bitcoin went down but you know what overall not to be discouraged we’re basically going sideways okay like I said we recover back up and I said you know what I think the next few months we’re just going to go sideways and hover to 637 Mark and if we do that it’s okay we hover a few months we get ready for the parabolic cycle of this cycle and no one will remember this anymore I have no idea the day Mexi is shutting down us I’m told it’s in June sometime in June they will force kyc and you can’t do it if you’re in the US I don’t know which day is Gemini better than Kraken Gemini is okay I mean it’s a good Fiat on offramp Exchange in the US um I I don’t really use Kraken much so I can’t really comment on Kraken Gemini is pretty expensive though they are pretty expensive they charge a lot of fees uh Jack I don’t think Biden knows who SBF is I don’t think he’s gold parted him uh stop adding me man up up up stop doing that can’t Super Chat I don’t know why some of you guys can’t Super Chat I love to take your money um but yeah I don’t know why you know now you know you know how I’ve been on the on the fence of whether or not I should take delivery of my cyber truck I decide once and for all it’s going to be a no and here’s why because my model X plat I knew tanked in value like just like three months ago I asked for tradeing value and Tesla gave me like 70 $73,000 or something okay which is less than half already and today I asked and it went down from 73,000 63,000 like literally not even Tesla wants their own car back it’s a 2022 xpla no accidents 9,000 miles basically freaking new I paid $155,000 for that car in 2022 and it is now worth $63,000 uh a $90,000 loss in two years because of that I don’t think I will ever get another Tesla again if I am it’s going to be a 2-year-old Tesla um I EVS are just so bad they depreciate so hard there’s anyone that wants anyone that wants to get a EV carard do not get a new one just get a one year twoy old for I appreciate that rivian is going to be the same way Milton rivan first of all is going to go bankrupt and second of all if you no one wants those rivan trucks if you go on and you look at them they have tanked in value all EV cars have tanked in value because basically people that want EV cars have already have it and everyone else do not yes Leen says my husband Mario watches your stream every day I appreciate that yes and and tell your husband Mario no don’t tell him that don’t tell him anything give him a big kiss Auto networking you think vchain will perform in the allcoin season yes and do you think allcoin season will start May 24 um that’s very we’re ready in May so if you’re saying May 24th to 2024 that’s very like particular I don’t know how you came up with that but I’ll just say no but I hope it’s yes yeah the reason why they have gone down so much is first of all Elon dropped the prices um you could get a new X plaid with FSD for like 120 so instantly lost 30,000 and also because there’s EV fatigue people are just sick of EV cars so I don’t think I can I don’t think I could get a cyber truck as cool as it could be like first of all I need to get rid of the X and then I’m not going to lose that much on I’ll just drive it Until It Breaks or give it to my kids when they can drive um but yeah the side it’s going to happen to cyber truck too everyone that paid 100K for it now they’re going to be selling it for 50k in like two years JJ ask why luxury cards before millionaire status A to B Civic are you speak speaking for yourself I don’t know is that why or do you not think I’m a millionaire I don’t know why you’re asking that question um why do you where do you see Jupiter heading in 2024 very very high Jupiter’s the biggest decks on the planet right now according to volume right so they are going to go much higher Unis swap was like three or four no they were tens of billions right right so Jupiter could certainly be up there um you know I’m just curious how high was Unis swap before Unis swap is still 4.4 billion I mean look at that they were at40 something dollars so yeah Unis swap was like 15 billion or something before can Jupiter go up there sure uh CAC Cosmic I’m not I’m not going to look at that not going look at that quain Lee I watch short twice a day for a long time really appreciate it thank you um Pablo says you should get one I saw one in reality today is very cool it is it’s one of the coolest cars I take coolest back it’s one of the most unique cars on the road it gets more attention than any car out there but depreciation and fingers being cut off and FSD not being enabled and everything else that’s wrong with that truck you got to put that in consideration Puja says why are people in the US afraid of kyc because crypto you know a lot of people want to be anonymous second of all it’s not that they’re afraid it’s because exchanges don’t even allow kyc to happen I I got to figure out if I could get my th000 back I don’t think I can get it back Ford GT you know crypto is boring when people prefer to talk about cars come on you should too with the name of Ford GT car 110 it almost sounds like you’re complaining can you give the membership I can’t it randomly selects and I’m out of gifting today I only gift 10 per day no 10 per month wow wow 20 memberships is $100 for gifting 50 membership is$ 250 that’s crazy can you check Soul sex I did I don’t see the big dude deal I don’t know why everyone’s asking about Soul sex why is people why are people looking forward to a centralized exchange on salana when you already have Jupiter Soul sex is just going to allow people to trade salana tokens you could do that on Jupiter already so what’s the difference I I don’t honestly get why so many people are asking about it um are you bullish on xrp I don’t know I don’t know where is xrp 52 [Music] cents what do you think about Ripple well I mean I think it’s too centralized but I definitely want to meet Chris [Music] [Laughter] Larson I don’t know if that made me more bullish or less bullish you guys decide I swear one day I’m G track her down and hire her for one of my parties or meet and greets and ask her what she thinks about xrp and make her recreate that moment it’s funny that even xrp people love the commercial now it’s like ingrained into everyone I’ve have set this standard for for xrp I bet Brad garlinghouse have seen the video and he loves it him and uh and Chris Larson I bet they secretly Play that video all the time she’s older now not as pretty what how old can she be that commercial came out in 20 uh 2017 2018 oh that’s six years ago can you believe that that education video came out six years ago yeah so you might be right about that uh blockchain breakdown George how could I get in cowed combat if I’m in Austin but do not have a consensus ticket are they sold separately yes you could get regular cowed combat to in fact I think they are being sold right now thoughts on ICP I wish I had an educational video on ICP someone needs to find me one so then I can play it as much as I play the xrp educational video I don’t know how old she is now I don’t know how old she was when she made that video Terry says I’m debating taking the risk only having like a 30k bag and selling my point my point my three Bitcoin salana I don’t know if the capital gains will eat me alive yeah I don’t know I have no idea you have to decide man I man I’ve streamed very very long all right guys I’m let you guys go overall Bitcoin may be down right now but it’s not out for sure there are so many great things happening in this space so do not fall for the fud stay strong stay focused and I’ll see you guys usual time tomorrow 8:30 a.m. Central Standard Time have a good one take care oh by the way in case you missed the video the very important educational video here it is [Music] again what do you think about Ripple well I mean I think it’s too centralized but I definitely want to meet Chris Larson [Laughter] [Music]

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    0:00 Intro
    0:38 Market Overview
    1:38 Fed Kashkari
    3:11 Buying Power
    4:34 Grayscale
    5:33 Institutional Holdings
    6:19 Mr. 100
    6:52 Charts
    8:50 Solana
    9:55 Jupiter
    11:06 Render
    13:14 Aioz / Near
    13:57 Eth ETF
    14:40 FTX
    15:48 Q&A

    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.


    1. Goes up 2%, George ; going to moon

      Goes down 2%, George; is BTC about to crash lol

      I guess at least daily swings give him an excuse for content.

    2. George = definition of FUDD. Always spreading misinformation without digging in and doing his due diligence… will just run and go with any story off X 😂 without verifying. Watch the charts people not these clowns

    3. If China is dumping are Tbills is for a strong reason. USD is on the way out. I need to buy more btc! Little by little until i can't no longer afford it.

    4. Cmon George, Biden doesn’t know what day of the week it is but his “handlers” do and ftx was his second largest donor…”he” knows who he is

    5. Can’t wait to see the $CULO comeback. $TD (Big Red) and $TIPS haven’t even pumped those will absolutely soar as well!

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