Attacks on Greta Thunberg Come from a Coordinated Network of Climate Change Deniers


    1. And here I was thinking that there were only trolls and angry boomers attacking her on Facebook. I was better off being ignorant :c

    2. I noticed a Lot of similar comment on the net. Its Always alongside she is Bad because she didnt mention China and india. That is why she is illegitimate and WE should just keep mindlessly consume.
      I really think that is a five Cent Army of the Koch Brothers and big oil in General

    3. arizonatasteslike on

      Climate change deniers are so stupid. Do they think they will “win” a war against the planet?

    4. Take careful note that none of the attacks on her are refuting what she is saying, only attacking her character.

    5. Bottom Line – Climate change is happening … now, we are causing it … now, we should do something about it … now.

    6. Still amazes me that there’s people who think a cabal of scientists faking results and risking their careers is more plausible than fossil fuel industries seeding social media with disinfo and self funded studies to make it seem like there’s actually debate.

    7. I’m just curious, do these people not have children or grandchildren? Can people genuinely be so selfish as to put short term profits above the long term happiness of their children? Won’t this be their home too? Because they clearly can’t be so foolish or so blind, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, to genuinely believe that climate change isn’t ‘real’.

    8. This is why we can’t let it be about the person. This must be about the message, otherwise the deniers will ignore the message and steer all the conversation and energy into a referendum on the person. They win by continuing to run out the clock, their owners take billions more from your and your children’s health and wellbeing. Every time now, like clockwork.

    9. Must be that $100 million+ that the Koch brothers put out to 90+ different climate change denier entities.

    10. What annoys me the most is that they act like she’s a puppet to push an agenda, like she cant think and act for herself just because she’s a teenager.

    11. Interesting to see that so many haters in this thread are all using the same phrase, “using her(or a child) as a shield”… Surely that’s organic.

    12. She is basically saying what 99% of us think… But it is that 1% of assholes who are important but don’t get it…

    13. “a coordinated network of climate change deniers”
      That’s a real fancy way of spelling Republicans.

    14. Imagine you had to argue with a scientist and since you won’t listen you now have to argue with a kid.

      Fucking pathetic

    15. Also r/Conservative posters who have nothing better to do than mock a 16 year old who are smarter and who are doing more with their lives than them.

    16. It’s amazing that they can coordinate a network to organize hate, but can’t coordinate to do a bit of research on the facts.

    17. AlwaysPoundingJill on

      I attended the Heartland Institute’s most recent International Conference on Climate Change over the Summer at the Trump International Hotel to learn more about climate denialism. I met many of the folk mentioned in this article. Truly the scum of the earth. There aren’t many of them, but the massive amounts of funding they receive from the fossil fuel industry allows their voices to be amplified.

    18. When it comes to climate I can’t help but consider this problem as if we were in a Space Vessel.

      If you were on a ship that has serious issues that need to be addressed or all passengers will be killed, and people were actively trying to prevent addressing them, wouldn’t it be best to stop them? Any people not only denying the problems with the ship, but actively preventing others from talking about the problems, proposing new activities for the collective crew that would push the problems towards a catastrophic course despite all rational discourse? Considering this ship has limited resources, we would need to throw them out an air-lock.

      The thing is, we are in exactly this position. The Earth is literally the best spaceship we’ve ever seen, and it’s self-sustaining which allows us create things like prison / jail to stand upon our morals and make decisions in justice. It’s slowly going down though, the reactor is over-heating and we’re going to debate with morons? If they’re not stupid, then they’re evil for pushing against radical changes in a positive direction to stop the ‘reactor’ from blowing.

      We’re quickly approaching use of the air-lock. What good is justice if no one survives? These deniers are wasting time for everyone.

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