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    Precious Metals Intelligence+

    For gold, silver & mining investors — now featuring expanded coverage of bitcoin (BTC) & major cryptos, US & world stock markets, currencies & bonds, and other commodities (oil, natural gas, copper, etc.)





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    Christopher Aaron is senior editor for the Gold-Eagle investment portal:



    Thank you for watching. This channel is dedicated to providing unbiased analysis of the precious metals and global capital markets.



    1. All good and well except for the fact that thete are more important things in life than one's investments …digital currency will be the ultimate enslavement of mankind and I for one will never invest my support towards it by trying to make a buck or a million bucks

    2. Hey Christopher, love your channel, been longtime watcher and enjoy your perspective, I think its awesome that your dipping into BTC, but just one thing mate-
      It's 32,000$ PER Bitcoin, NOT 32,000 Bitcoin lol.
      32,000 Bitcoin, I truly wish was the case… 😅🙏👍

    3. if i would buy 30k worth of gold you will have to give me 2 free 1 oz gold buffalo coins, because i am doing you a favor that is what i said to apmex,, because i can buy crypto and make those 2 coins in 1 day faster than you can ship it to my house, i am doing you a favor since your sales are down 90 percent due to bitcoin and crypto thunder

    4. Yes you correctly predicted in April that btc will go down. However, btc made another higher high late in 2021. Gold mining stocks are down more than 50 percent since last year and have not recovered. So btc is better investment.

    5. Chris, As one of the top CPAs in the area, who drives a BMW and has an in-ground swimming pool with a diving board…
      I want to know what are your thoughts on Shiba Inu.
      We are extremely over-sold on the RSI.
      Is it time to back up the truck?

    6. Excited about your expansion to new sectors, Christopher. It will be incredibly valuable as the metals inevitably increase in value and it's time to re-deploy capital in different markets. God bless.

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