The mammoth container ship Ever Given is finally on the move after blocking traffic on the Suez Canal. The blockage was reportedly holding up $9.6 billion worth of goods a day, and delaying the shipment of another 3 million to 5 million barrels of oil each day. Now that the Suez Canal is slowly returning to normal, how bad are the ripples across the already fragile global economy, and will it further delay global economic recovery?

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    1. China just needs to establish global presence the same way it has infiltrated the real estate market.

      Despite of 25% income tax to foreigers, 15% on non-iccupancy taxes, property taxes, China still thrives on the rental market and pocket huge capital gains and rental income.

      If inject capital investments within a foreign country through investment firms that are run by local Chinese within that foreign country…expand and multiply to hold power just like how Vanguard from UK and Bkackrock of Israel, there will be not only reductions of racism against Asians but China will hold a voice in the elephants' room.

      Quite frankly, China is so annoying. You're playing safe, expecting foreign countries to invest in China while you're boasting to dominate the world. Why would you think it would it well with people who hold power? Naive or stupid or greedy or a combination of all?

      If you can't surpass what the West has developed, then yield and be their bitch. It's tiring to see you can't do what they do while your Arrogance just cause more unnecessary racism in the world.

      No country in the world has the ball to start war, because they know what nuclear-powered can do.

      Now it is the matter to ask if you have the guts to play the cards that they have been playing, if not yield and shut up.

    2. #FREE 🕊️ YOUR HEART 💔 and MEDITATIONS from the grips of your anger 😤 bitterness. The ANSWER to anyone & everyone is ALWAYS LOVE 💗

      Don't fall victim to conspiracies 🐍 that stirs up division. Hate & violence & war is never the answer. Because the #TRUTH 💡 is that we are all brothers & sisters 🤗 Amen

      BRUCE LEE 🐉 was asked if he considered himself Chinese or American. Do you know what his wise answer was?? (1971 interview)

      The world is ONLY trying to keep China ACCOUNTABLE. So am I 🙏

      China broke 🙅‍♀️ their promise 🤝 of two systems in Hong Kong (1997-2047). Everyone knows it 🌍 The whole world sees it. 👁️👁️

      Please China, don't lose face! 😔 TRUST is easy to lose, hard to build…

      If China was HONORING two systems in the first place, there WOULDN'T be any protests. There would be PEACE☮️! The Hong Kong people have 🗣 cried out. Now the world 😭 cries with HK. Please China, don't lose face. I love China 🙏 I want China to be a good character in the world community and show that they can keep their word [integrity]. I am Chinese ✞

      Hong Kong was supposed to be a symbol of China's☀️bright future. Not a reflection of its past🔫(1989). Oppression 🤐 is never 🙊 stability…

      No country is perfect! It's OK to criticize China where they are wrong. Please do… That is why we have 🗣 freedom of speech 🗣. Chinese citizens are forced CCP propoganda 🐍. They have no other alternative than the CCP's narrative. Democracy doesn't want dictatorship. They have no election or voice 😔 #FREECHINA 🙏 and be GENUINE instead of fragile.


      Those who do 👿EVIL likes to hide 🤫🙊🤐 [censorship]

      Those who do 😇GOOD is not afraid for the world 🌍 to see 👁️👁️ [transparency]

      Darkness is scared of the light 🔦 (John 3:20✝️)

      💡 Show us inside the camps??

      💡 Hear from the students??

      *95% of the responses I get resort to insults 🤷

      But insults only describes the person 👈 spewing it
      (Ecclesiastes 10:12✝️)

      I would love to talk to anyone, but let's be REAL please 🙇Uy

    3. normal transit volume is fifty ships/day, today they moved one hundred & forty so the backlog will be cleared up in two days. My understanding there was a three hundred and fifty ship backlog.

    4. Worry not c pac allready set go ,who join will get cheapest and fastest cargo in safe way ,
      Join to win all
      Pk biggest and widest and deep water port can handle any ships.same times of many

    5. Find it weird how a Chinese shipping container that employs Indian personnel coincidently lost control of the shipping container at the most important trade route.

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