CNBC’s Kate Rooney joins ‘Closing Bell’ to report on a good day for the cryptocurrency market and what’s behind the move.


    1. who knows my biggest investment principle is crypto i am making almost 20000 profit per day it is really profitable investment principle for me .Thanks

    2. Most people don't understand the concept of " buying the dip " <buying the dip is all about buying digital assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rises just as the current market is down . Holding is profitable, although trading is far more profitable .I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypto assets early enough, but i was still limited due to my lack of technical understanding of how to analyses the digital market, all that changed when i encountered Mr Josh Dean services, although i have been into numerous services but Josh Dean stands out with experience and expertise playing in his favor .I must confess it wasn't an easy task in learning the routes on trading but with the assistance of Josh Dean, it was more easier to understand. It’s very important to educate yourself before you dive in….

    3. Crypto is fake and designed to rob people of their cash. They are neither real nor stable and should be totally avoided.a friend of mine lost his life savings when Luna crashed and he is still yet to recover. Believe or put your money in any of them at your own peril.

    4. Crypto is another tool to fleece people. They are neither real nor stable and should be totally avoided.a friend of mine lost his life savings when Luna crashed and he is still yet to recover. Believe or put your money in any of them at your own peril.

    5. SHORT SELLERS WILL LOOSE LOTS LOTS OF $$! Retail investors believe market will keep going down. They SELL & start SHORTING STOCKS, Smart money will SQUEEZE those brainless, get their $$. THE NEWS NOW IS NEWSLESS!

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