Where are the experts investing in 2018? Watch as Rick Rule (Sprott US Holdings Inc.), Frank Curzio (Curzio Research), Brent Johnson (Santiago Capital), Nick Hodge (Outsider Club) and Brent Cook (Exploration Insights) discuss what markets they are watching and where they see the most potential for growth.

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    1. New energy innovation will take some of the shine from gas and oil. Right now energy companies are holding back on us and buying up better cheaper energy sources but not using them so they can push the more profitable oil, gas, solar and wind. Sooner or later the real innovation will get by and older dinosaurs will fall by the wayside. if metals are used in new inventions they will go up in value. Right now metals are manipulated by big banks and that could end soon but we do not know when.

    2. Just doesn't seem even remotely rational that any investor, knowledgeable in the capital market or total novice, would continue putting currency into industries ripe with overvaluation and CEOs that are willing to smoke cannabis on the Joe Rogan channel? If gold stocks go down with the market correction, only those with established production will make it. I'm not certain you want to own ANY juniors–capital markets will not be in any mood to lend to anyone. In fact, it looks to me like the Fed is raising rates no matter what the economy and sentiment thinks…

    3. I think it’s good to hold any well selected juniors and mid-tiers for when these things really move. It’s ugly now & will likely get uglier.

    4. "50's and 60's peace and prosperity…" Where the fuck were you on MARS? Korea and Vietnam WERE NOT peaceful… nor was the murder of President Kennedy, which was a coup d'etat on November 22, 1963 and the murders of MLK, RFK, Malcolm X and the riots where our cities were burning! How is anyone to trust a man who speaks so dishonestly?

    5. Wait, at about 2:26 the white haired guy with the beard shows up on the left side, disappears behind the backdrop and simultaneously sits in the chair in the chair right….

    6. The real value of gold is 40% behind paper. 40% of the world economy, 1 ounce is = to 40% of the worlds wealth in a gold based currency, the largest transfer of wealth in history.

    7. They must be laughing at the fish in the audience and their questions, do you have gold, I'm sure these frauds don't. They think there safe with cash, and debt, their having you on.

    8. We work hard we pay into our super, we pay taxes, all the time these shits live off our interest and tell us we don't work hard enough to collect our retirement.

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