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    1. Start pimping kathoeys. You pay the airfare and then make them pay it back through their earnings. You'd basically own them until they can pay the airfare, by then they'll be worn out so you send the fuckers home and start again with new ones.

    2. I'm shorting 20 year T-bonds and USD soon. Let the US market finish correcting before going long. We are sitting on the line of turning into bear market.

    3. I would assume that you are planning to use a broker? Unless you are piggy backing a relative with money's moves. You are unlikely to be satisfied with the results. Recommend that you reconsider and invest closer to $500k. You're putting together the value starter pack which would've been a good idea in the late eighties or possibly nineties. Simply my opinion. I would suggest piggy backing your father or brother if you can get in with them. Research heavily.

    4. My take: Don't buy into stocks at all. It's poised for a huge fall and in reality, due to programmed trading and manipulation, the entire stock market is basically a legalized casino.

      We're entering uncharted waters financially. I'd buy gold bullion as insurance, not rare coins. It's the only truly safe investment as gold is genuine money. Follow history. Fiat currency could be made worth less then worthless due to inflation. Bullion is private. You have to be concerned about the return of the money (value) rather than return on the money.

      I suggest keeping three pieces only, Submariner, Explorer II white face, and please get another Patek Calatrava in yellow gold. The cheap diver idea is good for daily use. In that case, your done!

    5. Time to start a new series AC3. Comedy brother comedy! Where your breitling and the pearl necklace and just let the video's start. Do an impersonation of your old boss etc. Cheers brother and get back to the ocean.

    6. Archie You should go for it, sell everything and take a real shot at the big time.I do not  trade stock myself, I trade GOLD, OIL,FOREX, AND ASIDES FROM THIS WEEK GOLD HAS BEEN VERY GOOD TO ME. AND OIL HAS BEEN LOVING ME LONG TIME

    7. Terrible idea man, worlds going to shit stock markets are held together with smoke and mirrors could loose all that money and whined up with 50 K debt , should go into Charity work like the Clinton's always money to be earned on the people that need the most help right? I Would go down to Bangers and start my own red light district or pimp those bitches to Brisbane and have them sell there's asses here for some Aussie Peso . Could even post videos of the cunts literally through the day for a monthly fee for those wankers that can only wank and not afford full contact , Hell its a goldmine really lol

    8. Stock market is for dreamers. Portfolio fund managers are buying luxury items for investments. You need to setup the Archie fund, 10 year bond, 5070P, 5970P, 5004P. C'mon make it happen

    9. Archie is now leaving the big boys playground…  Archie-  Not a bad plan to enter the market.  However, I would NOT buy on margin.  You could end up regretting that move to the point you wish you had your Rolex President and Sub back.  If you're going to purchase blue chip equities, now is as good a time as any, as you can purchase them at somewhat of a discount.  We will probably even dip lower before things get better…  Good luck to you Archie!

    10. Bad idea Archie a train wreak waiting to happen, will make interesting viewing there phucker I give till Christmas to blow the 50k. Then maybe in 2016 you can do a new series on the Australian welfare system.

    11. Don't invest in anything you don't fully understand.
      you know watches better than most so stick to trading those.
      Unless you're using a managed fund as a retirement savings vehicle you shouldn't bother.

      Crystal ball gazing… investment prices are inverse to yields and with super low interest rates the prices are nuts. low yields say there's bugger all return on your money. Just ask yourself is it worth buying stocks for a 4% annual return just to lose 30% of your capital when the market corrects.

      Stick to trading watches and grow your channel.

      Maybe buy some silver or gold bullion, I suspect that market is more up your alley.

    12. That's a massive mistake, investing in stocks is a disaster waiting to happen. Invest in real estate, not all tenants are bad just use common sense and make sure you check them out properly financially.

    13. You are not going to get anywhere near the bucks you think for those used gold geezer Rolexes, and over sized pearls, that haven't been fashionable in 50 years. You'll be lucky to see 30k for the whole lot. 30k is maybe 22k American, good luck making a killing with that amount of investment money. Keep the watches Archieballs, your plan will leave you suicidally depressed.

    14. You are not gonna make much money with blue chips, Archie boy. And if the blue chips are in the mining sector, which is specially strong in Australia, you might lose your ass because of China´s slower economy.

    15. Good morning Archie, you have now woken up from your stupor. Investing in stocks for a 43 yrs old male without savings may be too risky so consider building a nest egg bond then shares later down the line to reduce loss from stocks or fluctuations. Good idea.

    16. Archie – You would be better off investing in mutual funds with a low-cost brokerage. Buying individual stocks is not for a novice like you and I. I prefer to let the experts take care of everything. I personally use Vanguard, but, I know there are other mutual fund brokers in Australia.

    17. If you cannot afford to have the gold watches or they don't bring all that of joy in your life sell them for cash, but be warned that stock market isn't safe heaven either. I surely won't take leverage to be invested in the stock market unless I absolutely sure I know what I'm doing. Consider investing in equity ETF to avoid micro economic risks.

    18. You know watches. Write about watches, books, articles, SEMINARS because you'll be an Author. You keep divesting yourself of the very told, the calling cards you need. Don't play in the market until you have real money to play with. The investment is YOU and your knowledge, don't you understand that??? BUILD YOUR WATCH BUSINESS, PAUL!!

    19. From a pure financial viewpoint, I'd suggest doing it. I believe in the investment value of watches, but you have a pretty high concentration of your assets in one category. Also I don't think anything is 'blue chip' these days. Do some homework and find some stocks you love.

    20. Invest in an index fund. You're not going to beat the market on individual stocks unless you're an institutional investor. But getting rid of those gold atrocities is a good idea.

    21. Buy National Bank of Canada stock. 4.8% dividend yield. Ticker is NA and it trades on the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange). Or buy any major Canadian bank. Don't do it on margin. Also you won't lose much on the exchange: one Aussie dollar equals .95 cents Canadian.

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