What is the Suez Canal?

    Firstly, the definition of the word canal is, a human-made( artificial) waterway that allows boats and ships to pass from one body of water to another. The Suez Canal is indeed artificial, and allows boats and ships to pass through it. This canal connects the Mediterranean sea to the Indian Ocean, but to get there, you would have to cross the Red Sea on the way. The canal is of high importance, as it is the shortest route from Europe to Asia (vise-versa). Let’s suppose that London, England was to make a trade with Mumbai, India for some items. For London to reach Mumbai without the Suez Canal, it would have to go all the way around the African continent to reach their destination. As you can see here, a ship would have to travel 12,300 miles(19800km) to reach India without the canal. However, with the canal, a ship would only need to travel 7,200 miles(11,600 km), officially making it much faster. As you can see, traveling on the Suez canal saved so much of my time!

    As I’ve mentioned before, the Suez canal is located in Egypt, and is precisely 120 miles away from Port Said( a city to the north of the suez canal, on the mediterranean sea) and to the south of it is the city of Suez.

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