Andy Lipow, Lipow Oil Associates president, joins ‘The Exchange’ to discuss what could bring oil prices down to $65, if he truly believes oil prices will drop to that level and more.


    1. So the plan is:
      Europe will stop buying Russian diesel, buy it from gulf. South American countries that will stop buying from gulf and buy from Russia instead?

      Basically nothing changes then

    2. Can you make a video explaining how beginners can make huge profit within a short period of time? I mean i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making well over $880,000 within 4months of investing $150,000 i just need to know how

    3. will indoa and china be taulght lesson? i would lie idan software people so called engineers away form us and no omports from china. also no student from china, they are the reason china is stealing all the secretts since 1990

    4. End users will be fine, higher rates will force producers selling to hedge cash flow, keeping prices lower making oil’s traders like India think twice about what buyers will pay for their oil bought from Russian companies
      Good job Fed!

    5. Profits??? As an average citizen I'm not happy with prices but glad it has not skyrocketed……if I, a middle-class citizen feels this way then the poor must already be struggling which means the discounted oil is essential for India and it's 1.4 whooping population.

    6. If India and China stop buying oil from Russia, a heart broken desperado will nuke Europe. Believe it or not, India and China are stopping the Anglo-Saxons from turning this planet into a graveyard.

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