This is part 2 of a two-part interview. You can watch part 1 here:

    Matthew Piepenburg, Commercial Director at Matterhorn Asset Management, returns to discuss the Moscow Gold Standard and how it could end the LBMA and COMEX’s gold price manipulation. He also discusses Bitcoin and his gold price outlook with Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News.

    0:00 – Gold manipulation and Russia
    10:48 – Monetary reset with BRICS, IMF
    16:20 – Bitcoin
    20:33 – Tipping point for reset
    24:21 – Gold price

    #gold #bitcoin #russia
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    1. I think all of these markets are in the middle or end of some controlled demolition by high powered individuals. Some people have a plan of some sort. It better not be anyone with JP Morgan corruption

    2. World “leaders” are so socialistic and arrogant you almost want to hope for Russia to change the corrupt system we are forced to experience, including the COMEX.

    3. The only reasonable way to get away from government manipulation of currencies is to have a currency that is both international, not controlled by any government, and controlled by mathematics which limits the supply and has an open ledger.

    4. Owning gold is good. But don't dump your dollars, or even your stocks in high-quality U.S. companies (especially now that these stocks are getting cheaper). The kinds of changes he is discussing don't transpire in a week or even a year. And to the guest's credit, he is tempered in his predictions about if/when.

    5. No Putin is definitely stupid . Russia has been exposed to be a paper tiger and the amount of Russian wealth that has been lost on this senseless war has put the country back decades.

      Everyone has lost from this stupid stupid war .

    6. Although< I have interests in global economics I don't watch the news anymore… I have enough FUD in the crypto markets lol. Thanks for sharing this news and offering your insight on how to navigate crypto during unfortunate times/events like this in your videos. As a new investor, 15 months of trading / investing, I went 95% cash end of June. We cannot predict bottoms, but it was obvious things were getting ready to go down. I don't watch the media but the news that you present gives me just enough to know what's going on without riding the emotional rollercoaster if I were to watch the news everyday. Now I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 10.6BTC from day trading with Craig Zach. Signal in 5 weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.

    7. Everyone saying that this guest is amazing. I have heard this type of talk for 25 years. The only people getting rich off of gold are those selling it, not those buying it.

    8. That was a great informative interview. I have told people in the past that the best way to stay out of debt in an inflationary environment is to make sure you are not in unmanageable debt before the inflation strikes. He gave some great assessments where the market is going.

    9. Michelle will always shill bitcoin.
      She will shill the ponzi coin until it crashes to 3.8k , but even then she will say "this is the opportunity of a lifetime"

    10. Great job BUT btc is not the ONLY crypto with a fixed supply and as you should know, ETH going to proof of stake results in a deflationary asset which many think makes it a harder asset than BTC

    11. Having lived in many third world and second classed countries around the world growing up. (Dad was a engineer). I can't wait for US strong arming of weaker nation's to take loans with b.s. contracts, claiming people's that were savvy as to what's happening in their countries as terrorists. Ect ect. I've grown up seeing the first affected. I can't wait for the U.S. spread of freedom to stop. It's been an era of economic strangulation and sovereign manipulation. Sadly most Americans don't see the front lines of their economic war.

      P.S. Hey you, the U.K you lot have been just as bad in undermining the African continent, and other parts of Asia the U.S. didn't have time to manipulate.

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