The Extraordinary Case of Alex Lewis | Real Stories

    Alex Lewis, father of one, came down with a common cold in late 2013, which quickly developed into septicaemia and toxic shock syndrome. With less than a 3% chance of survival, doctors fought to save him. From arriving back at his family home and readjusting his relationships, to taking his first steps, this film delves into some of the raw moments that shape his days.

    Starting just days after he lost his last limb, the film follows Alex’s incredible journey as he seeks his purpose in life, rebuilds his relationships and reinvents himself.

    Alex Lewis Answers Your Questions (2021):

    For updates on Alex’s story please visit

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    The Extraordinary Case of Alex Lewis | Real Stories


    1. right on!!

      i had reached over for my phone and posted, on facebook…
      "sometimes, we're lucky enough, to be given second chances"

      and then, as i put my phone down.. i slipped off into my coma.

      that was just the beginning , again , for me though.
      the beginning of the best life i could have imagined for me.

      people ask me, how on earth do you manage the pain, everyday?
      I consider the pain part of the gifts that ive received.
      The pain is a constant reminder, of what my option would have been ,
      without it.
      and thats was simply not understanding the opportunities ..
      truly living life….
      has to offer us.

      i realized the moment i was revived…
      Thats all our lives are.
      Opportunities to improve ourselves…..
      or the lives of those around us.

    2. Time & again, looking at cases such as this….make me ponder to the deepest philosophical depths of my mind, to think that the most genuine loveable souls…tend to endure/suffer the most horrid things that life throws at them just like that…for absolutely no apparent reason of punishment. It really make me have a bit of pessimism to think if life is just but random happenstance…no regard to who or how its going to make that random dice throw of circumstance.

    3. Amazing wife!!! Can we just appreciate how blaźe and how much love she has for him… she acts like nothing has happened… I want love like that!

    4. I just watched Alex's story, I'm so sorry for what you went through,it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside,it's what's on the inside that makes you a beautiful person, and God gave you this testimony to tell, God kept you here because he's not done with you yet,your son knows you love him and he will always love you,thank you for sharing your story with everyone,and may God bless you and your family, I pray for all good things for you,and further more you are still a handsome man and you have a beautiful family

    5. I honestly don't know if I'm strong enough to endure what this man and family have endured. They're a revelation and true inspiration for how to endure and overcome tragedy. Thank you for sharing your story. Sending you love from Connecticut, USA. I'm so proud of you and your family

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