Dr. Helen Caldicott – “Th” Thorium Documentary – Gordon McDowell addresses more anti-nuclear arguments.




    1. “The problem is that rich countries can overpay for everything. In the world where most people live (80%), energy is going to bought where it’s economic. So they can buy fertilizer and grow enough crops to feed themselves.”

      What we need is where clean, reliable energy is cheap.

    2. CaptaiinCrunch on

      I appreciate the message that Mr. McDowell is trying to promote; but, dear god can someone please buy him some basic video editing lessons.

      This is an incoherent shambles with rapid-fire jump cuts, painful text blanketing and awkward point progressions. Again I say this with all due respect.

    3. Its been several months since I saw anything new from Gordon McDowell. I think this is a great first draft. Way to go shining a light on anti-nuclear activism. This was awesome.

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