Going Digital features the latest news and insights in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world. Anchored by Daniela Cambone and HIVE’s CFO Darcy Daubaras, they speak to some of the world’s best-known Bitcoin experts on the fallout of FTX and more. Guests include: investor Mark Yusko, Bloomberg’s Mike McGlone, Stansberry Research’s Crypto Capital editor Eric Wade, Perianne Boring from the Chamber of Digital Commerce, Curzio Research’s CEO Frank Curzio, Bitcoin Magazine Pro’s Dylan LeClair, HIVE’s Adam Sharp, Curzio, and Financial Underground founder Nick Giambruno. Going Digital: investing in the future of Bitcoin and blockchain took place on Wednesday, November 30th.

    This event was made possible in collaboration with HIVE Blockchain Technologies and Bitcoin Magazine.

    #bitcoin #blockchain #FTX

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    1. Price Discovery is the real issue! Without real price Discovery in any asset nowadays in markets that can be manipulated up or down through the derivatives Market which is also offered on bitcoin and cryptos now it's just more of the same.. if we want to fix the system we need to fix the price Discovery model! How about a true price Discovery model based on supply and demand of the physical item with no fake paper contracts traded on the sidelines that manipulates price.

    2. I am affraid that Sam Bangman Fried will be chased down by mafia and that he and Caroline will be disapear and then be found dumped in an old oil barrel behind a abandoned factory.

    3. I was Right ! I told you before that you can't see what's coming.
      All the Worlds Evil Gready Criminals will be Removed First as this New World is being Created. You can't stop what's coming, so go with what is best for all Mankind.or Lose Everything !.
      Its going to be Epic.

    4. All this time and effort talking about the soil, the water, and the sun, instead of focusing on the tulip bulbs IMO. Everyone needs to learn hard financial lessons, ouch.

    5. Imagine these guys talking about how low the price of a tulip bulb could go in 1637 😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈👋🏻👋🏻

    6. Definitely a millennial thing buy into some bull Crap ponzi scheme and turn into a quazillionair overnight no work no thought no anything and live and travel for the rest of their days the perfect world according to th Mellenials

    7. ponzi pump/dump creates fomo and convinces the most vulnerable/inexperienced/least-learned sector of population to believe they are onto sth big

    8. Bitcoin or any type of internet based money can be destroyed just as the internet itself could be destroyed.. physical gold cannot be destroyed which is why it is and always will be the perfect form of money.. Bitcoin was an attempt to improve or change gold when that is not what we needed to happen gold is already perfect money it's the price Discovery model that needs fixed.. and Bitcoin did not fix the price Discovery model of gold because just as gold Bitcoin has a derivatives Market attached to the price discovery which are the tools of corruption and manipulation.. end the derivatives market and gold and silver will be perfect money!!

    9. whenever i hear a white dude say he trusts the code, i laugh. as a coder, i know the code is always buggy. i see white dudes are the ones who genuinely believes the pos, while the jews/asians play it as a pump/dump.

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