“Sam Bankman-Fried ran out of runway, it’s similar to Bernie Madoff and also the 2008 financial crisis,” says Max Keiser of the Keiser Report, founder of Bitcoin Capital and Heisenberg Capital. “The regulators really have some answers that need to be filled in, this was the culmination of a multidecade nightmare,” he tells Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. “Regulators are clearly implicated, and the U.S. is a kleptocracy at this point,” Keiser continues. He touts the garnered strength El Salvador has attained over the past year, arguing “the U.S. is on its way down, and El Salvador is on it’s way up.” Keiser claims there has been no damage done to the bitcoin network in the wake of the FTX crisis… “It never touched the network, the hash rate has never been higher.” “The axis of power, the pendulum of power is swinging away from the U.S. dollar and fiat currencies, it’s a new century,” he concludes.

    #FTX #bitcoin #gold

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    1. Ponzi Ponzi Ponzi pumper
      show me the numbers max
      bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin
      pump pump pump
      price does not matter nows the time to buy buy buy
      Nothing to see here just bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin

    2. This guy is delusional. He now sees himself as Salvadorian, but still a U.S. citizen and paying U.S. taxes lol. Belief is a powerful thing until someone else's belief beats yours. Funny money is dead.

    3. Bitcoins price was pumped mainly from shi+coin pump n dump schemes. Bitcoin reverts back to mean and is no longer supported by shi+coins. The wave is over and bitcoin is history. The blockchain technology will evolve into a regulated platform from the central banks supported by government control. The new power is within the BRICS countries backed with commodities and gold, NOT El Salvador.

    4. Bitcoin needs the internet. No? Without the internet, the world and Bitcoin can only fall back to gold and silver.
      The metals gleam in the background always. I have bitcoin. But I also have metals. One must have both.
      I'm not rich. But I want to be able to trade for goods and services within the middle class.

    5. So much for the network last year that may have been true but right now the miners are been sued and going bust .
      El Salvador is in more trouble since it invested in bitcoin and the use of bitcoin in El Salvador has dropped of a cliff. The reason the network is growing is that whales are crating more wallets.
      13 Oct 2022 — The use of bitcoin in El Salvador appears to be low, as the currency has lost about 60% of its value since the experiment started and the …

    6. This guy is full of Sh%T. Hahahaha😂 Tether is never going to fail, and it's fully backed? 🤣 Bitcoin uses loads and loads of energy, and it's actually really good!? 😂 Hahahaha. Bitcoin will be a collectible. Could go to a high price, could go to zero. But it has no utility. This guy got in very early. Probably has a ton of it, that's why he is very bias. I believe there are utility Blockchain coins that will be used in the next financial system. All the maximalists are fud…ing it.😉

    7. It didn't take Edison 5,000 tries to make a lightbulb. It took that many filaments to gauge the one that would BURN OUT! Thomas Edison was a scum-bag that ripped Nikola Tesla off for fifty grand, when money was money.

    8. I disagree that the US is going down because I believe the US Dollar and Eurodollar crisis could be solved with US going to a US World Reserve Cryptocurrency based on a constrained supply and largely the bitcoin code. Global trade “mining” to generate this currency outside debt based economy.

      I’m also a believer in bitcoin and it serving a function as well, but it will take longer to establish it fully than what I propose and a way to move from a debt based global economy to an innovation and productivity based global economy.

    9. 'Hard to get a straight answer out of the flim-flam man, Max Keiser. He used to fight for gold and sliver investing and now that he has discovered something "better", Bitcoin, he feels the need to cast aspersions on real money. That is not a grownup characteristic.

    10. Sad to see Max Keiser, taking BS non sense answers, much better realistic answer you will get from Tracy. Great for you Daniella. Your facial expressions said it all.

    11. EXCELLENT INTERVIEW….. BUT…Got the feeling that you are in Ottawa Parliament and the leader in power avoid a specific question! from the opposition. 🙁

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