Everything you need to know about investing in Silver: A complete guide for beginners and experts.

    Link to sign up for GIVEAWAY: https://kms.kinesis.money/signup/deans523 🍀

    History & Information on Silver: A brief description of silver throughout history and today, it’s value and it’s uses, why it’s 1 of 2 monetary metals, and how it is undervalued and manipulated. Silver is used for the green economy, including solar panels and EVs, as well as in healthcare. 200Million oz deficit in 2022. Apple computers could buy 2 years of the entire silver supply with just their cash on hand.

    Bullion: A comprehensive guide to .999 and .9999 pure silver rounds, coins, and bars of all different sizes from 1oz to 100oz, all different makes and brands of physical silver bullion.

    Constitutional (junk) silver: A guide to Canadian and USA silver currency, back when it was money (silver). 50%, 80%, 90% and 92.5% sterling currency.

    Alternatives: Other barter items and other forms of money. Nickel nickels and copper pennies, silver jewelry, silverware, and even freeze dried food.

    Where to buy: Establishing relationships with precious metals dealers, avoiding counterfeits, and testing to make sure it’s real. Where to start looking for your local precious metals dealer.

    Mining Stocks: A brief overview on how to invest in a leveraged bet on Silver: The silver producers, discoveries, and explorers. No specific recommendations, but a general overview of what is out there to invest in.

    Block Chain Digital Silver: Kinesis offering a private 21st century solution for real money (gold and silver). New debit card allows you to use real money to make purchases online and at any merchant. Buy your cup of coffee with silver or gold, on your phone or with your debit card. Kinesis could be the new Gold and Silver standard, thanks to private enterprise.

    Links to important resources mentioned in the video:

    US Debt Clock: https://usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html
    US Coin Values: https://www.coinflation.com/silver_coin_values.html
    Canadian Coin Values: https://www.coinflation.com/canada/
    Silver Coin Value Calculator: http://coinapps.com/silver/coin/canadian/calculator/

    Sign up with Kinesis, and put your referral code in the comments of this video. Drawing for a 1oz Silber Maple Leaf Coin, and a variety 12 pack of Arkopia Freeze Dried Smoothies. Draw will be first week of January 2023, and winner to be announced on YouTube.
    KINESIS link:
    deans523 is Dean’s referral code. Type your referral code in the comments for your chance to win. Already with Kinesis? No need to sign up again, just comment your existing referral code. 🙂

    Like, Comment, Subscribe and follow Arkopia. We are experts in preparedness, homesteading, sustainability, high efficient construction, passive solar technology, deep winter greenhouses, freeze drying, and small sustainable food production.

    Our website is https://www.arkopia.ca We are the inventors of the Best Selling Smoothie on amazon: Arkopia Freeze Dried Smoothies. We are also a small, multifaceted farm located in Saskatchewan, Canada where we are striving to provide our hyper-local community with food (and flowers), direct to customers off our farm.


    1. #GIVEAWAY 🥈🥤Giveaway at end of video: A 1oz Silver Maple Leaf and 12 pack of Arkopia Freeze Dried Smoothies. Get a free Kinesis account and type your referral code in the comments to enter the draw.🙏✌️May the odds be ever in your favor. 🏹🍀

    2. Try to take a plane to the other side of the world with 500k in silver or gold… Let me know how it goose. 😉
      Also… I remember there was a time a token was backed by gold and then 1 night in 1972 it wasn't any more.

    3. Don't trust anything digital… aka FTX.., unregulated firms can disappear in minutes. Only put in a small amount of cash that you can afford to loose. If too successful government with knock it out…soon digital government currency so too speak…and everyone will be really screwed…

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