I created this video as a follow up to the one I prepared last year on Social Impact Bonds. It is time to examine the ways in which Blockchain could interface with social impact investing to further concentrate power and wealth and exacerbate long-standing forms of global oppression under the guise of philanthropy. This narrative flips the prevailing sales pitch for Blockchain on its head and offers a strong critique of a technology many consider a powerful disruptive force.

    With decentralized identity, we are cuing up permanent records for the masses with potentially disastrous consequences. Is it prudent to place our “trust” in a technology of unknown origin? No one knows who or what Santoshi Nakamoto actually is and whose interests this invention advances. Why would we be so naive as to remake the world’s social and economic structures around this code? What would it mean to live life on a ledger?

    For a slideshare version of this website visit my blog:

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