“Suspected gust of wind’ sends 400m-long vessel into bank, sparking several failed attempts to refloat it.”

    A cargo container ship that’s among the largest in the world has turned sideways and blocked all traffic in Egypt’s Suez Canal, officials said Wednesday, threatening to disrupt a global shipping system already strained by the coronavirus pandemic.

    Read the full story at https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20456-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Huge-container-ship-Ever-Given
    Update 1 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20464-UPDATE-1-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Huge-container-ship-The-first-attempt-to-refloat-the-vessel-unsuccessful
    Update 2 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20465-UPDATE-2-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Huge-container-ship-Video-simulation-of-the-controversial-track
    Update 3 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20467-UPDATE-3-on-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Ever-Given-Photos-and-Videos
    Update 4 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20472-UPDATE-4-on-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Ever-Given-Japanese-owner-apologises-Refloating-efforts-Continue
    Update 5 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20478-UPDATE-5-on-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Ever-Given-Steps-to-free-the-Ever-Given
    Update 6 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20486-UPDATE-6-on-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Ever-Given-Refloating-attepts-continue
    Update 7 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20489-UPDATE7-Japanese-owner-Shoei-Kisen-of-stranded-Suez-Canal-ship-aims-to-free-vessel-on-Saturday
    Update 8 https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20490-UPDATE-8-on-Ever-Given-High-tide-offers-Best-chance-of-moving-Ever-Given-tonight
    Ever Given ship Successfully Refloated in Suez Canal, Video shows her floating
    Ever Given is Finally Free and under way https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20501-Ever-Given-is-Finally-Free-and-under-way
    Suez Canal Reopens for traffic after Ever Given was Refloated https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20502-Suez-Canal-Reopens-for-traffic-after-Ever-Given-was-Refloated
    Timelapse of the Refloating operation of Ever Given and reopening the Suez Canal https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/20504-WATCH-Timelapse-of-the-Refloating-operation-of-Ever-Given-and-reopening-the-Suez-Canal

    EVER GIVEN ship details: https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/EVER-GIVEN-IMO-9811000-MMSI-353136000

    Current position of EVER GIVEN:

    Video copyrighted by: https://www.vesselfinder.com/​ and can not be distributed without an appropriate accreditation with a backlink to https://www.vesselfinder.com/​

    For AIS position data inquiries:

    Connect with VesselFinder Web: https://www.vesselfinder.com/​
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    1. 25 Indians are behind this to block the ship with intentions, currently they are house arrested and under investigation 👍🏼

    2. the "gust of wind" followed the EG only, all other vessels, including Cosco Shipping Galaxy of same size and draught, were not affected and kept their Vmax by an average of 9.0kts. Was the EG going to overtake, a few miles further, those ships ahead?

    3. I see a ship that went too fast. She went up to 13.4 knots and the speed limit in the canal is 10 knots.
      Also, she came close to the eastern side of the canal and likely experienced the banking effect. Getting scared, the captain overcompensated and soon had the same problem on the western side of the canal. After overreacting again, he soon grounded the ship on the eastern shore.

    4. Those triangles look like worker bees swarming around their queen. Meanwhile, the ship that was right behind the Ever Given is wishing he had passed the EG when he had the chance.

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