“I’m pleasantly surprised by the resilience of the U.S. economy, and I’m bullish on the broader economy and equities,” says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. “Increasing interest rates are very bad for the long bond market, and I remain very cautious in the face of higher interest rates,” he warns Daniela Cambone in this edition of Powershift: Outlook 2023. “My fear is that the structure of the U.S. economy is too dependent on artificially low interest rates and liquidity,” Rule continues. “The U.S. dollar is the most liquid and transparent market in the world, and I think the U.S. government is doing it’s very best to blindly wreck and weaponize it,” he asserts. “There’s a political conundrum we have to face five years from now, with the chronic underfunding of pension funds almost guaranteeing poverty,” says Rule . He believes that, “the very volatility in bitcoin that attracted speculators and promoters, reduced its utility as a medium of exchange and as a store of value.” Rule concludes, “You need to be your own regulator. When you believe the big regulators have your backs, that’s the beginning of the end of your fortunes.”

    #federalreserve #economics #2023

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    00:00 Where do we go from here given current inflation levels?
    4:13 Equity market will be bullish and short-lived
    6:37 Rick Rule’s inflation predictions
    8:00 Was 2022 an anomaly?
    12:06 Will the U.S. dollar remain the strongest market?
    16:23 The Fed’s move and the interest rates
    18:19 The rise of the BRICS and whether it’s a concern
    24:46 The performance between gold and bitcoin
    26:16 Rick Rule’s take on the FTX disaster
    31:58 How important right now is it to have cash?
    35:31 Reflections of 2022


    1. Depending on what you spend your money on.. INFLATION IS PROBABLY HIGHER THAN 7.1% FOR YOU! A 7.1% CPI means cash is losing 50% of its buying power every 10 years. If you’re not investing your money, delayed gratification will do nothing to help you financially. Saving your money instead of investing it means your wealth is being transferred to people who own assets.

    2. *venturing, into cry'pto. now should be the first thought in every wise lndividuals list. in some months time you'll be euphoric with the decision you took today..*❇️

    3. If one still thinks that the USA is great and dollar will remain strong, he/she does not know what is going in the world. I am pretty confident that BRICC will finish the dollar pretty soon. Russia will only trade gas on rubles or gold.

    4. I don't understand the demographic argument. The millennials are a bigger demo than the baby boomers and are just now reaching their peak spending years. In other words, they're replacing the boomers in larger numbers, a tailwind wind for the economy. No?

    5. Rick's reflections on 2022 was the best part of this discussion. He said, "Be discriminating…,"
      I hear you Rick and I will do that.

    6. “Adam Smith once wrote that there’s a “great deal of ruin in a nation,” by which he meant that it takes an awful lot of bungling by political leaders to bring down a powerful and prosperous state. Today, New Jersey pols are giving Smith’s thesis quite a test drive. They are steering the Garden State toward ruin at an astonishing pace, and no amount of bad economic news seems capable of deterring them.”

    7. What I like about Daniela is that her guest are always very down to earth. Very real.
      I hope that you will keep these shows coming.
      Please stay safe everybody.

    8. I always watch your videos, and I shared your video links with four friends of mine, I love how open minded you are about investing, I read an article of investors that made upto $500,000 within 2months from options, so please I'd really love more tips and clues on how to outperform the market and make such profit using options

    9. How about saying: I wish you everyone a Merry Christmas!! ?? I don't know about any other holiday then Christmas! And US is supposed to be Christian country!

    10. How you feel about the economy depends on which state you live in. In California house prices have dropped about 9% where house prices have doubled in the last 2-3years. In parts of Florida house prices have dropped less than 1% and prices have held up well. So national averages regarding the economy doesn't tell you about the difference between states.

    11. You need to make a video on how to make 6 figures monthly because I have read about investors making up to $650,000 within 5 months and I really want to know how to outperform the market and make a significant profit

    12. Rick is at such a level of expertise that you can call him a magician!!

      As an economist I’m a student and take notes and try to grasp the global models he is using.

    13. 🕊️ GRATITUDE 🕊️ 'Thank you' ✨☯️✨
      GREAT channel 🎖️ EXCELLENT Share!!
      ' 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸 GOD BLESS 🌎🙏🌎 ' .

    14. Always feel better after listening to Rick after a bunch of gloom & doom economic vids. Like the contrarian stance and watched how true his Uranium position was. I'd like to know it now & what form & geographic location. 🐥♥️

    15. <<The rich stays rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then the poor stays poor by spending like the rich yet not investiing like the rich

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