“Gold miners are up four months in a row, and no other aggregate of any kind has matched that,” claims Carter Braxton Worth, founder and CEO of Worth Charting. “I would consider the last decade for gold rest rather than bear,” he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. “We’re in the camp that the dollar will continue to go lower, but not much lower,” Worth continues. “We’ve seen peaks in commodities, and ultimately there is a reason that 10-year yields aren’t higher right now… it’s because we’ve hit peak inflation,” he argues. “Silver tends to lag before it comes alive,” Worth adds. “Bitcoin’s price has been left for dead, and perhaps it’s reached a level where it belongs,” he says. Worth concludes, “The health care sector has been underperforming since 2015, but it’s going to make a relative new high this year and it’s why I’m long health care.”

    #gold #healthcare #bitcoin

    00:00 How has gold performed?
    9:51 Will 2023 be the first phrase of the gold bull run?
    10:50 How will the U.S. dollar set up in 2023 and its comparison to gold
    12:54 Where will the inflation go from here?
    13:53 Is silver bullish?
    14:19 Where does bitcoin go from here?
    15:09 Top picks for 2023
    20:14 Tesla’s future performance
    21:34 Broader S&P: Will heavy selling come?
    24:29 What should investors do in this environment?

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    1. Nice Video. I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

    2. Gold is inverse trading off the dollar as usual. With $32T in debt it's amazing the dollar hasn't already imploded. CBDCs are the future of fiat money, cryptos will have zero role as money because central governments will always control it. Gold remains the only true fiat hedge.

    3. Glad to see that some people haven't drank the Crap-to Kool-aid or if they did have taken an antidote! There are still so many delusional Crap-to pumpers out there it makes me wonder if humanity has lost its mind! I wonder if there's a correlation between Crap-to Kool-aid drinkers, Vaxers, and the non-Binary crowd? Hope anyone reading this obtains some common sense or help if they buy into the aforementioned! So sad that the only thing that will come out of Crap-to will be all the digital currencies the Fed and other Banks will create that will end up being the last nail in the coffin of Liberty!

    4. Egregious betrayal of bitcoin as "left for dead". Shows his deep ignorance and bias to push gold. I'm here but I've unsub'd. I'm tired of the stansberry shuffle.

    5. This guy honestly gets on my nerves. Not sure what it is about him but I don’t trust he has anyone’s interests in mind but his own. I know that’s most everyone but this guy is off for some reason

    6. The average yearly increase in dollar terms for an ounce of gold over the last 10 years is approximately 11.68%. In GBP terms, the average yearly increase is approximately 8.96%.

    7. It’s funny how insecure metals guys get over Bitcoin. I love both assets and each serve a role and fill in the gaps of each other. Honestly just kills the metal guys credibility

    8. I've been hearing this gold soaring story for the last decade. It is currently at 2012 levels and has not moved an inch. Meanwhile, Bitcoin has eaten its lunch during the same time period and this time will be no different.

    9. Inflation is producing a slew of problems throughout the world, including food shortages, diesel and heating fuel shortages, and housing prices and financial market crash. This global collapse might end up being a part of us for a very long time. With inflation currently at about 9%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

    10. I am the Federal Government ordering All of you under the penalty of law to turn in your gold. 10 years in the pen and a million dollar fine for non compliance. What you gonna do?

    11. It's amazing that you come up with this video when gold has already soared. But you need views so why not right make a video. But some good content in previous episodes 👌

    12. Gold has been captured by the financial system, as everyone buys paper gold. Do you really trust these vehicles actually buying any gold? Total bucket shop.

    13. This was very very interesting and I like Carter's reading and analysis , thank you for introducing him and his work to me, not sure how I have missed him previously. Keep stacking. Thank you.

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