Here’s the story of one of two times we were on the brink of World War III- The Suez Crisis.
    Music by Electric Needle Room.
    All images found in the public domain.


    1. I think this channel is underrated. Or I am just a nerd. I like how this works as a starter before we go deep into the details, like a well-written introduction. Learn a lot, better than watching the news.

    2. What you as a white man call it Suez crisis , it was a big unfair war from three bloody suckers on a peaceful nation and forced my parents to leave our city Ismailia 1st time , but my father went back to ismailia and carried the weapon against the bloody suckers.

    3. One other thing was that Canada joined as part of the UN peacekeeping force, and actually fought against both the UK and France, shocking both countries as Canada never went against the 2 before, and the fact that Canada was also a Commonwealth Country and still did not have full independence from the UK

    4. March2021
      Thank you so much for teaching me! First visit to your channel and had to sub and hit the bell! 🔔
      Just paused an episode from Season two of "The Crown" when this conflict was happening in Egypt. I was curious about it so I came to search, your video popped up first thing!
      I was born in Canada, 1964. I'm sure that this was Big News on our daily Television and Radio Stations as well as in the newspapers while this was going on, I was 3 years old. It wasn't until I was five when I started listening to the news. I remember that I was the news out of the Middle East that upset me so much hearing about their wars it kept me awake at night thinking and praying for peace. Once we started school the closest we learned about the Middle East was when we were taught about the ancient Egyptians!

    5. I always heard that the UK had to obey the US's wishes because they'd owed so much money from the lend-lease act. If true, does that mean Saudi Arabia & China (and whoever else is holding pink slips) can do the same to the U.S. nowadays?

    6. Mr. Beat, where's Mike? How come you didn't mention Mike? So sad, Mr. Beat. So very sad! Mike had a big part in bringing the Suez Crisis to solution, yet you accorded credit to the U.S.. Why?

      Who's Mike? He's Lester Pearson and Mike was his nickname. At the time of the Suez Crisis he was Canada's Minister of External Affairs in the government of Louis St. Laurent.

      There were previous UN 'peacekeeping' type operations prior to Suez, which Pearson based his idea of a multi-national force on. There would be troops from the Eastern and Western Blocs, as well as the non-aligned countries. Nasser was somewhat skeptical since Canada was part of the British Commonwealth, but the plan went ahead.

      Pearson received the Nobel Prize for Peace for his efforts. He succeeded St. Laurent as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and served as Prime Minister from 1963 to 1968.

      Perhaps an update to rectify this slight?

      Pearson also got 'the treatment' from LBJ in his Texas home over the Auto Pact. LBJ uttered something to the effect of Pearson pissing on his rug and he didn't like that. That might make for a great video too!

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