If you are looking for a video related to artificial intelligence (AI) and agency, there are many resources available online. Here are some options you may find helpful:

    “What is Artificial Intelligence?” by Kurzgesagt – In this video, Kurzgesagt provides an overview of AI, including the concept of agency and how it relates to machine learning.

    “The Rise of Artificial Intelligence | OFFICIAL TRAILER” by The Royal Institution – This video explores the rise of AI and how it is changing the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

    “How We Teach Computers to Understand Pictures | Fei Fei Li” by TED – In this TED talk, Fei Fei Li explains how machine learning can be used to teach computers to recognize and understand images.

    “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence | Nick Bostrom” by TED – In this TED talk, Nick Bostrom discusses the ethical implications of AI and the potential risks associated with creating superintelligent machines.

    “AI and the Future of Humanity” by MIT Technology Review – This video explores the impact of AI on society and the challenges we may face as we continue to develop and integrate this technology into our lives.

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