Efforts to dislodge a giant container ship blocking the Suez Canal had allowed its stern and rudder to move on Saturday, but it remained unclear when it could be refloated, the head of the canal authority said.

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    1. It will likely take many months to remove the broken remains of the sabotaged Ever Given. Just like the MOL Comfort, the Ever Given is splitting itself in two at the middle. It's the tide you see… it rises and falls two meters, four times each day. As of Sunday night, it has unnaturally bent and twisted the Ever Given 24 times. Each time it heaves up and down, the force of the current drills the bow and stern deeper and deeper into the sandy banks. There is no equipment capable of unloading it; and there are no tugs powerful enough to rip it out of the sandy banks. The ship is being pushed into the banks by the current. Dredging sand out from under it is a fool's game..

      The crash site was carefully selected and the fatal turn perfectly executed. The attack, and an attack is what it is, has been designed to break Egypt's financial backbone. The billions in foreign debts taken on by Egypt's government five years ago to build themselves a monumental government city far from Cairo will soon be in default. The foreign loans were based on Egypt taking in a steady $3.5 billion a year in hard cash from canal passage fees. I wonder if the Euro banks are still pissed off about Nasser nationalizing the canal back in 1956? I wonder if the Egyptian people will donate their personal gold to support this government? Somehow, I don't think it will play out that way. Nasser was a really charming guy with a big vision. This current president is just a grubby guy taking a percentage on construction contracts. The Crown Vatican Banksters will soon have their precious Suez Canal back in their dirty hands. Gotta admit though, it is a bold plan. I wonder if they would have dared this during Trump's Administration?

    2. Grâce au piège du canal de Suez, Biden et son Deep State accélèrent l’asphyxie européenne en nuisant à la Chine. Ils font surtout pression sur l’Allemagne.

      Maurizio Blondet explique le tout dans ce qui suit : « Qui connaît le calendrier du Grand Reset, qui envisage une “interruption d’approvisionnement” plus ou moins ce mois-ci ; il sait donc, ou devrait savoir que tout ce qui nous arrive est une destruction contrôlée de l’économie occidentale, mise en œuvre entièrement par des milliardaires occidentaux… »

      Faire de la Chine l’ennemi aussi de l’Europe est la stratégie de guerre explicite de l’administration Biden ; pas du tout caché, mais proclamé au sommet d’Anchorage. Pratiquement tous les articles ou services télévisés de ces dernières semaines sont de la propagande anti-chinoise provenant des États-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne.

      Eh bien : notre lecteur boit de la propagande comme un enfant, il se sent déjà abîmé « par la Chine », il a choisi son camp, la guerre, la guerre, la guerre à Pékin. (…)

      Selon l’Institut de Kiel pour l’économie mondiale (IfW), 98 % des porte-conteneurs traversent le canal de Suez lorsqu’ils se déplacent entre l’Allemagne et la Chine.

      La République populaire est le partenaire commercial le plus important de l’Allemagne depuis des années, avec un volume commun de plus de 212 milliards d’euros l’année dernière.

      Environ 8 à 9 % de toutes les importations et exportations de produits allemands transitent par le canal de Suez. (…)

      La congestion des navires causée par le blocus du canal de Suez coûte cher à l’économie allemande.

      L’industrie chimique et les ingénieurs en mécanique mettent en garde contre une perturbation des chaînes d’approvisionnement, déjà sous la pression de la pandémie de coronavirus.

      Même si le porte-conteneurs « Ever Green », bloqué mardi, flotte bientôt à nouveau et que l’importante voie navigable redevient navigable, les logisticiens s’attendent à des semaines de problèmes dans les ports allemands.

      Les affaires avec le plus grand partenaire commercial de l’Allemagne, la Chine, seront probablement particulièrement affectées.

      Cette augmentation avait considérablement augmenté récemment et avait aidé l’industrie tributaire des exportations à sortir de la récession de la couronne. Mais la plupart des livraisons se font par le canal de Suez.

    3. Because of the grounding of the ship oil prices will Skyrocket along with the cargo that these ships transport causing a economic crisis throughout the United States and Europe

    4. Another Cabal planned crises! Diggin' & tuggin' & dredgin's not working huh?!
      A cluster muck of a bunch of college educated jack asses, so damned smart that they forgot the basics & common elementary sense! "THIS" ol'man @71, (an uneducated) guy can unstuck this vessel! I'll do it for a 3rd., of ($$$$$$$$$$$!) their cost & U.N. / OPEC sanctioned promise to drop oil prices in half for 25 years!! (Negotiable?)
      Just get me there! Get the damned existing compatible machinery, its ancillaries, tech & bodies available to do this & get back normal! I'll have it movin' in 24 hours, or so! But, those damned environmentalist may object to the process! However; the canal ecosystem will eventually recover! Here I am….!

    5. The easy solution to dislodge this ship. First bury explosives deep beneath the bow of the ship, say 10 meters into the sand. Second step have tugs ready to pull after the explosion turns the heavy sand into a slurry. In that 10 second window the ship will move. Repeat if necessary. Someone much smarter than me can work out the mathematics on amount of explosives and depth to place them. Remember the oil well fires after the gulf war. The thought was it will take years to put these out! Then someone came up with the dynamite blow out. Eureka.

      Your welcome.

    6. Talk about taking the mic out the mics haha and wind did mmm may have played a part guy took his eye off the ball suits more guess well never know money talks and all that

    7. Telling the world that 30MPH wind moved 220,000 tons cargo ship that is 2x size of US super carrier is lie by Japanese. Can mouse move an elephant? LOL Why is it always ships made by China and Japan always cause trouble every year. Now stopping the world trades.

    8. No. Let it stay there. The world needs to learn to stop being slaves for globalism and international finance for once and start to learn how to be self reliant. Bananas and iPhones are a small price to pay for national sovereignty.

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