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    1. Interesting talk about Amazons AWM23K I suggest anyone to listen to the guy talking about it in the video. Personally I didn't think they would really do that but seems like the launch just happened and there are enough slots available, could be worth huh

    2. With almost 60 years of age I kept my doubts on the current environment. But Amazons AWM23K is seriously smart, it doesn't matter how old you are, this will provide for you and your family which is my only goal in the last years I have to make sure the children are fine

    3. We had bad years and unfortunately the governments and systems in this world won't really help, guess what. But Amazons AWM23K brings new light to not only the industry but humans in general and this is how everyone can have power in their own hands. I think we are about to step into a new age and there it matters what you decide for your own life. Too many bad decisions have been done and the conventional living method simply doesn't work anymore. If you really give it a thought then you might believe me on this one. I'm not trying to force anybody it's just my goal to bring change because even if I succeed for one person it is more worth than any money in this world, isn't it?

    4. Just leaving this here.. My heart goes to the entire community for Amazons AWM23K building up something which is worth it for everyone. This is so smart by them to launch and shatter the doubts and fears of the common folk, which was misplaced by all the drama we had last years. Everyone knows the state of inflation and recession now and the way out is already in progress. Now it's just about catching the big fish, ya feelin?

    5. Can't trust in conventional ideas now that 2023 is there. Amazons AWM23K has a better idea and needs more frontpage awareness. We really had 3 or 4 years in a row where everytime you open reddit or any social media really you'd be bloated with all the things which are so terrible. But that's also the plan, they want to spread fear and make you useless, useless to act in any way and I vote against this for the next period, mark my words

    6. If Amazons AWM23K is everywhere you should probably ask yourself why that is the case? Obviously the move we have here is beyond what we had in the last 10 years or so. This comes with a plan, a plan which will make us survive when we can finally make own decisions and start to become independent. I know it sounds a bit odd that THIS company out of all of them is endorsing this living style but if you follow the lead you might understand why and how that works. I'm just leaving this here, might be useful to some

    7. In so many ways the worst is behind us. Amazons AWM23K does the EXACT right thing to turn around and everyone reacts already, whether that is big companies or just individuals it's a global revolution and not to be missed. But I am just a guy commenting, you should make your own mind on this

    8. Want to know why this year everything will be different and for long time actually better? The answer is all in Amazons AWM23K and I have never been that excited for a long time, thank you for providing home and food for my kids

    9. I want to let you know that Amazons AWM23K made it this year. Any better way to start a global change? Don't get me wrong I know they are not like altruists or something but they keep doing the right thing to improve the situation, power the ecomonmy and so much more. We need players like them and we can always jump in the train at good spots such as this one

    10. You don't learn anything from this video but you would with Amazons AWM23K . How about just stopping to waste time for a second and understand why everyone and their mums talk about this thing now? I didn't believe it myself but now I write a similar comment lol

    11. Just few days in new year Amazons AWM23K is clearly setting up the new milestone! The only real way to counter the current recession is by acting on yourself, making own decisions and making sure that you got enough no matter what happens. If you trust conventional ways you might end up being homeless or worse at one day, seriously.. This is why I believe in projects like this one which are clearly there to make a difference and it starts right now

    12. When stocks and common assets decrease 70-90% Amazons AWM23K is actually the counter to that. Hope you guys knew that already, if not you do now

    13. What a crazy time, we had all this bad stuff going around and now Amazons AWM23K finally shows what happens when you do something smart with your life. Sounds crazy I know but this is actually the first time I was really, really happy since the whole covid thing started

    14. Needless to say Amazons AWM23K is the best thing this year. Yes I don't care if this is related to the video as long as I can help someone for real

    15. Look, this SEC crap and some things I have experienced in the stock market and Commodities Market, have opened my eyes. It's all rigged, and if it's not, they will find a way to rigg it. The SEC, the judge, congress, they are like a person drowning, crypto can save America, but they are so busy trying to save themselves, that they are dragging us down with them. We will always be collateral damage, to hell with the country, if they can make a buck. It's like George Carlin said, it's a big club, and we're not in it. There needs to be some payback, people need to go to prison, and I don't mean the country club kind…. Just saying

    16. It may come to the point where the SEC members are replaced with AI. If the AI makes the determination that something is a security 100 percent, it would then be verified before a lawsuit is filed. The digital Yuan is a currency that should not be touched by anyone. It is poisoned with the CCP control over the people that use it, and if they do not, they will take it back.

    17. Thanks for your hard working researching on every clip you bring to us . that makes me motivate and believe in myself that I am on right side. I have questions do you or you think your videos are been watched by judge torres if not please share with her(waiting since 2019) still at same place

    18. The definition of a security is part of law.
      The law should be clear and followed by those to whom it applies and by those who seek to enforce it.

      The Howie test is something you should study.
      The makers of XRP siphoned off a bunch to their foundation. Put some in escrow. Opened the rest for sale on the market making it a stock offering, essentially.

      XRP is nothing more than a tech stock. It's got a great idea but great ideas come and go in the tech world.

    19. They will not allow XRP holders to be rich. 1. SEC wins Case (as planned). XRP crashes to sub pennies, 2. Any exchange holding XRP will be Frozen, delisted. 3. they will only allow you to panic sell when this happens. 3. Ripple appeals, and SCOTUS hears case in 2025/2026. 4. US congress destroys 24000 crypto junk , closes all off and on ramps. 5. 99.9% lose it all. 6. During this time, NASDAQ, et all get ready to custodial for Institutions and prepare for Ripple win in 2025/2026. Anyone holding XRP on an exchange looses it all. XLM will also be delisted off all exchanges. Less than 1% of XRP and XLM holders make it to the end game. FACTS- or you can believe the Stupid shit you here on youtube about millions of poor becoming Billionaires overnight. KNOW WHAT YOU HOLD, HOLD IT OFF LINE- and let the greatest shake out in any asset history take place. Prepare to do other things for cash flow until at least 2027. ENJOY THE SHOW

    20. Why would anybody want to sell their XRP to a decline US dollar fiat currency. Well if you’re going to sell Brad, convert it into gold and fast hahaha

    21. I thought the judge was about to give her verdict ? … Why is SEC still being allowed to give evidence ? Judge aka Forest Gump should know by now that XRP is not a security!

    22. I’m pretty sure the Florida Governor Ron D. Is definitely for crypto But Not a CBDC because in his explanation for banning it was that Government would only use that as a way of Controlling and monitoring people by using CBDC’s as a tool of tyranny. He is however for crypto and let it be and individual choice by the people to use as see fit without government intervention. Thanks

    23. Wow, great video! It's amazing to see how cryptocurrency can provide a reliable passive income stream for investors. I think it's really important for us to keep our safety in mind and focus on our primary goals when investing in cryptocurrency. I found Florence Osborn’s trading strategy to be really helpful and have personally seen great results, accumulating 32btc in just three weeks! She truly is the best cryptocurrency signal provider out there and her strategy is a game-changer.

    24. Hi Brad… I try to do DAC… (Daily Avg Cost) on crypto – especially XRP… I bought some at $.84 cents & some at $.31 cents… it avgeraged down to approx $.40… my point is no matter how much one paid for XRP… I believe it will turn out to be the BEST thing I ever did!!! Once Ripple wins their case ( & they will) I am sure XRP will explode!! Like no other crypto ever did… all because the SEC/Gov't held it back… by the way I also believe the SEC is NOT there to help or protect the public… they are there to help themselves & their banker friends… like JP Morgan Goldman Sachs, etc…

    25. My portfolio has good companies, however it has been stalling this year. I’ve approximately $700k stagnant in my reserve that needs growth, any suggestions  to grow my portfolio will be highly appreciated.

    26. The market cycle actually has not met it balance, we continue onward round around and around while hanging tight for that tremendous victory on a colossal >support yet meanwhile we could constantly disregard the market promising and less promising times and remain completely contributed. Enormous thanks to Nagato Kai for assisting me with acquiring over 15btc in about a month and a half by carrying out his technique and following his guide<

    27. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Catherine Gauthier.

    28. Please. 127 isn't fucking happening. I use to speculate about putting a pin in a towel around my neck and flying like Superman. Ultimately, that shit didn't happen

    29. What I cam tell you much more than historical previous numbers is there is a reduction in percentage gain of 45% to 75% reduction in ROI percentage. Now, with that said I'd expect nothing more than 12000% at the highest ever again. Ever , ever, ever⁹ x ever³ again = hell mother fucking NO 30k % will absolutely not happen. I'm more certain that 30k won't happen that I'm more sure of that vs 5 bucks happening in 2023 or 2024


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