Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi oversee, via video-link, the signing of a deal on financing and construction of an Iranian railway line to facilitate regional trade.

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    1. Персия – старейшая цивилизация с богатейшей культурой. Persia is the oldest civilization boasting amazing cultural heritage.

    2. تبریک به کشورم ایران و کشور قدرتمند و مستقل روسیه ❤🇮🇷🇷🇺❤😀

    3. Both this and the opening by Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers fleet of the Northern route via the Arctic Sea are truly historical moments. Our children shall read about them in their history books. May this Russian-Iranian partnership benefit both countries and the whole region!

    4. Isn't it just good when nations exercise good relations to help each other to benefit their citizens and those concerned with positive productive undertakings. Unlike some sort of Western provocation lined with supreme monopolization.

    5. This is great news. The Egyptians are a bunch of untrustworthy people. The blockade of Gaza tells us that. With the coming conflict on the flow of the Nile let their Zionist friends colonize them.

    6. usa chce nas wepchnąć do wojny z Rosją. Pamiętamy o tym jak Naród Irański opiekuje się polskimi cmentarzami wojennymi, i nigdy o tym nie zapomnimy. W Polsce są ludzie którzy rozumieją nadchodzące zmiany, które są dla wszystkich Narodów Świata nadzieją. Jesteśmy amerykańską kolonią, pod okupacją ekonomiczną korporacji zachodnich. Dziś toczy się wojna o nowy porządek Świata, a to jest kolejny krok w obaleniu tyrani usa. Niech Bóg błogosławi WSZYSTKIM WOLNYM I NIEPODLEGŁYM NARODOM ! from Poland.

    7. Mr Putin wasn't aware that thumbs up is a very vulgar gesture in Persian culture. After living in the west for so long I sometimes forget myself.

    8. Hehehehehe and USA just announced that they will build a railway track from Saudi to India. Like typical American style…talk, talk, talk.

    9. Heartwarming to experience this 🇸🇦🇮🇷💓 A model for the World to observe, and learn what diplomacy can accomplish when both hearts are in the same place 💕🕊️

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