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    1. China is manipulating 3rd world countries and the global market to the point of default, this is the war being fought rn…and nobody is paying attention

    2. I know I'm an idiot but if you were to receive an outright win why would you ever have a settlement? It seems the assumption is well both sides are going to win. B.S. It IS or ISN'T a security. No settlement afterward. If they dont get the win they want here, this goes to Supreme Court.

    3. Egrag Crypto says XRP will either go up or go down. PURE GENIUS !!!!

      The price of XRP will be determined by outside influences like the outcome of the Court case, not by intersecting lines on. Chart.

    4. US put Saddam Hussein in power when he served US purpose. what happened to him when he did not suit US? Got screwed and robbed royally. US is not a royal friend. The world economy and geopolitical problem is caused by failed US fake money and foreign policy. The world moving away from US toxic relationship is the best for the world.

    5. When stocks and common assets decrease 70-90% Amazons AMZK22 is actually the counter to that. Hope you guys knew that already, if not you do now

    6. Needless to say Amazons AMZK22 is the best thing this year. Yes I don't care if this is related to the video as long as I can help someone for real

    7. Alright it took me a bunch of hours to consider everything but I see nothing else performing like Amazons AMZK22 for real

    8. I don't know about you but I think we should all spend some time to really think what we'll do this year. Amazons AMZK22 is a strategy which can give sustainability and avoids bad decisions. Even if you only use that for cheaper groceries it's already better to run with it than against it

    9. Think about if you could have your own fate which is possible with Amazons AMZK22 . What do you think happens after inflation? I am sure they will keep living cost high and even if the whole war finally gets to an end that still doesn't fix anything for us. Truth is we are getting ripped of every day and there's not much to do about it except for using the projects which actually HELP

    10. What a crazy time, we had all this bad stuff going around and now Amazons AMZK22 finally shows what happens when you do something smart with your life. Sounds crazy I know but this is actually the first time I was really, really happy since the whole covid thing started

    11. In so many ways the worst is behind us. Amazons AMZK22 does the EXACT right thing to turn around and everyone reacts already, whether that is big companies or just individuals it's a global revolution and not to be missed. But I am just a guy commenting, you should make your own mind on this

    12. The whole world is affected by Amazons AMZK22, if you don't know why that is happening right now you should really just spend the bit of time to understand that. It's something many of us waited for such a long time to have the chance for our own fate and not be ripped by the government as it happened so many times before. This is real, it's why I post even risking my account, I'm not a bot

    13. Just few days in new year Amazons AMZK22 is clearly setting up the new milestone! The only real way to counter the current recession is by acting on yourself, making own decisions and making sure that you got enough no matter what happens. If you trust conventional ways you might end up being homeless or worse at one day, seriously.. This is why I believe in projects like this one which are clearly there to make a difference and it starts right now

    14. If Amazons AMZK22 is everywhere you should probably ask yourself why that is the case? Obviously the move we have here is beyond what we had in the last 10 years or so. This comes with a plan, a plan which will make us survive when we can finally make own decisions and start to become independent. I know it sounds a bit odd that THIS company out of all of them is endorsing this living style but if you follow the lead you might understand why and how that works. I'm just leaving this here, might be useful to some

    15. 2023 is really surprising me now that Amazons AMZK22 hit the road. After all these years of barely reading anything good I was usually just shutting down any type of media influence as much as I can but this brings back good lights and it should give hope to some of you that no matter what is going on in the world at the end something good comes to surface

    16. Want to know why this year everything will be different and for long time actually better? The answer is all in Amazons AMZK22 and I have never been that excited for a long time, thank you for providing home and food for my kids

    17. It's true I kept my doubts on the current environment. But Amazons AMZK22 is seriously smart, it doesn't matter how old you are, this will provide for you and your family which is my only goal in the last years I have to make sure the children are fine

    18. I want to let you know that Amazons AMZK22 made it this year. Any better way to start a global change? Don't get me wrong I know they are not like altruists or something but they keep doing the right thing to improve the situation, power the ecomonmy and so much more. We need players like them and we can always jump in the train at good spots such as this one

    19. Best bet on Amazons AMZK22 to become the most talked asset this year and it has a real chance to do good. Not just for itself but more in a general sense of good. We need things like this to stand against all the leechers taking money from us and making our living conditions worse every year. This year can be a turning point and this is exactly step number one to accomplish that. Let's go

    20. We had bad years and unfortunately the governments and systems in this world won't really help, guess what. But Amazons AMZK22 brings new light to not only the industry but humans in general and this is how everyone can have power in their own hands. I think we are about to step into a new age and there it matters what you decide for your own life. Too many bad decisions have been done and the conventional living method simply doesn't work anymore. If you really give it a thought then you might believe me on this one. I'm not trying to force anybody it's just my goal to bring change because even if I succeed for one person it is more worth than any money in this world, isn't it?

    21. I was sure last year would end terrible for me but I think Amazons AMZK22 is spot on with what they do and how they do it. Can't say for how long it's going to work and for sure it is overyhped right now but even if just half a year or something it would be smart to ride the wave and then jump away eventually, but the reason why this is smart right now is because it's so cheap, won't ever find a better entry than now

    22. You don't learn anything from this video but you would with Amazons AMZK22 . How about just stopping to waste time for a second and understand why everyone and their mums talk about this thing now? I didn't believe it myself but now I write a similar comment lol

    23. Can't trust in conventional ideas now that 2023 is there. Amazons AMZK22 has a better idea and needs more frontpage awareness. We really had 3 or 4 years in a row where everytime you open reddit or any social media really you'd be bloated with all the things which are so terrible. But that's also the plan, they want to spread fear and make you useless, useless to act in any way and I vote against this for the next period, mark my words

    24. What a statement, damn. So it's said that Amazons AMZK22 is just about to launch and I think that will really change a lot of what was happening in the previous years, 2023 will shine yay

    25. The year began and something is already making it better than the entire 2022. Amazons AMZK22 came out and it's such a great thing no matter where you come from. Everyone can participate and it is making many things easier than they have been. For example I live in France and this is something no one else could do for me here, if I just keep sitting on my toes for the next 5 years I'd simply go broke, now I can change that.

    26. Can't trust democrats to improve 2023 in any way so Amazons AMZK22 was a logical and smart decision to put the fate at my own hands. I suggest anyone spends at least 5 mins to understand why I did that and take a look yourself, you can thank me in 5 minutes then XD

    27. Just leaving this here.. My heart goes to the entire community for Amazons AMZK22 building up something which is worth it for everyone. This is so smart by them to launch and shatter the doubts and fears of the common folk, which was misplaced by all the drama we had last years. Everyone knows the state of inflation and recession now and the way out is already in progress. Now it's just about catching the big fish, ya feelin?

    28. Interesting talk about Amazons AMZK22 I suggest anyone to listen to the guy talking about it in the video. Personally I didn't think they would really do that but seems like the launch just happened and there are enough slots available, could be worth huh

    29. I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Mrs Elizabeth Wesley

    30. I find it fascinating how crypto prices can fluctuate so drastically in such a short amount of time. It's a testament to the volatility of the market and the unpredictability of investor sentiment. However, I believe that these fluctuations are simply part of the journey towards mainstream adoption and eventual stabilization. Despite the risks, I remain bullish on the potential of cryptocurrencies to disrupt traditional finance and usher in a new era of decentralized transactions. Recent volatility makes it impossible to predict bullish or bearish trends, and trading success depends on the pattern and signal source. Kerrie Farrell tactics have helped me increase my portfolio by six figures in just a few weeks, and her daily trades provide valuable information beyond just advice.

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