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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. We have been on a recession since the beginning of 2022, but big media and governments all over the world didn’t want to admit it. We need to be wise and use our brains. Knowledge is power and I’d like all the family to be powerful! Just purchased some AMQ900E Thanks for keeping us informed during this times of doubt?

    2. New week up as many FOMO in. But the AMQ900E story isn’t over yet. The only strat that works under all circumstances is DCA all the time with solid, large companies (not hyped ones).

    3. Now that Amazons AMQ900E is around it's all about the question when and how much. I prefer this over ATOM, ALGO, L2 based ones and whatsoever

    4. Can't deny the fact that Amazons AMQ900E is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    5. FATF ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING PROTOCOLS, is only about fiscal and identity capture, it's only prerogative is to capture people's financial capacity, the UN needs to know who has the money, and place them under extraordinary scrutiny, if Japan submits to this unelected body to illegally report counts with their identifies, they don't have a sovereign country anymore, what they have is a satellite state of the NWO, they will be committing the crime of divulging personal information without warrant or without cause.

      Technically and authentically FATF required legislation and requirements is accusing all individuals regardless of criminality or not that they are committing a crime by non-compliance, in other words you are guilty of a crime and you have to prove your innocence.

      Anti money laundering protocols are for criminals not Innocent individuals trying to maintain their anonymity.

    6. The video is played every week for more than a year by the bearable bull… too bad I watched your video to see this video for the 300th time. Same video that got crypto Lewlew into xrp… good vidéo but I got it the first time!

    7. When the giant rises from his slumber and begins his trek across our country, his steps will span miles. The older system will fall from the rumblings of his footsteps, then be trampled under his feet.

      "One coin to rule them all. One coin to find them. One coin to bridge them all and on the ledgers bind them." XRP!! ONE COIN TO RULE THEM ALL"

      XRP Las Vegas 2024!!!!
      Cheers will be heard.
      Stories will told.
      Poems made into songs 🎶, platters of food devoured, and many tankards emptied 🍻for VICTORY is OURS!!!!

      In Vegas, we will SUCKLE ON THE ENTRAILS OF OUR DEFEATED VICTIMS!!!!! (steps out of character) Ummm. Never mind this last part.

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