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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. it's okay, the market has been very tough recently and you did your best. i'm starting to think about selling all of my coins for tether ans AMQ900Enow too

    2. I'm DCAing in AMQ900E as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

    3. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on AMQ900E is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwoven into the entire crypto ecosystem

    4. Slimey Goldman Gary is going for the money grab ! Get as many lawsuits filed then when the ripple case decision comes down they can move to settlements and cash in ….

    5. The inflation is real We are far very from the bottom, But we also need to talk about Amazons AMQ900E as a gamechanger where we can avoid most of the losses. This is not a joke guys, this is the only chance this year gives!

    6. When I started the crypto process in 2017, there were few youtubers I trusted and you were one of them. This video confirms my impressions. As for me, I continue to DCA AMQ900E.

    7. If at some point, we cannot buy XRP or cryptos in the USA, then hopefully, we can buy XPR and cryptos from Britain or other countries.

    8. Great content and I thank you for breaking it down!! Even with the current crypto dip, I’m still Glad 😊I can smile back at my portfolio of $82,700 made from my $6k weekly trade within a short period.

    9. "Not the style of Ledger to take Customers by Surprise" 😅😅😅😅 I was completely Surprised when all my information got leaked and now this!! Not gonna happen again.

    10. Ripple is out of the US of A…. Crypto is finished In America… the Biden administration kids and his dementia will make sure it fails there!

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