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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. Can someone explain the math to me like a child on how it CAN’T get to 4-5 digits? & before you say XLM, note that the disparity between institutional & civilian money is like a 90/10 split

    2. Until every American stops seeing sides in our government and realizes they are working together and the show they put on sides fighting sides is great acting. We the people who are saposed to be one are separated just like the group that rules us wants us to be. It's we the people, right?? Only then can we see the path forward for digital assets. The fud is deep, diamond hands

    3. Thanks for pumping out the info. I believe this is a new step in the evolution of information distribution. The xrp army is inadvertently participating in the decentralization of information. And you content creators are leading the charge for common folk. Much appreciated

    4. Not selling til high two digits and then only 2%…..we set our DCA at .50 on XRP at the moment were under but believe in XRP to buy the dips under.50.. ☮️💜🌞🎶🎶 XRP the standard

    5. Show EVERYONE those emails 📧 from prior S.E.C. {and current} Commissioners! ~ i for 1 & all, am very curious. Ethics? ~ Insider Market Manipulation in favor of ETH? ~ We deserve to know!?

    6. If we are all accredited investors, nobody is an accredited investor. Why not just eliminate accredited investor status altogether? Only that would level the investing playing field. Otherwise the little guy is relegated to Las Vegas casinos. That is precisely where the big boys want them because the presence of retail investors is necessary for purpose of executing pump and dumps.

    7. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Karen Gauvin’s innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    8. Only Wixpool offers good returns from investments in DEX platforms on reliable networks like Bitcoin. And I don't see the point of working with risky assets…

    9. I don't understand why people watch all these Fibonacci levels and stress themselves out with trading when they can just deposit coins in reliable projects like Wixpool!

    10. If the Accredited Investor test runs concurrently with the old Pay to Win system then the SEC is just going to make the test impossible and use it to continue to gatekeep.

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