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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. organize a rally at the White House im in my son is out of school in a week time for a road trip to the White House xrp army to represent

    2. Damages are in the trillions, just look at how the powers that be have extracted trillions already from the entire market

    3. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Francine Duguay's innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    4. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about Binance before hearing the case because we don't like the messenger. Could be some legitimate fraud going on there. The timing just smells. Going after Coinbase however after they've gone above and beyond to try to make things work with the SEC even after the successful IPO is indeed shady. Perhaps the path that UPHOLD took acquiring a FINRA registered company as a back door way to get registered as a broker dealer would have backed the SEC off. The SECs biggest premise right now against the exchanges is to say hey… you guys didn't come in to register (even though there's no true path to do so) oh and by the way these coins/tokens on your exchanges are securities smh. So slimey.

    5. Gary goldman Gensler is like Hitler's love for the Jews in regard to America's crypto industry. Put the man in prison! He is the worst thing to ever happen to fintech!!
      He and fauci are cut from the same mold, little rats with Napoleon complexes with evil intent!

    6. Maybe I just see things for how they should be seen, but I can't understand how gensler keeps getting away with this ridiculous bullshit*t!? There are no crypto regulations, and they have never been classified as anything, so how can anyone be accused of not following non-existent regulations?! The fact that the courts keep allowing it should tell you plenty.

    7. Well I do not like SEC but i made lots of money from them suing Ripple. Because of that case, i was able to buy a nice bag at 0.19 and sell it at 1.67.

    8. BIS warns of $100 Trillion Black Swan? Truth stranger than fiction?🍿

      Why are central banks buying gold at an accelerating record pace? Babylonian fiat debt-based paper money Magick system about to suddenly end in a cascading Liquidity Crisis? Biblical??

      ISO GOLD: Ripple/XRP to the Rescue!

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