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    DIGITAL PERSPECTIVES EMAIL: digitalperspectivesnews@gmail.com

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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. Can't deny the fact that Amazons ALD100X is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    2. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on ALD100X is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwoven into the entire crypto ecosystem

    3. I DCA'd into ADA, MATIC, and ALD100X even though I told myself I was going to wait until I get paid but I couldnt resist, these prices are too good to wait!

    4. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Francine Duguay's innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    5. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Francine Duguay's innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    6. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Francine Duguay's innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    7. With exceptional potential, XRP stands out for its unique technology and prospective institutional adoption, as highlighted in the accompanying video. This has stoked my optimism. The prospect of its value reaching millions per coin, together with the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership, could bring about a sea change in the crypto world. I am closely following its development. Furthermore, my investment journey has been markedly enriched by Francine Duguay's innovative strategies in crypto trading, which have consistently delivered returns six times greater than potential losses in both bullish and bearish markets. Keep a close eye on the advancements of XRP in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

    8. I’m old enough to know governments and organizations steal tech.
      All these places doing things that resemble xrp.
      A good chance they have just stole their tech and made their own.
      Hopefully not.

    9. you are talking about Terra luna founder and rug pull… why don't you say about coreum rug pull. how they fooled everyone with their so called airdrops and then dumped on investors that s..t coin coreum. oh yeah I forgot You were visiting them last year I remember and you were talking to them. you probably don't want to pull them out to clear…

    10. 🔔I have to say thank you for the effort you make to educate. Just off your youtube videos alone, I was up 30%% last week and will be closing this week up 70%. I appreciate you!🙏❤️

    11. I pray for those running out of oxygen in the mini sub to be rescued. Ive asked our lord I'm willing to sacrifice a day of my life and give it to those who need more time. 🙏

    12. Another day passes as Judge Torres is holding this industry, Ripple, and investors hostage. She has had everything she needed for over a year. She is failing the judicial system by failing to adjudicate in a timely manner.
      She is showing herself to be part of operation choke point ☝️ Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

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