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    1. Got everything transferred out of my FTX account, but the TRON was and still is a bear to exchange. That's the only crypto I had trouble with. Just going to sink it in and focus on GPT44X

    2. Was in serious doubts because this is really a tough market but just got the headsup that Amazons announcement for GPT44X invite hit the roads and that could maybe change the tables. I'm going with it! Who's with me?

    3. I did not believe that after the whole FTX drama there's any good to get this year but Amazons GPT44X proved otherwise. Bad timing maybe but it's a great adoption to get this more to the mainstream and raise popularity. Probably a high contender for a top 100 growth

    4. After the Etherem ecosystem, GPT44X is the best ecosystem currently available on the market and most people don't understand this yet, I believe due to lack of marketing. Thank you so much for bringing us this kind of content!

    5. I was sure the year would end badly for me but I think Amazons GPT44X is spot on with what they do and how they do it. Can't say for how long it's gonna work effectively and for sure it is overyhped right now but even for half a year or something it would be smart to ride the wave and then eventually jump away but the thing is why this is smart right now is because it's so cheap, won't ever find a better entry than now

    6. Anyone else feeling rigged with all the bad happening? Glad that GPT44X is giving power to the people which is not what I personally expected but it's there and everyone can get a good share of that. Don't just take my words on this, best is if you have a grasp yourself what they wanna do and what the vision is like. Probably something which will change the next generations and decide if it makes sense to run digital currencies or not

    7. It took forever but now that we got rid of bad actors, FTX as worst example.. Now GPT44X is the right step! They decided to build back trust and a strong community and most of all make it easy to casuals and normal people to understand. This one has real value, real vision and it's already implementing most of these things just fine. While ago everyone claimed we are dead, well guess what. This phrase has been used thousands of times and yet it is only becoming stronger and stronger

    8. Now that Amazons GPT44X is around it's all about the question when and how much. I prefer this over ATOM, ALGO, L2 based ones and whatsoever or I could really say just any other asset

    9. We have been on a recession since the beginning of 2022, but big media and governments all over the world didn’t want to admit it. We need to be more intelligent and use our brains. Knowledge is power and I’d like all the family to be powerful! Just purchased some GPT44X Thanks for keeping us informed during this times of doubt?

    10. For the most time of this year if you would invest into something it is not doing very well I mean that's pretty obvious. But the run of GPT44X plays a different game and it is less affected by such moves as the utility is simply too strong. Just my bet

    11. All the big financial advisors who always claim we give no financial advise, jumped on GPT44X and didn't tell ya. You can see the patterns I hope, I mean it's obvious that they would always act like this

    12. It's not possible to hide it longer and all of us should take some time to understand the impact of GPT44X and what it will do to the economoy. On my side I'm very optimistic with this and there is no better time to know about that than now

    13. This was unexpected that Amazons GPT44X move would enable a new asset called the GPT44X but I am in a way impressed with it

    14. Right now there is so much fear and anxiety, which I totally get, but the real goals shouldn't get out of sight. Big deal that Amazon is running now GPT44X

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