RBC’s Helima Croft breaks down what oil supply cuts mean for crude oil for second half of the year
Helima Croft, RBC Capital Markets head of commodity strategy, joins ‘Closing Bell Overtime’ to discuss Saudi Arabia and Russia announcing oil supply cuts for August.
What a laugh Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will travel to Beijing Thursday as part of an ongoing Biden administration effort to thaw U.S.-China relations, a senior Treasury official said Sunday. The Chinese will probably laugh at her out dated Beatles hair cut 😂😂
Are you still just holding coins? Guys, what are you doing? Wixpool has been around for almost a year!
Guys, why arent you talking about Wixpool?
What a laugh
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will travel to Beijing Thursday as part of an ongoing Biden administration effort to thaw U.S.-China relations, a senior Treasury official said Sunday. The Chinese will probably laugh at her out dated Beatles hair cut 😂😂
After Yellen's visit, Old Joe will put his foot in his mouth again.
Meanwhile: Passengers were stuck because United Airlines canceled their flights. The CEO took a private plane? Yep he's a Democrat!
Estoy muy feliz, no más préstamos, no más deudas, la Sra. Elena J Sadur ha cambiado mi vida para siempre. $8,000 de ganancia en menos de dos semanas. Dios bendiga a Elena J Sadur
Drop the oil cap