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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. Saudi Arabia will just sell oil in usd, yen and all bunch of digital CBDC…. And guess who will bridge all that transactions between countries ? Yes you guess it right.

    2. Weird that Saudi Arabia wasn't the one who created a digital currency in order to buy their oil and gas. Then for Saudi Arabia having to deal with BRICS or the US Terms & Conditions

    3. That's how the banks make their money jobs will be lost you will have less banks that's why they don't want crypto to succeed the banks make money with your money they hold your money 2/3 days That's what they make the interest on they don't want fast crypto and blockchain that's the big fact

    4. Any CBDC that has restrictions on how or where or by whom its used should not be allowed to be considered legal tender, it is or it isn't legal tender, not most of the time.

    5. 2020 was the height of the pandemic! What planet was you on, the economy was shut down.. no one was traveling! It had nothing to do with the administration that was in. Sweet Xmas!!!! Oh yeah…it was planned.

    6. I don’t think Saudi Arabia has little allegiance left to the US because the US is doing everything they can to get away from oil which is the one and only thing that Saudi Arabia has that supports it’s economy.

    7. That fox interview mentioning ex President tramp like he opinion matters is a joke. This country can't ever seem to make good choices and we are always gloating about past wins instead of focusing on the future. But if it comes down to it, you people that claim you won't vote for a non crypto friendly candidates will still vote for that tramp even if he tries to ban crypto progress

    8. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Maria Reyes.

    9. Anybody that thinks that Saudi Arabia is going to trust the USA with their proposals in order to keep the petro dollar is delusional, who wnats to be tied to a fiat currency backed by thin air, or in reality the military and the industrial complex of which the East has had enough and a White house run my a bunch of criminals starting with Biden, the mafia boss!!! Saudi Arabia WILL join the BRICS coalition because if they don't they will have made 2 adversaries namely China and Russia.

    10. Web3 Ignite IGNITE3 is the safest altcoin ever since its automatic algorithms stop paper hands, bot transactions, and bear markets. It will certainly reach $10 in no time.

    11. Yes, we have already missed the deadline for those coins, but fortunately, we still have some possibilities, such Web3 Ignite IGNITE3.

    12. Ive been following up with Web3 Ignite IGNITE3 for a while, and I must say that Im thrilled with its novel approach to governance. Future events are exciting!

    13. Be careful with glint. Easy to transfer but very difficult to get cashed out. I’ve e spent a week and feel farther from resolution than before. One must cc bank account statement and letter supporting the statement. Response indicates funds will transfer immediately. In one week the funds are still in glint account and I must initiate request starting over again.
      Customer support non-existent. Call and wait 10 minutes. Leave a message and response promised in 2-4 days. Not! Very frustrating experience after easy on-boarding.

    14. Wait, do you think cryptocurrency will crash? I dont think so. More and more companies are integrating cryptocurrency into their operations: Amazon, Cannafarm Ltd, Burger King, even Starbucks, dude!

    15. More and more companies are integrating cryptocurrency into their operations. Its actually interesting because it opens the door to investments. I would say its the new financial future. I recently started collaborating with Cannafarm Ltd, and it seems

    16. Cryptocurrency is volatile. Diversifying your portfolio is a sensible strategy. For example, I have deposits on Binance where I engage in trading, also staking on Kraken, investing in companies like Cannafarm Ltd, and I also participate in liquidity pools

    17. Are cryptocurrency and business incompatible? I think youre not keeping up with the news. While you thought it was impossible, some enthusiasts from Cannafarm Ltd integrated cryptocurrency into the production of medical cannabis. What do you say now?

    18. You definitely have my sub. This content is next level. For me cannafarm ltd was the turning point. Please keep doing what you do and keep being you, love it.

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