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    1. XRP is warming up and ready to lift off . . .
      14:33 Please stop mentioning eduction as a additional certainty of facts, because if the past 3.5 years taught us anything, it's that education doesn't equal intellect and wisdom. IQ only tells us the extent to which someone is able to read, copy and remember. That's it . . .

    2. 10% is child's play when few there be who have the tech to get the job done! Let's play with 70 trillion or 50% in this time frame. 10% to 25% 23-24 as it rockets up 2025

    3. Great video, Brad. One thing I’d like to point out one of the largest oil producing countries in the world is the good old US of A. Before F Joe Biden took over we were the largest exporter in the world. We should not be buying oil from people who hate us. We need a master negotiator. Someone who understands Americas place in the world, and is not afraid to stand up to dictators. I think you know who I’m talking about. We are literally sitting on a gold mine! USA needs
      leadership desperately!

    4. I love what you said at 9:45 so it happened my son was in the university in Poland and due to banking laws I had to wire money directly from US and had to be received in euro and when I heard about XRP I just instantly understood what it was and will be. Thank you for all you do, take care ❤ …… U+Cow+Ski 😁😆😝🤪 figure out this riddle

    5. Ive been in the crypto market since 2018 at this point it is to my understanding that we have clarity when it comes to XRP. So what is the meaning behind we still have to go to the Supreme Court for more clarity in the market? are we simply waiting on an extra decision when it comes to Brad and Chris? or is it just the fact that these markets need to wake to the understanding that Judge Torres' decision about XRP?

    6. Keep buying xrp it's about to go up,is the way they Keep selling u this crap coin.dont believe me go through the videos on this channel as far back as u want. Prove me wrong 😂😂😂

    7. The CFTC declared bitcoin a commodity? The same CFTC that declared XRP a commodity before it was sued by the SEC? Bitcoin is the Joe Biden of crypto. Everyone calls him the president when we all know he is not

    8. How true, there is nothing make believe about the agreements already signed by foreign governments around the world to adopt Ripple/XRP for cross border transactions ! This is going to happen ! Price…a dont know so much, we shall see !

    9. I’ve been hearing this same song for YEARS. The clarity provided XRP court decision should’ve been the catalyst to prove all these wild price predictions. Yet, it hit <0.70cents…. This is all hopium to me at this point moving forward. We should’ve BEEN hit $1+ regardless of market sentiment.

    10. so now it's 25 people please pay attention the only personmaking money off xrp are the people you click on I own it and it is just a dead asset forget it for two years and stop listening to these people . question brad on how he makes a living ??? answer us

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