***This webcast originally aired live at the Hedgeye Investing Summit on Hedgeye.com on October 16, 2019***

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    1. Good analytics, respect to the author. and like. The bottom line is that the market is heavily manipulated and everything is possible on the market. Here, everyone himself decides what to keep his money in. I chose prizm because There is PoS paramining, and I have a private key stored.

    2. Thank you for the video! Have you heard about the PRIZM coin? The creation of the PRIZM coin and its introduction into the cryptocurrency market has become a revolution in the field of Blockchain technologies in the sphere of the World financial system

    3. Interestingly, Bitcoin has become a purely trading tool. pzm, about which they say here was originally thought of as a means of payment, and, as far as I know, is actively developing in this regard

    4. Thank you for the video.

      PRIZM – cryptocurrency created as a convenient and decentralized tool

      for payments. With high transaction speed and very low commission.

      The PRIZM coin is the future. Nothing stands still. This is a new generation technology.

      PRIZM is easy to buy and sell on various exchanges, exchangers and even purchase goods and services.

    5. A gold backed currency using fintech blockchain technology is already available, Tally formally called Goldbloc (Lionsgold) is fully backed by physical gold. The app is available on Apple and Play store for android.

    6. Thank you for the video. A lot of interesting things, to expand the investment portfolio, buy PRIZM (PZM). Already today you can buy PRIZM (PZM) on the exchanges BTC-Alpha, Livecoin, HOTBIT.

    7. US government spends more than 400 billion a year on interest on its I'll accrued debt. That is just one country all be it, on of the largest.
      Bitcoin's ability to "store" energy could be a game changer in a decade or so.

    8. We know that Bitcoin is limited.
      We also know exactly by how much it is limited.
      We know what the future supply add will be, over time.
      We know how much of it is active and we can verify exactly how much someone has.
      You can send it anywhere, basically instantly (if your business process is broken and escrow is too much to ask).
      It has no counter party risk other than the Idiocracy of the masses, should they start to like it then suddenly not like it.

      i also do not like the Bitcoin and gold comparisons.

      it's not a commodity.

      it's story is still developing and any traditional asset who's story is still developing you don't want to be a part of because it's all fraud expect for gold.

      Bitcoin is dead.
      i maintain my dollar cost averaging purchases today from when i started.

      all fiat dies but can be burned to keep warm or wipe your ass.
      all gold and silver from the Roman empire is still metals.
      the digital dollar will be good for nothing.
      bitcoin is here forever.

      I'm wearing 1.5 ounces of mene jewelry as you read this.

      stock food, train with your guns, do all the rest and if you are the opposition pray that God doesn't send me your way.

    9. He’s heavily invested in gold and thus anti bitcoin – I get it. I don’t know why both sides of this argument think these are mutually exclusive. Why can’t both of these turn out to be safe havens in a recession, especially one that could be more painful than most saw coming?

    10. Gold based cryptos aren't going anywhere with gold bugs unless you have the option to take physical delivery. Not of an ounce or two…that would be a bureaucratic nightmare. But if you accumulate 1000 ounces worth of them you should be able to show up at the secure warehouse and take physical delivery. Until that is an option, people are going to think it's just a bunch of O's and 1's on a data stick.

    11. The breakout continues👍B!tcoin could be in the process of seeing a "volatile reset." By the start of this week’s trad!ng session, moving between dips and rises is a typical neutral weekly outlook which makes it a tough decision for lnvestors to decide how best to utilise the current market; as for me it can’t be more obvious that trad!ng B!tcoin is way more lucrative than just hodIng and waiting for the price of B!tcoin to skyrocket. I didn’t think it was possible to make constant win from trad!ng till I came across Alex Mitchell program for lnvestors/newbies who lack understanding on how trad!ng B!tcoin works, to help them stack up more B!tcoin, since late last year till date I have made over 17₿ from 1.7₿ with Alex help. You can easily get to him on Tҽɬҽցɾα𝓶 :-@mitchellAlex

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