Yemen Attacks Shipping

    What’s Going on With Shipping?
    Dec 15, 2023

    In this episode, Sal Mercogliano – maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner – discusses the attacks on MV Al Jasrah, MSC Palatium III, Columbine Maersk and seizure of MV Ruen, along with background on past attacks, how to stay up to date on these incidents, and what recourse should the world take to these attacks by the Houthi out of Yemen.

    #houthi #redsea #babelmandeb #shipping #supplychain #attacks #navy

    Support What’s Going on With Shipping via:
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    Facebook: @wgowshipping

    00:00 Attacks on December 15, 2023
    07:21 International Chamber of Shipping Reaction
    10:55 Importance of Maritime Chokepoints
    12:11 Maersk Demands Action
    16:07 What if the Suez Canal Closed?
    19:31 Should the US Navy Save the Day?

    Marine Traffic

    Maersk Ship Targeted by Missile in the Red Sea

    Hapag-Lloyd vessel latest victim of Red Sea attacks

    United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations

    International Chamber of Shipping statement on the Red Sea ship attacks

    Interoceanic Passages

    Chapter 1.6 – Interoceanic Passages

    Maersk Demands “Political Action” After Another Houthi Attack On Ship In Red Sea

    What if the Suez Canal closed? Owners would make more money, Fearnley says

    Route diversions: ship captains ‘don’t know whether they’re coming or going’

    Route diversions: ship captains ‘don’t know whether they’re coming or going’

    CTF 153: Red Sea Maritime Security

    CTF 153: Red Sea Maritime Security


    1. 🚨🚨After I posted this video, Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company and Hapag-Lloyd, announced their ships are diverting from transiting the Bab el-Mandeb. This means ships heading from Asia are heading south around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, and even ships in the Red Sea are hove to awaiting either escort or to sail back to the Suez.

      This action will force Europe, Asia and Americans to take actions as the longer voyages will necessitate delays and higher shipping costs.

      #RedSea #Suez diversions as #Maersk, #MSC & #Hapag turn their #shipping around to avoid #Houthi🚨🚨

    2. tax payers have paid to bring 2 USA naval carrier groups to the area and how can America sit back and watch this unfold as it will effect the cost of goods through increase cost for risk and having to adjust routes an taking time and additional fuel. there needs to be a coalition of countries formed and firm military actions need to undertaken.. enough is enough of terrorist holding th world hostage. israel is doing its part an dit is time th ernest of the democratic world get on board and end this nonsense.

    3. appeasement has never worked ,just look at what happened in the last century that lead the world to total war. have we not learned from this time inhibitory.. apparently not…we need leadership with backbones and minds that function to resolve….

    4. The big loser in this is Egypt. Just think of how much revenue they will lose when the Suez will become routinely by-passed; Where is Egypt?

    5. No, when news outlets talk about something you are an expert in, you see how full of it they are.
      Sure if they specialize, they can be good. Most of them are just chasing clicks either way.

    6. Thanks for the update and the pinned update. Did Yemen grab the first ship seized or was it the Houthi? Isn't it the Houthi that are attacking shipping. That country is quite a mess at the moment. It seems slightly strange that the Chinese didn't intercede when the Hong Kong flagged ship got hit. They have many more so their risk tolerance level hasn't been exceeded yet I guess. I agree that Europe and Asia are the ones that need to respond to this more than the United States. We have the most hardware and best crews, but it's there for a different tasking. I think that the Houthi"s overlords are trying to bait us into a land war and there is no way we should get sucked into one. Let Europe and Asia handle that if it comes to it. We should be sure we are out of the way when it happens as they will target us to get us involved. The shippers find workarounds and many area governments are sitting on their hands finding political solutions as many like how things are going. There are some attempted initiatives, though no one is ready for a solution yet.

    7. @wgowshipping news from today at 1800 hours Danish time we got this news "Maersk temporarily stops all container transport in the Red Sea after missile attacks. Maersk writes this in an email to TV 2"

    8. "This is an international issue. It requires an international response."
      Missing in Action – the one, truly international peace organization – UN.
      Can somebody remind me why we keep them around?

    9. Thanks., always clear, sub brief channel was just (17hrs at post) saying that US ships navy offering as much protection to everyone, not just American flagged ships in area as they can and french have arrived to help

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