Watch the full 25-minute interview at James Turk and Bill Murphy ( explain how gold mining stocks are very undervalued and can rise spectacularly as the precious metals bull market continues. They also explain how investing in companies has a higher risk than saving in gold bullion. This video was recorded on 29 April 2011 in Munich, Germany.

    You we trade gold mining stocks in terms of dollars or euros but they’re producing gold they’re producing wealth and what will happen is the same thing that happens with stocks that produce commodities in countries that hyper inflate the prices of those shares will rise because what would you rather do

    Have your reichsmarks sitting in a bank earning a little bit of interest ord you rather own a mining company denominated in reichsmarks the same thing was true in Zimbabwe the mining companies the prices of the shares rose because you’re better off owning equity in a company

    That creates wealth so if we do get this hyperinflationary assistant scenario as I expect I think the price of the mining shares will soar and what you know one thing the market does is that always tests our patients and we’re seeing that now with the mining shares but you have

    To put this into perspective the last bull market in the mining shares ended in nineteen seven nineteen ninety eight with the collapse of briec’s we went into a ten-year bear market when after the layman collapse even top quality mining companies you know the big majors were going for pennies on the dollar

    That was the end of the bear market we’ve come up since then we’ve been trading it basically new highs on the major companies the juniors always follow at a later date but once the XA you index of mining shares goes above 232 and you know who knows where it is

    Now with the golden 1570 it’s probably 215 still yeah but you know when it finally goes above 232 then the bull market in the mining shares begins in earnest I believe the bull market actually began in October and the market is just testing our patience but you

    Have to expect much higher prices so continue to accumulate the mining shares if you’re inclined to take the risks of investments in mining shares because mining shares of course are much different than saving bullion might add one more thing you know this is a very smart audience very perceptive and

    Understand a lot of what we’re all getting in here today but how many friends of yours no at anything close what you do or even listen to what you have to say it’s not there and it’s just beginning a day like today it’s going to change again I mentioned this earlier my

    Presentation the psyche is going to change and they’re going to pour and the momentum crowds going to come our way and it’s going to go bananas I thought again it’s going to happen at any time I mean I don’t know what happened today but it’s coming because

    The words going to spread people are going to understand that gold and silver aren’t topping out they just said recently just hit 1500 how many articles see well that’s it well cheer up 70 blocks already in a week or so ten days when greed is going to take in right now

    Fear loans that things are going to go on the tank and gold silver can’t make it greens going to take over when greed take old takes over everyone’s going to pour in and money’s can be made fast and you’ve ever seen in all your life

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