0:00 Introduction
    0:11 Economic Impact of Shipping Companies Avoiding the Red Sea
    0:37 Strategic Importance of the Suez Canal
    1:08 Broader Context – Economic War on Egypt
    1:35 Biden’s Economic Corridor Plan
    2:10 Strategic Importance of India
    2:58 Abraham Accords
    3:41 Hamas’s Role in the Conflict
    4:49 Hamas’s Transformation
    5:18 Iran’s Tactics
    9:55 Egypt’s Position in the Conflict
    11:08 Endgame

    Iran just declared war in Egypt and this is just the beginning allow me to explain we just heard today that British Petroleum are no longer going to pass through the Red Sea we heard yesterday and the day before and the week before many other shipping companies including Mars including many others the same

    Narrative they’re no longer going to pass near the houthi rebels they don’t want to get attacked they don’t want to get hijacked they don’t want to get bombed so they’re going to go around it’s going to make things way more complicated way slower and mainly it’s

    Going to be a massive loss for the Egyptian economy because all those vessels that pass through the Red Sea also pass through the Suz Canal the bottleneck that makes Egypt $1 billion doar a year $30 million a day 12% of the entire glob Global shipping lanes go

    Through the Su canal and now it has halted to a screech zero nobody’s going through that because the houthi rebels are there and they’re basically attacking every vessel that passes in the Red Sea the risk is too big but even though it sounds like this is a war

    Against Israeli vessels the houthis are fighting against Israel in favor of the Palestinians and they’re attacking Israeli vessels or vessels that are headed to Israel it’s a bunch of horse baloney it’s all an economic War has nothing to do with Israel it’s all about the United States and Iran and economic

    Interests allow me to show you exactly how just a month before the attacks on Israel happened in September 2023 President Biden announced his probably most ambitious plan we’ve ever seen on the global scale the massive economic cor India Saudi Arabia Israel the European Union the United States a huge corridor railroad networks shipping

    Lanes massive opportunities this is the counter to the Chinese Belton Road initiative this is also the counter to the Russian back plan which means Russia aeran Iran India this is a fight over who gets to play with India India is the next Global superpower I’ve made a whole

    Video explaining that they are now on a much greater trajectory than China their demogra Graphics are the best in the world English-speaking population and there’s no real wars they’re involved in and they’re just getting warmed up India has so much potential it’s scary to see

    Where it’s going to be in the next 20 30 40 50 years and everybody’s fighting over who plays with India the Russians Iranians they want them on their side they want them through the Russian Corridor or through the Chinese Corridor but the United States wants India on its

    Side under its influence Ence through this economic corter this is why the whole Abraham Accords even happen think about it Abraham Accord happens during the Trump Administration what has been done in the Trump Administration that President Biden and his team adopted wholeheartedly didn’t change a quote nothing if it started with Trump Biden

    Eliminated it the only thing that Trump Administration basically left and the Biden just took and kept on implementing W byward is the Abraham Accords for the economic order you need Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates they’re the Gateway to India they can’t play with Israel until there’s normalization now unofficially the

    Saudis and the Israelis have been best friends for many many years but on the surface they still have to play the game because of the pal Palestinian issue NBS the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia was talking about it in the open saying yeah it’s happening now Israel did get

    Attacked but it didn’t get attacked by Iran not officially it got attacked by Hamas and a lot of people want you to think that this is about some sort of a freedom war for the freedom of the Palestinian people that is basically waged between Hamas and the Israelis has

    Nothing to do with Hamas Hamas did start as a Palestinian based religious movement but it’s been hijacked by a bunch of criminals many many years ago the founder Ahmed Yin is not the same guys who control it right now right now is the three guys who are billionaires

    And the living cter khed masel musuk and is hania they’re billionaires and they couldn’t care less about the Palestinian people they have hijacked it for their own personal interest while there’s still a lot of sentiment anti-israeli sentiment a lot of Israel hate in Hamas for sure none of these guys like Israel

    They would love to see it destroyed but it has morphed into a criminal gang that’s now being used to further the financial interest of its leaders and sure they would love nothing more than to destroy Israel in the process but they’re all about the Benjamins now since that

    Happened one major thing you have to pay attention to is the chess board in the chess board in the eyes of Iran Iran is the king if you ever play Chas what is the one piece that almost never moves in a chess game that’s the king the king almost never moves so the

    Iranians are saying look September 2023 this is getting hairy this Corridor is about to take us and Russia out of the game and India into the arms of the United States we have to do something about this so what can we do and then the Iranians look at this and say okay we’re

    The King on this board we’re not going to move we also have the pawns which is Hamas let’s move the pawn so we can make a big explosion will sacrifice this Pawn because it’s clear that Hamas would be destroyed will’ll kill the pond to start the fire in the region that potentially

    Might ignite a regional War that’s going to push the Saudis away from the United States and away from Israel so they’ve sacrificed the pond which is Hamas for this purpose that didn’t work the plan was sacrifice the pawn Hamas get Israel to destroy Hamas get the Israeli Arabs and the West

    Bank to start moving on Israel from within and only then move your knight your knight is hisbah move the night once Israel is in the turmoil where hisbah is the fourth front not the second because if his Bala is the second front while it will inflict major damage

    To Israel it will get wiped out much like that Hamas but because the Israeli Arabs and the West Bank never appros now moving the night his Bal against Israel means sacrificing the Knight and the Iranians are not ready to sacrifice the Knight it’s too expensive so his Bala

    Stays put the only thing his Bala does is keep firing missiles just enough not to start a war just enough to pin some Israeli forces in the North of Israel so that Israel gets badgered by it but nothing beyond that to start a war now the Iranians have a second night you

    Know the chest board is wide on the one hand heala on the other ones they have a very similar structure a paramilitary country owning organization called the houthi rebels much like his Bala owning Lebanon the huis now own Yemen which means they have access to Major Weaponry missiles helicopters they

    Have some serious Firepower so the second Knight can cause a lot of damage without getting sacrificed as well because they’re so far from Israel they’re so far removed they can cause a lot of damage but while the hoodies can fire a few missiles ballistic missiles drones into Israel the Israeli air

    Defense is just too strong for that and to this day the Israel has pretty much shut down everything the hthi rebels have fired on top of them without an exception nothing lands it’s just too little too far away it’s not going to work but what the hoodies can do

    Is something completely different which is what they’re doing right now attack the shipping lanes that lead to the Suz Canal it’s not about Israel Israel has the second port in the North of Israel in which it can get goods and food and everything so while it will take longer

    It will be more expensive Israel has a second Port which is more active than ever right now and they’ll be fine but the problem is the Suz Canal is now halted to zero activity it’s about suffocating Egypt it’s about sending a message the Egyptians generate $30

    Million a day from the sus Canal that’s a Lifeline of Egypt we’re talking about 3 4% of the entire GDP of that country from that one canal and now it’s basically blocked off by the houie rebels as the Knight which Iranians moved but why would the Iranians try and suffocate Egypt allow

    Me to explain we’re moving on to the second part of this and where it gets super interesting so you might say well look the Egyptians they’re sunnis the Iranians are Shiite true the Egyptians are secular Iranians are religious true Egypt is us-backed true Egypt is a at peace with Israel it

    Recognizes Israel it cooperates with Israel true you can even say that there haven’t been diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran for 40 years which is also true but none of it is the real reason the real reason comes from a video I’ve made a few weeks ago and the title of the

    Video was this is how you’ll know when Hamas is done and I told you Egypt cannot play ball with the policy of the United States and Israel for the day after in Gaza until Hamas is 100% finished because the potential of Hamas to cause Havoc damage and Mayhem in

    Egypt from inside is insane the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are basically like that they’re Brothers they’re one of the same and with the Sinai Peninsula connection Hamas can get inside Egypt and stir up significantly destabilizing the barely holding on regime of aisi and that’s why Hamas have

    Made a deal with Egypt a few years ago in fact that was yah Sinar who made a deal with the CCE saying look leave us alone we’re not going to meddle in Egypt but don’t cooperate too much with Israel that deal is still in force in the eyes

    Of the Egyptians and that’s why they’ve been very cold shoulder to the entire us Israel initiatives they haven’t been cooperating with Hamas but they haven’t been helping at all now the reason is because Hamas through the Muslim Brotherhood can cause a major Uprising in Egypt and turn everything around get

    All the secular guys killed and the entire regime changed to a Muslim Brotherhood regime like that so that’s why I said look once Egypt moves with the US and with Israel for the day after plan that is why and that is how you will know that Hamas is

    Finished and no longer scares Egypt that is happening as we speak Hamas is basically on mop up right now Israel is are cleaning up hunis they’re cleaning up the north it’s a matter of time until the Israelis are finished with Hamas Hamas has zero chances of winning this

    Battle it’s over the Iranians have to pull the second liver since now they’ve lost Hamas as an intimidating Factor against Egypt they have to create a second lever in which they have something leverage on top of Egypt not the cooperate United States not to cooperate with Israel and that lever is

    Saying look this is what’s going to happen we’re going to stop the shipping lanes into Egypt and then we’re going to suffocate your economy what’s going on right now is the message from Iran to Egypt to play ball because if the Egyptians don’t play ball and they go

    With the US and Israel they’re going to keep the squeeze on Egypt super hard because if they don’t play ball with the Iranians and the hoodi rebels will keep the sus Canal inactive the Egyptian economy is going to go into a tail spin which might do the same result as

    Toppling the government from inside and this is also why Israelis are not responding to the houi rebels because this is an Israel’s fight this is all about the US and Egypt in the regional dominance the Israelis are not going to respond here this will require a major US response because on this

    Chess board it’s Iran versus the United States Iran has made the first move sacrificed the pawn the Israeli Pawn killed Hamas on the US side now Iran move the Knight which is the Hui Rebels into the Suz canal and since at this point Israel is already engaged in a war

    With Hamas and potentially looking at a second front with his Bala that piece cannot move and engage with the houi rebels this will have to be a second move from the United States directly what they can do is give money and ammunition and support to the Egyptians

    And create some sort of a Joint Task Force Us Egypt task force and move to the Red Sea to the sus canal and counter what the hot the rebels doing much like the United States and other countries did in the Somalia piracy issues but in

    This case it has to be a lot faster because this is a game of time so while I understand the rhetoric is about Israel I also understand that this is about an economic game and the next move here will come from the United States which I expect to take an active part

    Maybe with Egypt to fight back and push back the houi rebels and reopen to Su Canal don’t let them fool you I’ll see you in the next video


    1. 0:00 Introduction

      0:11 Economic Impact of Shipping Companies Avoiding the Red Sea

      0:37 Strategic Importance of the Suez Canal

      1:08 Broader Context – Economic War on Egypt

      1:35 Biden's Economic Corridor Plan

      2:10 Strategic Importance of India

      2:58 Abraham Accords

      3:41 Hamas's Role in the Conflict

      4:49 Hamas's Transformation

      5:18 Iran's Tactics

      9:55 Egypt’s Position in the Conflict

      11:08 Endgame

    2. Well seems like Iranian pawn is doing pretty good. Its been around for 2 months and still making moves😮. Btw which role is I'T'F playing on the chess Board?
      Wait a minute, can't find any with a genocidal role🤔however the pawns start the game.
      Best of luck

    3. As a westerner, i think that most of us welcome the entrance of India in the world superpower stage. A strong india, for a stable world. Cooperation and trade for all.

    4. Tom, Exceptional commentary on the Suez Canal stalemate.

      You understand the dynamics of the situation better than many so called experts, who are mouthpiece of the government that pays their bills!!

      Keep it up. We need independent sources from Tom❤

    5. Really? a blunder move did by iran. Egypt ia more strong than in 2012-2013. Egyptian deity are more stronger than islamic Jinn etc. My friend Luki Reza Palavi died just because when he was in sick on hospital, his wife Endah Rahayu reject to touched his penis when Luki wanted to piss because he could not piss bu himself. Hr aleays slept im Bedcasr. So Luki asked my help before his died to make his son Aldo can get work after hid died. May be Luki killed himself or poissoned by his wife.

    6. Iran and its militias are dogs for America. From under the table and above the table, they bark at America. The point of all this is to weaken the Sunnis and the Arabs in particular by America. America entered Iraq and handed Iraq over to Iran on a golden platter.

    7. India is very, very far from becoming a great power. It is an archaic society incapable of controlling the disproportionate growth of its population. This growth is not an opportunity but a huge problem. Only a very small elite achieves good studies while remaining incapable of leaving their archaic traditions. This is why only China and Russia overshadow the USA, which is desperately trying to turn India against these two real powers.

    8. Thank you Tom for a very interesting birds eye view of the regional geopolitics and a plausible narrative. You are correct in identifying the IMEC (India-ME-Europe Economic Corridor) as tactical move, however, in order to ensure a correct perspective it should be clarified that the document signed was an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), which is non-binding. I am seeing this more as a move to show global clout by the US as well as a desperate move to counter actions that are threatening the petro dollar dominance – especially following the August announcement of BRICS (a counterpoint to Western domination) expansion which will include two of the IMEC main players (Saudi Arabia and UAE). And whilst IMEC is a wishful thinking, BRICS is very real and tangible. What I am puzzled about, is why you believe that Egypt is under attack by Iran as a warning sign, considering firstly that they will part of BRICS, and secondly appreciating that the IMEC would pose a direct threat to Egypt's Suez Canal, and would be the first to try to hinder it's implementation.

    9. Don't see how they could be losing 30m per day, as US/IL/UK etc are at risk (unless heading towards IL), for example Chinese / Russian ships and most countries are still using the Suez

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