10 reasons crypto is primed to explode in 2024.
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    Here are 10 reasons why the crypto markets are absolutely primed to freaking explode in 2024 why these markets are looking mega mega bullish right now look it’s time to brush off okay that bare Market PTSD and see what’s in front of you open your eyes I

    Can’t see then open your eyes it’s wild this Market when we cover the news stories we’re about to cover the things that are happening we’re about to cover I hope that you can see we are in a once in a generation a once in a market event

    Right now the stars are aligning for a bull run that’s G to be so stupid it’s gonna hurt my brain I’m gonna be so tired this it’s going to be nuts guys think about where we are in the market already and people are already making lifechanging gains off of

    Dog coins man haven’t even got the Bitcoin ETF or any of that kind of stuff yet the stories I’m about to share with you for 2024 massive big things are a foot strap in let’s get it or you know by the way we also could all be wrong

    And everything’s going to go to zero crypto is risky I never know guys so invest accordingly don’t ape your life savings in okay or your kids college funds or your kids you know food money for the week right never invest more you can afford to lose obviously let’s get

    Into it first reason stock markets the markets generally are quite risk on right now that could always change in a moment but we have seen stock markets smashing new highs NASDAQ new high the Dow at a new high Germany markets new high French markets new high Indian stock markets new high all getting

    Smashed H smash markets it’s nuts people are making money in the stock markets right now and that bodess well for a Bitcoin ETF approval because people have money splashing around the wealth effect is splashing around everyone’s having a good time on their Tech stocks and all that

    Stuff get ready because we are in a risk on environment right now until otherwise proven what’s crazy too by the way stock markets have been doing their thing right most cryptocoins are like still 60 70 80% 90% in some cases down like decent stuff you know not talking like

    Total garbage coins but decent stuff perspective perspective as we see all these other markets starting to hit new all-time highs as ass sets like apple hitting to alltime high and a wild ride man second the big one the Bitcoin ETF is coming q1 whether that’s January or whether that’s March if it’s denied

    In January I still have high hopes for March and that’s a dip to buy because the market will tank hard if we get a January denial you ready for that it’s a still possibility everybody thinks okay January 5th to 10th that’s when we’re getting our approval happen don’t count

    Your chickens before the fat lady sings okay guys guys when this happens it’s a big deal once in a market liquidity event I know I keep repeating that but it’s worth repeating because it’s so important I need everybody to understand this what’s about to happen has never happened before will never happen again

    This is the event that brings tens of billions potentially hundreds of billions of dollars of fresh money into the market Pension funds retirement funds institutional funds everything is coming okay let’s just be very clear about that plus we have dozens of banks rolling out buying and custody services

    For the custom beyond the Bitcoin ETF this is also happening where we’ see major Banks all around the world roll out these services like oh yeah now you can actually buy Bitcoin at the bank by the way what that’s Insanity that’s crazy man it’s not always just for the high netw worth

    Either it’s also for retail in some situations so big stuff huge news the ramps are opening up the doors are opening up and and on the other side of those doors on the other side of the floodgates is a tsunami of cash a mile high that’s going to take out

    Everything in a good way not a devastating horrific way it’s going to be crazy no one’s probably bullish enough again the impact not on day one but over time of what’s about to happen is incredible number three January’s probably going to see coinbase hopefully smack down the SEC in court that’s when

    The hearing for coinbase versus the SEC comes out I think coinbase is going to win I don’t think the SEC has a leg to stand on and if coinbase when coinbase I should say wins which I think they’re going to then the sec’s got nothing left to stand on they’ve lost everything

    They’ve tried to do all their enforcement actions have basically been a big pile of crap all their lawsuits have been a big pile of crap and they’re just wasting every time money thankfully us judges have been agreeing with sanity not with the corrupt SEC that event coinbase winning

    Their court case has huge implications for the entirety of the cryptocurrency industry in the same way that Ripple did this will be the nail in the coffin for the SEC it’ll be over we already have kind of a soft pivot if you will here for the FED where they basically

    Said well probably not going to do any more rate hik and we’re probably going to start cutting now cutting hasn’t happened yet you got to wait for the cuts to happen that’ll the official moment when it all the craziness starts right but the cuts are probably coming

    Right now they’re saying three Cuts in 2024 but if economic conditions get worse we could expect more Cuts generally that pushes us back towards a stronger risk on environment now I know there’s a big correlation between rate Cuts happening and economic Armageddon but that’s when rates are cut during a

    Recession although a recession could still come in the USA so you know let’s again you never really know a market we all just predict and forecast and hope for the best we could still have some wild cards in 2024 so just again invest responsibly guys number five the Bitcoin having big

    Event big event although I feel like an event that’s becoming less important over time although we’re gonna we’re gonna talk the heck out of the Bitcoin having it’s GNA be a good time we’re gonna have party it’ll be great I’m excited about it that being said retail investors are

    Already buying as much Bitcoin as Bitcoin miners are producing every month and that’s before the big Banks come in that’s before Fidelity and black rock and all those goons come in then in April the block reward gets cut in half again bitcoin’s about to come real scarce and you understand too that we

    Are at on Exchange balances that are at a multi-year low we haven’t seen this low of a balance on exchanges since 2017 and it just keeps dropping all the time every day as more and more buyers wake up and start coming into the market mid year we’re also going to get the markets

    In crypto assets or the Micah law coming into effect in the EU now not a fan of Micah Micah does some pretty crap things for crypto investors in the EU which will eventually be rolled out globally to everybody everywhere including kyc of wallets and all that kind of stuff but

    For as crap as it is it’s at least regulatory Clarity at least then we can work within the confines of the crap regulations in order to uh be able to ape into all of our fun dog coins and stuff online right let us make our money come on Regulators let’s have fun these

    Guys seven this is also a big regulatory thing the fasb standards this is basically accounting standard for Bitcoin comes into effect this is something Michael sailor is pushing for for quite a while essentially this allows for fair accounting for holding Bitcoin on your treasury balance for companies so that allows other companies Beyond

    Micro strategy to be able to effectively add Bitcoin to their company treasury we haven’t seen any big announcements yet that people are intending to do that but those rules will come into effect in 2024 and when they do I would expect we’re probably going to see some companies hopping on board because it’s

    A good value proposition for them number eight this is a big one we’re going to get multiple and insanely good and insanely popular games that get released crypto games web 3 games we have beautiful games out there ovium is a beautiful game Off the Grid it’s a beautiful game lots of beautiful games

    Coming out lots of new ones no one’s even talking about yet they’re gonna be freaking massive man seriously the money going into the gaming space in particular in crypto like it’s G to make fortunes for people get early find your Edge get involved like it’ll be nuts anyway besides the point that’s gonna

    Bring a lot of normies in a lot of people who otherwise have nothing to do with crypto millions of people will come in to play these games and then suddenly when they’re playing the game they realize oh actually I’m getting these in-game rewards and these in-game nfts

    And oh crap they’re actually worth real money okay let me sell all these and go AP into some dog coins now that’s how it works we also have major upgrades coming to networks like ethereum they have the EIP 4844 upgrade which is going to decrease layer 2 fees for arbitr and optimism

    Start and Linea and ZK sync and all this kind of stuff by 10 to 100x meaning that ethereum layer 2 becomes cost competitive with networks like polygon and salana which is good competition is a good thing let the best chain win but salana not to be outdone also

    Has stuff like fire dancer coming next year which has an estimated 1.2 million transactions per second basically meaning that Solana makes makes everything else look like I don’t know Windows 95 or something like this or running on dialup internet some of you guys may be too young to remember this

    I’m old enough to remember this not that old but old enough to remember back in the 90s dial up internet where you had to take your phone cord and plug it into the computer and you know it just make all these sounds you can’t use the phone at the

    Same time you’re on the internet you pick up the phone it’s like in your ear that’s where some blockchains are right now where is a salon of fire dancer is going to be the equivalent of like fiber internet very different very different big stuff’s coming those catalysts alone are enough to push the

    Entire crypto narrative forward the final one here and this is actually January 2025 but I’m putting it in for 2024 because people going to start hyping it up up in Q4 of 2024 and that is that central banks in January 2025 will now be allowed to hold 2% of their

    Assets in crypto so central banks the ones that work with the bank of international settlements the Central Bank of central banks the whole thing is disgusting by the way the whole Central Bank thing it’s just makes my skin crawl but besides the point they’re now going

    To be able to start holding 2% of their assets in crypto that probably means Bitcoin maybe some ethereum maybe some other stuff maybe they need some chain link in there you know to take do their uh crossplatform swaps you know could happen man 2% is a lot for

    Central banks so they have a lot of money a lot of money these catalysts and more there’s more stuff apparently you know there’s a big election next year in America and every everybody get to choose between Pepsi and Coke again stuff like this that also has an impact on markets

    Obviously but these are the big ones I think for crypto these are the ones that are going to be the narratives and that are going to move the needle when it comes to the price of our magic internet money I’ll see you next Time


    1. I don't understand the hate for Gary Gensler, the dude is doing a job, for the goverment, representing the interest of the american people, and he in bringing lawsuits to the market participants to create precedent…

    2. ๐Ÿ˜‚ $hitcoin is like windows 95 but in all seriousness, too many bullish things are riding on a crypo that doesn't function as a currency. Then an etf? It was never created to be an investment!

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