Maersk Exists Red Sea

    What’s Going on With Shipping?
    Jan. 2, 2024

    In this episode, Sal Mercogliano – maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner – discusses the decision by Maersk Line to once again exit the Red Sea following the dual attacks on Maersk Hangzhou on December 30/31.

    #redsea #houthi #pirates #prosperityguardian #babelmandeb #shipping #supplychain #attacks #navy #convoys

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    Marine Traffic

    Maersk Operations through Red Sea / Gulf of Aden

    Red Sea / Gulf of Aden Situation: Vessel Contingency Updates

    Maersk Opens Fire On Houthi Boat Swarm – US Navy Sinks Three

    Maersk Opens Fire On Houthi Boat Swarm – US Navy Sinks Three

    Maersk Halts Red Sea Voyages ‘Until Further Notice’

    Maersk Halts Red Sea Voyages ‘Until Further Notice’

    CMA CGM Hikes Shipping Rates Between Asia and Mediterranean

    CMA CGM Hikes Shipping Rates Between Asia and Mediterranean

    Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd Extends Red Sea Route Diversion

    Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd Extends Red Sea Route Diversion

    Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

    Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

    US Treasury Targets Houthi Money Networks Behind Maritime Threats in the Red Sea

    US Treasury Targets Houthi Money Networks Behind Maritime Threats in the Red Sea

    Freightos FBX Index

    Container shipping rates spike as Red Sea crisis draws first blood

    On this the January 2nd 2024 edition of what’s going on with shipping marisk exits the Red Sea again hi I’m your host Almer coog Lando happy New Year 2024 our first episode of the New Year it’s a big one because meis has announced they are once again withdrawing from the Red Sea

    We’re going to take a look at this what the impact has on global Shipping and most importantly talk about some events coming up here on the channel if you’re new to the channel hey take a moment subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you be learned about new videos

    At they come out all right let’s jump into this so the latest update from Maris I’m going to go through all six updates but this is the most recent one on January 2nd is regarding the 30 December attacks on the ship the marisk hungo I hope I

    Said that right I have listen to so many different audio versions of how to say this city and I’ve had so many people comment about it that I mispronounced it and let me be clear I mispronounce everything so don’t feel like I am being racist at all because I equally

    Mispronounce things across all nationalities and words but meis hungo was attacked on two separate occasions once on the 30th December by ballistic missiles and on the 31st of December Early in the Morning by four small boats that attempted to board the vessel marisk had embarked a security team on

    Board now this is a private security team these were not US soldiers or armed forces from uh Israel or any other Nation this was a private security detachment very common in this area uh meis kungo would have stopped out in the Gulf of Aiden at a small offshore supply

    Vessel Embark the team brought the weapons on board they would have been up on Deck to defend the vessel according to reports the four boats approached the V the MK vessel they were warned off they opened fire on the MK hungo and the Embark team returned fire and then

    Helicopters from the USS Eisenhower and us has Gravely arrived on scene and sank three of the four boats now let’s be clear sank three of the four boats killed the crews on those three other four boats after they had fired on the commercial vessel ordering it to stop

    And heave to and basically follow it into Yemen Waters which no one’s going to do the marisk update goes on here that there’s an investigation into the incident they’re relooking at the issues and that they are committed committed they tell you to minimizing the impact on the customer supply chain and

    Continue to keep updated on the situation they have established a diversion and contingency plan page which I will show you in a second all right so let’s take a step back here for a second and look at how this has transpired so meis was the first one to

    Initiate this back in 15 December this comes after the attack on another marisk vessel this is on the Maris Gibralter and the near Miss against Maris jalter on 14 December LED meis and also hog lloid a German container liner to decide that they’re going to bypass the Red Sea

    The Babel mandab and the uh Gulf of Aiden and start heading ships around Africa and you had the mass movement of ships around Africa so this is Marine Traffic they did a video on this showing the diversions these are tracking major container vessels those over about six

    8,000 teu and you’ll see here all of a sudden that traffic that was heading through the Red Sea right here through the Suez Red Sea Bob elmb out to the Gulf of Aiden all of a sudden just disappears you see them drop off so it

    Is a sizable move once MK and hop hog announc their diversions that really opened The Floodgate for these large container ships to divert around Africa now Maris issued an update to this on 19 December where basically they just affirm their decision that based on everything they’re seeing they’re going

    To reroute around afca and understand the reason container ships are doing this more so than liquefied natural gas carriers oil tankers product tankers bulk carriers is because the value on board container ships is so much higher the value of a of a tanker may be just under $100,000 with all the cargo on

    Board but when you start looking at containerships you’re talking about values of you know maybe the average container is anywhere between $5 to $10,000 in value on board and you start talking about 10,000 15,000 box ships you’re talking about values of hundreds of millions of dollars and so therefore

    The insurance as the insurance value increased and the insurance risk increased the diversion became more and more prevalent and then came Christmas Eve and this is where marisk once again kind of threw the wrench into everything they sat there said based on the recent activities largely because of the

    Announcement and the security initiative that was Operation Prosperity Guardian this is the escorting of ships through the re region by the US fifth Fleet uh the combined Maritime forces and CTF 153 that they’re now going to basically initiate a limited resumption of trade prepared to allow for vessels to resume

    Transit through the Red Sea both eastbound westbound we are working on plans for the first vessels to make the transit and for this to happen as soon as operationally possible so right off the bat they did that now I do have questions about this and I am happy for

    Baris to contact me and let me know because I’ve tried to get from M and I have not been able to get him is did meis coordinate this with the combined Maritime forces or they just decide to go ahead and do it because all of a sudden what you saw was Maris dispatch

    About a dozen vessels heading toward the Red Sea the Bob El man dab and that’s a lot of Ships coming through all of a sudden of HIZ targets Now understand a couple of lines have gotten a lot of attention Mediterranean shipping company had several vessels targeted and we see

    That meis has had several vessels targeted there’s a good reason for that meis and MSC have been in a container alliance with Zim this is the Israeli National firm and marisk vessels do frequent going in and out of Israel uh Mediterranean Shipping Company the wife of the owner of Mediterranean shipping

    Company has dual citizenship both in Switzerland and in Israel so those two lines have been extremely targeted by the houthi so this is the 29 December update Now understand one of the things that MK was basing this on was a successful passage of several MK line ships through the region now mline is

    The mesk subsidiary in the United States two separate companies share the same name mline limited handles US flag shipping principally they’re handling ships that are receiving a $5 million per year per ship stien to be in the US flag under something called The Maritime security program and the US Department of Defense

    Requires that ships hauling us combat gear and US DOD gear Department of Defense gear be us flagged and so those ships had a lot of high priority and four ships three of them Marine limited ships were run through just before Christmas and so marisk was looking at

    That along with that passage and sitting there saying okay this looks like it is a better situation and they Continue to update that as we see here they updated this our teams have now started to update Voyage plans on a vessel by vessel basis which we’ll see the ver

    First vessels pass through the Red Sea again this is most welcome news for the entire industry well okay Maris is excited for marisk uh and the functionality of global trade please note that for the foreseeable future Voyage plans are expected to include transits through the Red Sea as well as

    Shipments diverted via the Cape of Good Hope so Maris was hedging their bets they were not putting everything heading toward the Red Sea they still had a lot of vessels heading around and the majority of the vessels coming to the Red Sea were coming from Europe and America America and I’ve talked about

    This immensely is this is part of the marisk effort to get empty containers back to Asia the way the container system works it’s kind of like a shell game you got to keep the shells moving and you have to be moving full in empty containers back and forth the empty

    Containers have to be dropped off to be reloaded so that you have full containers to go out there’s a lot of containers moving through the system and if you throw a two to three week extra Voyage around Africa you’re going to throw off the system and that was the big

    Fear so then you have the attack on MK hungo and hungo hungo uh and this is the one that creates all the problems you see here at 1800 uh local time it was hit by an unknown object after passing through the bobel MB from Singapore to

    Port Suz no indication of fire on board able to continue the transit North after the attack four boes approaches and we’ve already talked about this story now the crew was safe uh we know that us uh destroyers responded to the area laboon and grle uh Gravely uh and that

    The crew was safe but meis at that time sat there and said okay hang on we’re going to have to once again reassess and that brings us to the position we’re in now with meis deciding on January 2nd to start rerouting ships back around the Cape of Good Hope and not going through

    The Red Sea and again I come back to this issue and again I’m not meeting the pick on Maris but MK is the leader here that’s doing this meis on 14 December after the attack on M jalter decide to go around Africa then you run US flag vessels through the Bob elmb the

    Southern Red Sea and you resume the idea okay Maris we’re going to go back in uh because the US Navy has just escorted through three other Mar ships that are US flag through we’re going to send our ships through they decide to send their ships through right around New Year’s on

    December 30th and 31st and one of their Mar ships not only gets hit but gets attacked by small boats and nearly captured so that causes Mars to go out and that has caused the disruptions that we’re seeing right now so here you see the track of meis hungo you see it

    Heading southbound here or South uh Westward here out of The Straits of malaka heading to Africa when all of a sudden it was diverted back up heads back into the region sits here into the Arabian Sea turns off its AI it did not sail across the Arabian Peninsula it

    Turns off its AIS runs through the Gulf of Aiden through the Bob elmb and right around here in the southern Red Sea is where it’s attacked it is sitting right now at at the southern end of the Suz Canal waiting to go through interestingly enough we have not seen

    Any images of ships that have been hit except for an except for a ship that was struck out here in the Arabian Sea by the Iranians and that was released by the Indians uh who were looking at the ship it’s been really interesting to say that we have not seen images of damaged

    Vessel so one of the things marine marine traffic allows you to do is to go back and look at where ships have been this is marisk uh hung hungo and if you go back and work it backwards right now it’s in the Suez Southern Anchorage uh

    You can pull it back and what you find out is back in October when it was doing its route through the Mediterranean uh it routed through hia and this has been one of the connections that have been made that this ship had a connection now let me be clear about

    Something I think this is an absolute ludicrous connection right here it really is this is a ship that visited back in October if you’re going to go back and look at where every ship has ever been in its history you’re going to find ships going to places you don’t

    Like all the time I mean the USS Eisenhower the aircraft that’s in the southern uh Gulf of Aiden right now has been to Hy multiple times is are the houie going to attack that ship good luck go ahead and do it see what what happens to you uh cuz that’s not going

    To end very well for them uh so the idea that you’re going to connect to vessels you know it’s one thing if you’re going to make a connection and sit there and say well we’re supporting the Palestinians and Hamas and Gaza and therefore we’re going to support them

    But to sit there and find a ship that’s been back there in October uh and even further back for some of these vessels is is I think a ridiculous thing because again that ship and crew have nothing nothing to do with what’s going on in Israel and and Gaza right now all right

    What does this mean for you the shipper who’s got cargo booked on there or more importantly just the normal consumer who is sitting here watching this and saying I could care less about what’s going on in the Red Sea well what you’re starting to see is the hike an increase in

    Shipping rates now let’s be clear some ships container ships are still getting through just saw a Costco ship the Costco Kilimanjaro uh Costco is the Chinese overseas shipping company that is the state line of uh mainland China we just saw several vessels of CMA CGM the French line go through uh both CMA

    CGM and their affiliate APL were able to get ships through but even though they’re getting a few ships through you see this story by reuter cmacgm hik shipping rates between Asia and Mediterranean with the increase uh going into effect as of January 15 will be up 100% we’re seeing an increase in the

    Rates going into this area and that tells us that we’re seeing that as of January 15 with which refers to a date of loading in the origin ports and until further notice CAC CGM FK which is the freight all kinds this is the their their coverall for all 40 foot long feu

    Containers uh going between Asia and the Western Mediterranean will be up $6,000 up from 3,000 on January 1st and again this is not alone we’ve already seen other lines adding on Sear charges for extra fuel for handling whereas other companies are just not even going to try

    The Red Sea route hophog who is the first company alongside marisk back in December 15th they haven’t gone back at all and and meis for very good reason ex me hophog for a very good reason doesn’t want to go back they’ve seen some ships get hit they don’t want to be anywhere

    Near this and so hop hog is announcing that they’re staying way clear of this at the same time you hear very little about this but the houthi have hijacked a ship back in November the Galaxy leader and they’re holding the crew hostage and you know I keep seeing these

    Bots and whatever these are on on on Twitter x uh and all these other social media sites talking about this but they’re holding the crew hostage and there’s no nice way to be held hostage if you’re not allowed to freely go you’re being held hostage and these

    People are hostages on the Galaxy leader they’re not being allowed to leave it is a poor condition and this is a big problem a lot of videos out there with with houie sailing around it and looking at it but this is a terrible position in the meantime the

    Only thing the US has done kind of offensively we’ve done a lot defensively we we’ve shut down lots of missiles flying around but offensively the only thing we’ve done was use the department of treasury’s office of foreign assets control to go against the financial networks of the houthi so I’m sure the

    Houthi are cowering in their bits in their in their shoes right now that you know the ATM may not work for them to get money out of I I I don’t think this is a very big issue this is the one I want to show you and this is Freight

    Rates so this is freedos uh and their uh kind of global container Freight rate now this is not an actual Freight rate this is an index and an index kind of measures for you all the different uh elements here that go into play uh regarding a freight so this is kind of a

    A big index here because it takes all the world’s IND indices and kind of puts them together so this looks kind of from the beginning of when the event started back in October this is when Hamas struck out of Gaza and hit Israel and then Israel retaliated you’ll see

    Freight rates here on the global index was about $1,088 uh it is now up to $1,346 which doesn’t sound like a lot but remember this is all indices this looks at Freight of going across the Pacific across the uh to Europe it looks at everything so you’re seeing that

    Climb but the issue I really want to highlight for you is this that’s over the last three months this is the freight over the last year and you can see where it’s coming down from early in in 2023 Freight was up at around almost $2,237 right here if you go back two

    Years it’s even higher we’re talking about Freight in here right around N9 almost 10,000 and if you go back three years and you look at the full measure you can see all the way back here we’re looking at at $1,000 this is at the height of the supply chain crisis this

    Is when the container carriers were making massive amounts of profit and if you look back here the entire length of this index and it goes all the way back to I think about 2016 you’ll see that Freight L rates were really low for a long time and it’s during the supply

    Chain crisis that we see Freights go through the roof and what they use this profitability for right here is several things they paid off a lot of uh a lot of loans and a lot of debt they had but they also use that to buy a lot of brand

    New ships and those brand new ships are being delivered right now and a lot of those new ships are being delivered and the container companies are a wash in capacity uh they have a lot of ships they have a lot of ships and uh they have a lot of ships but with Freight

    Rates falling which means that okay we got all this shipping got all this capacity but we don’t have high Freight rates what we need is Cargo and what we need is the freight rates to go up well you can’t really generate more car go that’s going to be on demand and we’ve

    Seen with the global economy and and kind of teetering on a recession that you know purchasing is down people aren’t buying as much and therefore Global trades down a little bit so you can’t get it up that way well the other way to get it up is to have your route

    Be longer than normally if all of a sudden you have a ship that can do six runs a year and now all of a sudden because it’s got to go a longer distance five runs a year you either need to put more freight on that ship to fill it up

    Further so you you know over five voyages it’s carrying the same amount of cargo or you need to add another ship into the mix and that’s perfect for the for the ocean Shipping Lines right now because they have the capacity and to do that capacity they have to raise Freight

    Rates and everyone’s going well it’s costing The Shipping Lines more money I hear this all the time oh it’s costing The Shipping Lines more money because they got to sail further they got to pay for more gas and and handling charges and and Charter rates for ships they

    Pass that on to you you understand that right they they they’re not swallowing this cost they don’t swallow any cost they they move it on to you and so that is going to come on to you and this diversion around Africa is going to have

    A big check when all of a sudden this route here is blocked on my trusty Lego Globe built by me and my son when all of a sudden this route is blocked and now all of a sudden to get from Asia you have to go down the southern end of

    Africa that’s going to increase your rate potentially when all of a sudden over here the Panama Canal is giving trouble and you can only get about a third of two-thirds of the capacity through there which by the way is going down we’re seeing it go down because now

    We’re in the dry season and we can expect problems in the canal going further this creates massive problems and so the ocean shipping companies aren’t just formulating Economic Policy when they make decisions when MK makes a decision on December 15th to go around Africa when they decide on December 24th

    Okay we’re going to go through the Red Sea and then on January 2nd when they decide you know what we’re going to go back around Africa again that’s not just an economic decision that’s a political decision that’s a military decision because this is going to drive things we

    Just heard the US Navy announc the Ford battle group is heading out of the Mediterranean heading home which means does the Eisenhower stay down here does it deploy up into the Mediterranean to cover Hezbollah and Iran in Northern Israel to cover what’s going on in the

    Black Sea or does the Vincent group uh which is over here in Singapore right now come out and and cover where the Eisenhower was a lot of geopolitical moves going on here 2024 is going to be a really interesting Year I hope you enjoyed today’s episode if you did hey

    Take a moment and subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you be alerted about new episodes as they come out this week I got a special for everybody I’ve been meaning to do it we’re going to do it we’re going to cover the beginning of the year the

    State of the US Merchant Marine I want to cover each of the sectors in the US Merchant Marine we’re going to look at the ships all the time I see these journals and Publications do uh the almanacs for the first of the year they cover the Navy they cover the Coast

    Guard they cover the Marines and and and uh Air Force but we’re going to do it for the US Merchant Marine something that I don’t think gets done enough so we’re going to have short little features that look at one little slice of the Merchant Marine each day uh Quick

    Videos maybe about 5 10 minutes off and you can get your little slice we’ll be talking about uh individual Shipping Lines like Matson and uh APL and Liberty and and AR uh and we’ll also be looking at military sea lift command we’ll look at Noah uh

    We’ll look at the different areas of MSE we’ll talk about the maritime security program we’ll talk about the tanker security program we’re going to look at all of it so please tune in for that it’s going to be a great one to take a look at until the next episode this is s

    Signing off


    1. I feel like it would be in egypts economic interest to put a couple frigates in the red sea to protect cargo ships on their way to/from the suez. That way instead if loosing business to ships going around africa, they would better maintain their income.

    2. So Operation Guardian was epic Failure !!!! Maresk asked for help and the US/UK and France did exactly that . The US responsed to their disress calls , and sank 3 or 4 Houthi boats that were firing at Maresk cargo ship 🚢. The Maresk cargo ship 🚢 has an escort through red sea ,by US/UK/France and they Maresk/Demark , are now avoiding the shipping route !!!!???? So basically Denmark hands over a win to houthis and Iran WTF ???!! This IS Operation Epic Failure. Where is the Denmark navy ?? Why did they not participate in this mission?? Denmark is our / NATO partner or arent they ?? Absolute disgrace for Denmark to go run away or sail away because of 3 little houthis boats , that the US turned into fish food for you

    3. So Israel is killing Hamas leaders in Lebanon. This is a massive escalation. I cannot understand why US would pull out the Ford carrier group. There is something incredibly strange about how US military has been approaching this whole situation. I understand that they do not want a cycle of escalation, but now it looks like US military is too weak to do anything. Maybe there is no good solution to this?

    4. Although it’s probably not enough, going after the financial networks that provide funding to the Houthis is still important and less fraught politically and morally than strafing and sinking boats full of people. Fighters want to be paid. These groups are a mix of religious believers as well as what are effectively mercenaries, and while true believers may be ok with the love of their deity and a bit of food, mercenaries want money in the pocket or bank. It also means more difficulty buying additional fuel, arms etc. I think it’s a good early step and see what effect it has.

    5. Just curious about the distinction: does one of the owners having a dual citizenship make a ship a valid target? I'm confused why any of the attacks are being seen as legitimate at all.

    6. The easiest solution to this would be to dump the problem in the laps of the Egyptians and other countries in that area. These countries stand to lose a lot of income that they get from the shipping in toll charges, fuel, etc. that they charge shipping through that area, and will now lose that income. It's not that we won't have extra charges from this, it's that it affects them the most. Denmark, Germany, France, and China, which owns these ships, and receive the taxes from these companies should also be in the forefront of any efforts. America should stand firm in protecting American shipping, and only be involved in offering to support these other countries who should be leading the effort, not America. It's time that they step up, and stop leaning on us to solve all the problems in the region to their benefit, at little or no cost to them.

    7. This is a HOT mess; Everyone believe their side to be true as We protecting; everyone got justification.
      More water, more fire, more wind, the LORD shall give!!!

    8. Glad to learn more about what's happening. I began to follow shipping a couple years ago. I'm almost 80 – never too late to learn something new! I also read gCaptain – actually "found" him first. Appreciate you both.

    9. 0:55 "Let me be clear, I mispronounce everything! So don't feel like I am being racist at all because I equally mispronounce things across all nationalities!"
      Anyone who blames Mr Mercogliano for pronouncing names wrong should first demonstrate that he/she manages to pronounce Mercogliano "correctly", and no, it is not the American way. 😉
      PS: I am assuming Sal's surname comes from Italy, where it is indeed a surname and also the name of a city. The "glia" combination is notoriously difficult for English speakers, and other non-Italians.

    10. The African route as was used by Square Riggers will ensure, the serious pollution in Red Sea, and Mediterranean is avoided.
      The high costs of using the Suez with Pilots will cover any extra costs for fuel etc.
      It is a opportunity to move to clean energy Molten Salt Reactor as part of COP 28, modern ships, excellent crews and an end to Flag of Convenience. Thank you all for supporting the Just Transition to efficient modern marine transport. Peace and Prosperity for all in 2024.

    11. Interoceanic railway in Mexico, goes from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, it's new, but I am not sure how much and how fast they can handle the containers at the ports.

    12. Thank you, Sal, for brining public awareness to the Supply Chain and one of its vulnerabilities. Most folks just assume it will go on working forever because it is mostly invisible to them as they peruse the shelves of their local supermarkets.

    13. Sal, you're so humble… it's not your fault the goofball who "invented" Pinion spelled everything wrong! 😂
      And the Grammar N@z!'s who are so petty to criticize you, (as opposed to those with a helpful pronunciation suggestion), they need to get a life!

      P.S. ❤ all the Legos!

    14. Can anybody else hear the really loud massive silence from Egypt?
      If they are being quiet then somebody is compensating them for the losses
      My favourite name in the frame for this would be Qatar or Iran

    15. The first point here, after the UK Government has called for an “immediate end” to attacks, it seems only on container ships by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.

      Seems to say indirectly and leaves the Houthis Terrorists open to still attack other international Commercial Shipping Vessels, either oil and LPG Tankers or Bulk Carriers of grain and rice and/or raw materials etc, or even open to attack both Car / Vehicle Carriers and Passenger Cruise Ships too?

      With the UK Government and 11 other Countries Governments, having all now issued this final warning to the Houthis Militants / Terrorists Leaders and indirectly to Iranian Regime Leaders as well.

      To cease hostilities in the important maritime trade route between the West and East, that is in International Waters of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, or basically the northern and Western Indian Ocean, the Houthis Militants / Terrorists and Iranian Regime has no legal say over!

      So the UK along with its International Partners and Allied nations, are finally telling Iran indirectly and telling the Houthis directly, they will both or would “bear held internationally responsibility of the consequences.

      Should they Iran and the Houthis were to continue to openly attack and threaten the lives of other Countries Civilian Citizens (commercial sailors and passengers), as well as the global economy and trade, therefore the free flow of commerce through the Middle East regions and the Suez Canal critical waterway basically.

      However, the Yemeni Houthis rebels and clearly backed by the Iranian Regime Leadership and Military, maybe as well as equally by Putin and his Soviet Regime, for Moscow and Tehran’s Leadership’s own international political reasons too?

      Are trying to claim and say or just lying, about the Yemeni Houthis rebels are only targeting Israel-linked or Israel-destined ships!

      When close exampling the facts of the attacks on International Commercial Shipping Vessels and other countries Warships, like French, British and American Destroyers and Frigates too.

      None of these attacked Commercial Vessels or Warships, were on their way to an Israeli Port or carrying Goods and Services or Military Supplies for Israel, most of them are going down the Red Sea and through the Gulf of Aden heading Eastwards to other Countries or on patrol in International Waters in the case of Warships too!

      So these claims of Yemeni Houthis rebels and their Iranian Masters too, all they are doing and aiming to do is end Israel’s air and ground offensive targeting the Gaza Strip.

      That is following the unprovoked attack by Hamas first, which has resulted in the killing and wounded hundreds and thousands of innocent Israeli and foreign citizen, on October 7th 2023 is nothing but an open lie!

      So now On Wednesday the January the 3rd 2024, has left the leaders from the UK, the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands and New Zealand, no choice other than to signed a joint statement.

      In which these Multi-International Nations, are describing the attacks Yemeni Houthis rebels and their Iranian Masters as “illegal, unacceptable, and profoundly destabilising” too!

      So UK, the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands and New Zealand, are jointly now warned the Houthis and Iran basically too, against carrying out any more further assaults or attacks on International Commercial Shipping Vessels or Warships too in International Waters.

      Or there will be direct consequences for both Yemeni Houthis rebels and their Iranian Masters too, the UK and its international Partners and Allies reserve the right of self defence to protect their own international interests.

      In other words in diplomatic talk, the UK and her international Partners and Allies, will have the right to take all or whatever necessary political and military steps, to protect International trade routes in International Waters plus protect International Shipping too!

    16. 🤪 “let see if they go for ….haha good luck…” – you found a logic ‘prior October blabla. After all the lies and deceptions by that israhell and using your bombs you reckon H-group give a crap about October?

    17. Sam I just wanted to inform you about why the vessel got sunk by the United States Navy helicopter teams so the United States Navy helicopter teams they're not allowed to engage unless the helicopters were engaged with this particular incident the houthis or whoever was in the ships that was attacking the Maersk they open fired on the United States Navy helicopters and this prompted a response from the helicopter crews and they were allowed to open fire on the boats sinking the boats and killing the crew of the vessels that were attacking the mersk container ship

    18. The shipping traffic looks like most of it is going to/from China… doesn't that hurt China's economy? So why isn't China joining the combined maritime force? Why isn't China putting pressure on their friend Iran to get their proxy (Huthis) to stop messing with their economy?

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