Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money. Today we’re discussing Bitcoin ETF This Week?, Who will win? BlackRock (BLK.N), VanEck, Ark Investments/21Shares, Bitwise, or someone else? And the SEC has been Defeated?

    Today’s crypto experts:

    Matthew Snider:

    Piano Matty B:

    Moonin Papa:

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    Bitcoin ETF approvals look imminent what can we expect this week what can we expect in the weeks ahead and what can we expect in the month ahead for Bitcoin time to go around the Blockchain all right thank you for joining everybody I’m trying to pull up uh my Twitter here right now folks if you haven’t tweeted this out make sure you go ahead because we got a fantastic guest on today’s episode and just look at that thumbnail if we could share it

    Uh real quick Moon and papa he’s just in the green circle we we’ll figure it out but we got three phenomenal guests that’s four we’re going to bring you the hot takes we’re going to go ahead and lead with Matthew Snider Matt how are you doing today doing well Dey really excited to

    See some of this bullish news coming out uh be very interesting to see how the markets react and looking forward to the conversation today all right and Matt just cold called uh F or 25 asset managers correct AR we’re going to get your take on that in relation to some of

    These topics also on we have piano Matty B undefeated in the piano dueling arena there piano Matty B how are you doing today fantastic thanks for asking Dey um what a what a Monday what a way to start the week it’s a manic Monday it is a manic

    Monday and then last but not least he’s laughing but you know it’s not a laughing matter in Japan where he’s at right now Moon and papa I was actually thinking about you this past week did you emerge unscathed yeah yeah we were fine thank you for sending your warm wishes to us

    We felt the shake for about a minute but there’s no severe damage on this side of Japan you’re you’re on my mind I I wanted you to Parish so I could find your seed phrases I’m sorry of course I was worried about you and your family mo

    Papa we were worried about we we were worried now feel bad all right well let’s get right into the first story everybody the spot Bitcoin ETF spot Bitcoin ETF applicants file amended S1 forms and the final step some say The Final Countdown I don’t know if we can

    Share my screen right here the final step for approval here and we have a litany applicants here notably uh Black Rock has just gone for a low sponsor fee vanet coming in lower 25 .25 25 basis points but the fees have started and the engines have started we just see

    Everyone just dropping their fees Arc 21 dropping their fees from 08 to 0.25 so we’re seeing a just a large contingence of amendments with these fees uh I actually have a a tweet that kind of looks at all the fees broken down by structure right here here are the

    Respective ETF fees grayscale coming in higher black rock. three for the first 5 billion it will actually then go to the cheapest at 0.2 and then I like to see I like how it’s 0.25 025 0.25 or 29 and then bitwise coming in with the prices

    Right one basis point uh one bit lower than everybody there a race to the Bottom now uh Moon and papa Matt I’m going to ask you in a second about th those asset managers but Moon and papa I’m seeing all these you know amended F hey we’re going in lower we’re and lower

    These are the fees they uh charge you to hold it uh 0.5% if you had $100 after a year you’re going to own 50 c but there’s a race to the bottom right now Moon and Papa a race to the bottom so they’re going to make you know less and

    Less money as these fees go lower and lower I want to ask you is the race to the bottom is this good or bad for bitcoin’s price in the long run oh I think it’s great because it’s making these ETFs seem way more attractive especially to people with a lot more

    Capital than most the people watching this show no offense but I’m probably not going to be dumping or one of those guys that’s dumping like a billion dollars 500 $800 you know10 billion dollar into a Bitcoin ETF I’d rather buy the real Bitcoin anyway but I think that

    Lowering the fees is actually super bullish because it’s going to gather in more money into these ETFs that’s going to obviously Propel the price of Bitcoin up and people are going to be getting in at a really good price all right well really good price I

    Guess yeah equ to uh hey maybe it’s a little bit more attractive for grandma or you know maybe Nancy Pelosi’s husband to deploy some Capital here uh piano Matty B who do you think is a bigger winner from this is it retail investors like you know Grandma just wants it on

    Her retirement fund or is it the big Mutual F these big asset managers is Grandma’s retirement fund or Black Rock the bigger winner at the end of the day well Dey the biggest winners are us the long-term hodlers that have been waiting here for the bare Market through

    Two cycles three cycles and finally the ETF porn comes onto the screen we benefit the most I I really think that people getting in institutionally that’s great but my big hope is that with their involvement becomes commitment then education and knowledge and then they actually become bitcoiners they get

    Orange pilled and then the world changes that’s my my my crazy upside for the ETF all right and piano I see Bitcoin is just kind of going crazy below you uh what uh denomination are you pricing that in in what uh bitcoin’s price is that

    USD down below it’s USD yeah I was not sure I figured what is it in Canada is it above 50 it’s about 60 60 wow okay all right uh is there any I might come to you back later for the charts do is there anything exciting in the charts

    Piano well if we take a quick look at the weekly that’s that’s really the only thing that’s kind of got my eye here I’ll uh go to the Chart here uh we’ve been saying this ad this is our next level 46.7 on the weekly and uh this morning

    We are right around here and I said well keep your papers on 46.7 because it’s really the next level that we got to break and Lord love a duck if she didn’t do just that here we are 46.8 I think so this is the this is where we want to be

    We want to get over and maybe close this candle I don’t want to sink back down or else we’re still in just basically what I call the fortnite lobby mincing words up and down here fornite Lobby all right well I’ll be dancing in the corner somewhere at least

    All right well Matthew I want to talk to you about the the past week you’ve had I’ve been following you on X account make sure you follow him I think we have his uh we have his label right there you went around and you asked is it 25 asset

    Managers if they’re interested in Bitcoin feel free take take the stage for a minute or two what compelled you to do that and of the 25 what kind of reactions were you getting uh well this also just in DZ block free strategy group has announced

    Its ETF and uh for the Bitcoin spot and our fees are 0199 so the race to the bottom is continuing and we will be the Pioneers in that space Oh kidding aside uh I’m also working to raise a fund um and it’s called the risk adjusted blockchain fund

    And the reason we talk about this is because we find that people are either in crypto or they’re out of crypto and I want to build a fund that puts both together so it brings web two and web 3 together public equities and crypto together so the best way to go figure

    Out if this is a strategy that is either completely insane or up the alley of some asset managers to be a part of I went and knocked on 25 different doors of wealth managers in the Raleigh Durham area and one I had a Friday without any

    Meetings so I thought maybe it’ll be a day to get out of the house put on a nice uh shirt and jacket and pants and actually dress as a professional uh and go talk to people and build relationships and it was an incredible incredible time mostly because of all

    The the hilarious respon responses that I got from people I had one admin say what is a blockchain I had one uh woman recoil in horror when I mentioned the term cryptocurrency uh and I had two very meaningful conversations with asset managers um managing hundreds of millions of dollars who thought that

    This was actually a very interesting approach but the challenge is that for most most wealth managers they’re managing funds of people who are retired or people who were looking for wealth preservation and the bar none response I got aside from it’s a scam was it’s too

    Risky and too volatile to put into an into a portfolio and even when I said well a 1% allocation of Bitcoin to a traditional 6040 portfolio has outperformed those traditional 6040 portfolios for 14 years I got met with oh you’re one of those guys so it was very interesting just to have these

    Conversations with folks and when I asked them about the Bitcoin ETF would this legitimize you uh as an asset manager putting clients money into Bitcoin there there was still some hesitation there so I think people need to have their expectations tempered a bit when we see the approval of this uh

    Of this or many ETFs that do come out just because the floodgates are open does not necessarily mean that people are going to pile a bunch of cash in here we’ve seen the Black Rock ETFs you know they’re talking about2 billion dollars maybe a couple hundred million

    Here and there that’s that’s a good amount of money but the market cap for Bitcoin is like 900 billion dollar so the amounts that are going to come in or sort of drops in the bucket with respect to what that ETF is going to provide but

    I think over the long term this is absolutely a bullish scenario you said someone recoiled and horror what what do you think was the the main put off was she was she heard blockchain Bitcoin did she was she assuming you were some sort of shadowy hacker uh meant to break into

    Her Mainframe or were you uh the shadowy terrorist financier that’s you know sending money overseas what do you think her main umbrage was I think she thought I was the person trying to sell some siloc cybin via Silk Road uh and this is where all the drug dealers make their

    Money and then all the the black market stuff so it was very very uh awesome to see and of course you have to ask them do you hold any crypto and they’re like oh God no I would never own any crypto you kidding you’re C and then you

    Followed up and said do you hold any siloc cyon uh he didn’t ask that he didn’t ask that he kept it he minded his p’s and q’s everybody but Matthew thanks for out there fighting the good fight all right let’s talk about who wins this ETF battle uh because right now we’re in

    The stage right now not like investing and not like PL germination now seaing these ETFs van just seated uh ETF with 72 million and bitwise lining up $200 million worth of interest uh and vanc has a pretty interesting pledge that they want to do they want to pledge a

    Certain amount to the Bitcoin uh core Foundation devs there so that might be interested uh 5% of its potential profits uh if we could share this real quick from its spot Bitcoin ET F2 Bitcoin core developers at Brink and then it’s he’s even made an initial pledge of

    $110,000 so we have this seed battle happening we got vanneck trying to do some advertising we’ve seen different ads on X account or you know maybe You’ seen it on online somewhere and the battle’s heating up but MADD B I want to ask you about this core Dev uh pledge

    Here they say they want to donate 5% of their profits do you foresee a situation where it’s going to be like Hollywood accounting where you know I looked up some examples this morning Stan Lee was supposed to get 10 million from the first Spider-Man it made $800 million

    But then they said oh we actually didn’t make any profit another one Return of the Jedi hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars we’re talking about in the early 80s yet again oh that movie that that didn’t make a profit either uh are they going to be open and transparent about their profits

    And really give 5% or could there be some massaging of the accounting data oh definitely massaging it’s a great marketing tool and I guess you know I’ll I’ll tell this story this is I had a friend uh who I played in the band with he went on to be to get the biggest

    Record deal in Canada and at the time the biggest record deal in Canada was a million dooll bonus so the whole everyone was I’ll tell his name at the end of the story um he went on he received the million dollar bonus he you know bought all the toys in the world H

    He released an album it did fairly well I think he might have want a Grammy to I’m not sure he was nominated or something like that and then when the tide rushed out and his genre was over and he was eventually dropped from the label he didn’t make one cent of any of

    The money that he was he was promised from that record deal and they recouped what he had left in that um Advance because he had not recouped any of the money so so whatever they promised them they took it all back and then some and was sued uh what was the

    Band I’ll tell you at the end of the show so people oh at the end of the show folks you’re G to have to stick around all right I actually just Googled Canadian rock stars a lot more than I would have guessed there all right well

    Moon and papa you know we have this battle happening all these entrance trying to get in they’re lowering their fees they’re up in their seed stage here I want to fast forward let’s assume you know there is a big event on Wednesday I mean I honestly at this Point there’s so

    Much expectation if it doesn’t happen that will be a big event I want to ask you on Thursday morning Moon and papa you’re you’re in Japan so you’re gonna be ahead of us you’re in the future are you gon to be waking up happy or

    Sad uh I’m goingon to be waking up happy mostly because I bought the dip uh on all these alt coins that just got totally dumped and I I’ve been telling people in Discord and on X and everywhere else like look this week’s going to be a big week according to

    Barry silbert so that means that we need to have some dry powder AKA stable coins on the side I know a lot of you are probably overallocated but I’m okay with it I’m okay with the volatility because this is how I make the majority of my profits is in these big whippy

    Situations so if bitcoin’s ETF gets approved great the positions that I bought at the bottom are going to be even more profitable if not that’s fine I’ll buy a little bit more on the dip it’s it’s kind of like a Touch and Go thing but honestly I I don’t really do

    The whole emotional thing I am a robot when it comes to that thank God so all right well speaking of robot the robot overlords has let us know we are touching 47k can we share my screen real quick uh I have it stretched out on that

    Y- AIS just to make it look exciting everybody and uh this is the uh let’s go to the 10-minute chart yeah looks like uh yeah knocking on the door 46974 we peaked above uh briefly hitting as high as 47272 uh this is bit stamp uh exchange

    So all right uh Hey Matty B you’re the trader Matt I’ll go back to you right out that Matty B how are you feeling about this is there a trade you would consider opening are we breaking out into positive territory are we still attempting to burst through that ceiling

    I guess well it it depends like if if we go back to the weekly here we can see we’re at this resistant right we break it what I’d like to see let’s see if I can get this thing working here on the Fly what I’d like to see is a little bit

    Of a pump and a retrace and then a pump right so if we go down to the the the daily I think we could under normal market conditions a retrace where’s that damn thing a retrace down to this resistance now acting as support at 45.3 would be completely normal and I think

    That that would be probably a decent entry and of course if we fall fall below it we’re back into the uh fortnight Lobby just mincing words Cho and sooy all right if we share my screen the 453 you’re going to see it’s a point of control right here you know acted kind

    Of acted as support for all of two hours uh then you know it’s been a resistance ever since then but hey uh I I I really really like that as a retest uh Zone not Financial advice but you know maybe uh if I were to open along I wouldn’t mind

    That spot uh of course this is you know very very tight stop loss folks you got to be careful out there very very low leverage like 80 no I’m just like like three like three like two okay like one all right uh let’s uh Matt mdy Maddy

    Likes the uh the 50 he doesn’t like the 50x he doesn’t want you to get chopped out cuz honestly folks you got to be careful out there it is designed to take your money to PVP system out there so just be careful all right let’s talk

    About the SEC defeated I want to share uh Gary guinsler Right Here Bitcoin ETF decision looming guinsler again says crypto is dangerous uh I think we can yeah we can go straight to his X account here uh here’s the post a thread some things to keep in mind if you’re

    Considering investing in crypto assets uh I like Greg’s uh all the way to the top a thread consider investing in crypto good stuff right there good uh Greg good stuff right there all right now Matt what what are your thoughts of Gary ginzler on one hand everyone loves

    To dismiss this guy you know I’m a little bit biased we have the same haircut but I’m also because he’s the youngest president in Goldman Sachs history I’m sorry the youngest Junior partner so he made partner before anybody at his age group you you can’t be slow and dimwitted and

    Then you know be able to pull something off like that what are your thoughts on Gary ginzler is he just a bad actor acting in bad faith is he like honestly trying to protect our investors you know leaving his follicle strength out of it what’s your thoughts on

    Guinsler so as a registered investment advisor one of the things they teach you is that the sec’s only job is to protect investors and to protect retail people from frauds that’s really what was happening in the in the early 1920s with a lot of these fraudulent scams and

    Schemes I have to believe deep down and I may get a lot of flack for this if we assume positive intent then maybe Gary gendler is just a normal person who has a job that nobody would really Envy at this point and has to help make decisions that there’s probably no right

    Or wrong answer to but he’s got to make a decision one way or another and he’s going to get Flack one way or another so I have to believe that as a human he’s just like you just like me and that you know he suffers from all the same kind

    Of anxieties that we do I don’t want to believe that he’s doing something intentional or something deceitful uh I don’t think this is going to be some rug pull I think that they are doing a long due diligence process to make sure that retail investors and institutional investors can partake in this ecosystem

    In a way that is pragmatic and safe and regulated and I I think that that’s just important to keep in mind all right and uh keep in mind uh Matthew did you know Gary has a twin brother I’m not joking there’s a real thing that’s terrifying because one

    Picture of that guy is creepy enough they can’t take a good picture of that guy no matter how and the fact that there’s two of them is like the two twins in The Shining that’s a little bit creepy yeah and they say it’s a 99.99% genetic match I don’t know if how that’s

    Determined or not uh but yeah real real thing uh I’m actually going to reveal the picture of him momentarily but folks let me warn you he looks like if Tristan Tate confused with Gary guinsler and if if you know what Tristan Tate looks like I I don’t know why this let’s go ahead

    And share let’s let’s do the reveal here all right Tristan Tate Gary guinsler right right all right uh also read some chat Alchemist saying uh maybe it was was more than words could be that person uh Matty B we’re going to be guessing that as we get further and further down

    All right well back to the SCC trying to defeat me uh I have I have the post well I’ll skim it real quickly here uh here here’s the thread here is the thread we I like to point out Greg’s uh reply here but those offering investment uh may not

    Be complying with law uh crypto assets can be exceptionally risky often volatile fraudsters continue to exploit the rising popularity all these Buzz words Ponzi pyramid scheme theft uh disappears it’s it’s it’s like triggering it’s it’s triggering fear here Moon and papa what is his motivation with this post let’s read

    Between the lines let’s try to read his mind I maybe I’ll have my own guess why do you think he did this post thread uh I think it’s probably on his schedule his secretary said got to post that or maybe he uses Sprout social like I do

    Wink so he’s just scheduling stuff out and it’s just going to happen at a certain time I would I would probably imagine though that it’s intentionally done right before the etip just to kind of do his job doing his own due diligence I have to wonder though that

    Could you bring up that treat the third part of that thread yeah just watch out for Ponzi schemes pyramid schemes imposters and outright theft where a project promoter disappears with investors money you know what would be really wild don’t come after me for this but

    What if what if Gary gendler is Zack xbt and Zack xbt is like his Batman Persona because that little part right there I was I mean I see Zach xpt all the time on my timeline he’s always calling people out for fraud so I wholeheartedly agree with Gary on that line because

    There are some disingenuine people that scam people but what if if what if what if well be the weirdest Arc ever that would be I will say this uh I’ve always been a fan of Zach’s threads uh the previous regime maybe not a bigest fan and uh that person may or may not

    Have doxed him in a almost unhinged lawsuit we’re like no don’t why what’s wrong with you uh so yeah yeah uh his name wasn’t Gary gendler I I will say that I was always fighting for Zack like just stop just just leave the guy alone

    He’s trying to do a good thing here uh Johnny December uh Maddy B very good thumbnail folks if you’re not looking at his thumbnails he does have some of the best thumbs here all right well I want to ask about Gary’s tweet here now I’ll

    Start with you Moon and papa I’m go to Maddie then Matthew moonin do you think this is when you saw this tweet did it increase the odds of approval in your head yeah I mean why else would you want to put up a sign board saying caution

    Caution caution if the turn isn’t coming up if the bumps aren’t coming up right that’s I think uh piano Matty B is that a good analogy I mean would they only warn us of a speed bump if there’s actually hey a speed bump coming I’m sorry I got

    Distracted by something else on the screen well did you say tweet or tweaker because he was a 90s tweaker raver I don’t know if many people have seen this picture of dirty Gary Gensler but before he got into Finance in New York he was all over the scene at all the hottest

    Clubs tweaking and raving his brains out and now he seems damn near too sexy for that shirt it is a nice shirt isn’t it he had a quite a physique physique back there but you know I mean you got to look at their opposite speak right I’m just thankful they’re not using words

    Like pizza and hot dog because we all know what those Psychopaths use those words for but whenever they say caution and and don’t do this and don’t do that and and when muden Papa said you know outright theft and frauders and like he was just describing all his friends let

    Alone how about I always speaking of gay Tweakers Nancy Pelosi and her gay tweaking husband Gary or whatever his name they’re all buddies they’re the biggest thefts and psychopaths in this whole industry so it’s just it’s cute when he has these uh tweaks I mean tweets uh that was Paul’s alleged lover

    That uh he had invited inside his house while not wearing pants and a drink in his hand alleged alleged lover we don’t know for sure you know it’s his alleged lover uh Matthew uh before we go get cancelled here I’ll ask you the same question when you saw that tweet to you

    Was that just the nail in the coffin we are getting an ETF on Wednesday yeah I can’t imagine a world where somebody’s you know sitting down thinking oh I got some really important stuff to tweet today I loved Moon and Papa’s note where he’s like his

    Scheduler was like it’s time to get that tweet out uh I I got to believe that that was uh definitely intentional and his his way of kind of saying okay I I acques we’ll do it but just be careful lot of what is his brother thinking right now uh people Maddie people are

    Loving people are loving that uh Paul likes to party C90 likes that CBD uh we should go ahead and turn off those live ads I don’t like that either uh what if there’s not a bob ginzler but instead Gary had a backup suit he wore in his

    Office so he gets to make the rules and goes on T price who knows who knows all these are possibilities uh I like to think that you know may maybe trist and Tate is Gary’s brother maybe it’s all connected folks we don’t know and May that picture isn’t doctored who knows we

    Don’t know these things but I do know you need to go ahead hit that like button let’s go ahead and get into triple digits make sure you follow everybody’s content they’re all putting out great stuff and uh Maddy B I I would be a Miss if I didn’t give you the final

    Word just so we could blow that screen up one last time Mat B feel free uh leave us with some parting thoughts and we’ll wrap it up well this is what we’ve all waited for and and here’s the thing it’s your patience these investors the these hodlers it’s your patience that

    Brought you here and it’s your P patience that’s going to get you over this next little hump till everything comes your way you deserve it you’ve waited all this time this time is yours not his all right and we’ll go ahead and end with uh this screen right here if we

    Can a band name Matty B band name Bieber oh right Remy Shan Remy Shan Remy Shan okay well folks that’s all we got and we’ll end with this photo uh if we can Owen and we’ll wrap it up we’ll see you next time we’re too sexy for a Bitcoin ETF


    1. Ok I had to go check out the Canadian Rocker that MattyB mentioned. Not the type of music I expected. Check out Remy Shand – Take A Message 🤯

    2. During the current crypto market frenzy, it's important to remain composed and not get rattled by the volatility. This turbulence, including the uncertainty over Bitcoin ETF approvals and typical market reactions, is part of the crypto journey. Despite the sell-offs in major cryptocurrencies, the long-term prospects look promising. This period offers unique opportunities for those who can analyze market trends and patterns. I'm particularly thankful to Francine Duguay for her invaluable insight and guidance in navigating these complexities. Her expertise in both crypto and traditional trading, combined with a commitment to staying on top of market trends, makes her an outstanding guide in the world of cryptocurrency.

    3. >Great content. Technical Analysis is good but I find It truly baffling that major crypto youtubers just look mostly at pure T.A and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook will be even rosier than it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major pump at the peaks of BTC. More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is ^less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 13 btc from day trading with Greg Nelson insights and signals. This is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish

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