Blackrock is going all in on Bitcoin! The largest asset manager on the planet purchased 11,500 Bitcoin in just two days! “Bitcoin is bigger than any government,” CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink stated on Fox Bussiness. The Bitcoin ETFs are setting up Bitcoin’s price for the prophetic omega candle, you don’t want to miss this one!!

    #bitcoinetf #blackrock #bitcoinnews


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    Sources and Media
    ► BlackRock’s 11,500 BTC acquisition in just 2 days is equivalent to 13 days of BTC production. With ETFs consuming 23,000 BTC daily, at this rate, the 1.8M BTC on exchanges could dry up in just 118 days.
    ►BLACKROCK PURCHASED 11,439 #BITCOIN FROM SUPPLY IN LAST 2 DAYS – 900 Bitcoin are issued daily then will cut to 450 after halving in April.
    ► Bitcoin has been failing upwards for 15 years
    ► Investors see #Bitcoin as a store of value and a “game changer” in how money moves around the world – BlackRock
    ► Robin Williams comparing the banking industry to junkies 15 years ago
    ► Salvador:
    ► $3.9 Billion shorts total if $btc heads to $47k Bitcoin liquidations

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    Bitcoin ETFs officially began trading yesterday and on day one saw 4.6 billion in volume pile in. Remarkable. So who better to talk about this? Some BlackRock CEO Larry Fink himself who is here to break it all down. Anytime your name gets mentioned, ratings go up, I think, but in any way detracts

    A lot of attention. This is going to be a wild year. Yeah, let’s get to let’s get to Bitcoin, because I’m sure this is a huge thing. I mean, I see it as the minute Larry Fink put his imprimatur on this thing,

    It was going to go through you. You don’t have to take credit for it. But I get is it you that pushed us to because Gensler hates it? I mean, they were dragging their feet on this thing. There are still a lot of people hate it, so I still hates it, apparently.

    So I got to talk about Gary, but but I did believe and it still remains in this is Gary’s position that it’s still a one of the vehicles for illicit activity. So I think no one can deny that. Where I came around to it and it came around

    To a different interpretation three years ago that there’s a lot of merit to it, there’s a lot of opportunity. It is a great store. And this where you could debate, is it a good store? Do you know how it’s made a bunch of computers figure out?

    But there’s only but the issue is if if people believe that it can be an asset that can be cross border. And let’s be clear, if you’re in a country where you’re fearful of your government and maybe this is one of the reason why China has banned it,

    If you’re in a government where you’re if you’re in a country where you’re fearful of your future, fearful of your government, or you’re frightened that your government is devaluing its currency by too much deficits like us, I’m not going to go there. I can give them a little l’effet there.

    Yeah, you could say this is a great potential long term store of value. And as I said, it’s like digital gold and I and I believe. But you still can’t buy a slice of pizza. Was it Bitcoin? It’s literally a ledger. It is a ledger. And but it’s a Internet file ledger.

    It’s cross border. It is. It’s bigger than any government. I see. I agree with you. Holy shit. I got to say, Larry, think just dropping Bitcoin bombs was not on my 2024 bingo card. But look at this. The bitcoin supply dynamics are shifting. You want to talk about a whale?

    BlackRock’s 11,500 Bitcoin acquisition in just two days is equivalent to 13 days of Bitcoin production as 19 or mind each day, and it’s about to be cut in half very shortly with Larry Fink and the ETFs consume in 23,000 Bitcoin daily. At this rate, 1.8 million Bitcoin on exchanges

    Could dry up in just 118 days. Know we get a lot of bullish news to cover. Let’s get it on party debt for the winter markets time with your supply shock plus demand. Shock equals price shock baby. And again the 11,439 Bitcoin in just two days

    Reminder 900 are issued daily cutting in half in April. Guys, I don’t know if we’re bullish enough. And please, for the love of God, tell me you didn’t sell during this little dip. France. Nice try. That’s right. You got to channel that inner Michael Douglas baby.

    Not today, Fiat Satan, but ETFs are low velocity. This from Adam back buy and hold investment. So he’s saying these people investing is not going to be in and out in and short term mindsets here as ETFs siphon approximately 90 billion

    Worth of Bitcoin and about 1 to 2 billion in tax selling from their gbtc paper Bitcoin, and then going into cold storage at maybe $1,000,000,000 a day. Guys, things get very interesting. We’re talking about absolute scarcity. You can’t be set on these short term price swings.

    No one can predict what Bitcoin is going to do in a day or two or, you know, even in a week. But we do know green, green, green, red baby. We know the long term price. We also know it’s long term value.

    And the Larry thinks of the world, they’re all waking up to the fact that, well, Bitcoin has been falling upwards for 15 years. They’ll be a blue haired, paper handed pansy. That’s not how you when you hodl that’s how you win here. You know, some of the gold and Bitcoin in this debate.

    The what is money question is getting much bigger and it is evolving into mainstream consciousness. And a lot of people don’t realize this shout out to you, Max. The state does not force or enforce Bitcoin is real currency, so it’s not money.

    But the real take gets currency is issued by a state money existed before the state. Bitcoin separates money from the state and Bitcoin is here to eventually bring the state to its knees. Need proof? Go ahead. Look at El Salvador making bitcoin legal tender, reinventing and creating

    A masterpiece of governance and bringing in talent from all over the world. 10% GDP. El Salvador is winning in a major way. This is so interesting. We get the CEO of Vanguard. He called Bitcoin a stable asset like gold,

    But then goes on to say he doesn’t steer clients toward these type of stable assets, implying preference of unstable assets. Well, everything that is a derivative of fiat in some ways is a unstable asset. You’re going to start measuring things in Bitcoin. Don’t be highly van guarded.

    We won’t be pursuing a bitcoin ETF. It just like we don’t use gold as an asset class for our clients. So we have it’s not that people can’t invest in there, we just look at asset classes or you know what belongs in a long term

    Portfolio, what has intrinsic value has cash flows to it, and those are the asset classes we steer people towards. And so we don’t go towards Bitcoin or gold or any other of those stable assets, stable assets, stable assets, stable assets. Finally get over here talking about all of it, securities and stocks.

    We’re over here talking about sound money changing the future and unleashing freedom everywhere. So for you Fiat establishment types, I’m with you. I’ve been doing this morning. You doing what you and Gary. Come on. You ain’t got the answers. You ain’t got the answers.

    I’m asking you in again how the turns table, right? Just in. Investors see Bitcoin as a store of value and a game changer and how money moves around the world again from BlackRock, the largest asset manager on the planet. And you know, it’s it’s

    Kind of nice to see that, Larry and the gang is coming full circle. No exposure, really. Yes. I’m encouraged by how many people are focusing on it. I’m encouraged about the narrative, but I don’t believe we should think about crypto as a substitute of currency.

    But I am fascinated by it as an asset class, specifically a coin. We’re a believer in digitization of products and we do believe it could revolutionize finance. It’s digitizing gold in many ways as a hedge against inflation, a hedge against the devaluation of your currency. Bitcoin is an international asset,

    And so it can represent a asset that people can play as an alternative. The foundation of BlackRock is about hope, Larry and the gang, they’re going to pump our bags, but buying an ETF or anything like that is not a revolution. Always remember

    Where these people come from and what they’re all about at their core. Robyn Williams Rest in peace, and here is a classic, a group of junkies who’ve relapsed. Don’t listen to me, I just need some liquidity, you know what I’m saying? I just ran into some bad subprime, you know,

    We just had complex formulas, we just didn’t factor in greed and panic, you know, So I just need $8 billion by Tuesday. There’s a very long history of banks that being the most ethically or moral, don’t want to get fucked by the bankers. Well, you buy Bitcoin

    And the horse is inside the castle. Like. Like the Trojan horse, right? We are inside the gate. Bitcoin is now being in this transitionary phase of becoming the global store of value. Well, the ETF is just a step in getting there, but the top 13% of people have 85% of the world’s wealth.

    And for the first time in history, the plebs just ran the institutions. Maybe, but selling for short term paper fiat gains is not how we win. We have to hodl. We have to outlast the institutions. This is a war of attrition.

    Larry Fink is coming in in a major way and it looks like at this pace he could outpace Saylor in a few months. So what are you going to do? You know, sit there and let Larry buy all the corn? Hey, we’ve been stacking. It may be time to stack harder than ever.

    People could be getting priced out of this thing very soon. The Omega candle hits, there’s going to be a lot of people wishing they would have been stacking sets. Don’t be that guy. Get to one Bitcoin, put it in cold storage and be ungovernable

    Because in the long term we’re winning in a major way. The pace in my friends. Here’s a look at the gold spot ETF after it got accepted we saw some months of consolidation before explosion. It’s possible the same thing happens with bitcoin and if that happens on top of the massive

    The supply shock they’re having in April, we’re going to be moon bound, my friends. And here’s a little nugget for you is bitcoin likes to go Max Payne theory and Samson Mel predicts the next step is a flush of all the Bitcoin shorts.

    Check this out 3.9 billion shorts in total liquid dated of bitcoin heads to 47 K. We’re going to be melting face very soon, but hey, hats off to all of you. Congratulations. You ran Wall Street, any of you that purchased before January 10th, 2024. You probably feeling like Jerry about now.

    Hey you’re looking to get started in bitcoin. Want to get your bitcoin off of exchanges? Want to take self-custody and be a part of the peaceful revolution? Or you just want to take your set up to the next level. What we got just the guys to get covered.

    Simply Bitcoin originals are powered by the Bitcoin way and as you dedicated bitcoin I team to bitcoin, we is here to guide you from start to finish on your journey to properly self-custody your bitcoin. What’s more, they’ve recently introduced 100% focused collaborative custody services where you’ll benefit from advanced multisig, security,

    Inheritance planning and much more, while remaining 100% in control. Looking to get started book a free 30 minute call using that link below. Major bullish developments. Ladies and gentlemen, going into this week, I hope you had a great weekend. I hope your stack in that corn.

    And if you’re in the Midwest, I hope you’re staying warm because it is cold. It’s bulls out here. Don’t stop believing. Huddle to that feeling, baby. The prophecy is this close to being fulfilled. Hey, hope you guys enjoyed this one. Be sure to like subscribe.

    Sure that sound money gospel and be sure to follow us on Twitter where we’re getting all the latest breaking news set those notifications Empower yourself by ingesting all simply Bitcoin content. Every time you share an episode of simply Bitcoin, you make a statist cry. So keep it up.

    Hey, guys, get ready, buckle up. This is going to be an interesting week. A lot of bullish developments. I’ll catch you all next time. If you prefer to go down with the ship, fuck you.


    1. WARNING: Beware of the scammers in the comment section that use Simply Bitcoin's image and name. We will never ask you to contact us through YouTube. If you have any questions and want to reach us directly follow our Twitter @SimplyBitcoinTV and send us a message

    2. $ordi more important now it’s starting like btc purpose but it’s 13.000-17.000-20.000$ later it’s a gem unisat is the answer Elon post about it u can safe data’s and Videobands on this Chain so much potential for 1000x the brc20 pressuring

    3. WAIT?? Blackrock acquired 11500 BTC in 2 days .. that's 5750 BTC/day .. 1.8M BTC on exchanged divided by 5750 is 313 days?? Am I missing something? There are 10 other ETFs who will also be buying up available supply of BTC?? I watched this 3X .. still SHARING!!

    4. The government wants us to believe that if they don't have control over our money it can be used for illicit activity. What happens when the government uses it for criminal activity? What happens when the current president and his family uses shell corporations to launder millions of dollars to evade tax consequence and to benefit family and friends? Fink and his ilk will make broad statements such as the ignorant one just made. The fact of the matter is that criminals will find hundreds of ways to perpetrate their crimes. Bitcoin being one of them. Bitcoin has the government worried b/c it's levelled the playing field. Whose zooming who?

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