Disraeli and his cabinet discuss the merits of buying a controlling share in the suez canal, and he asks his good friend Baron Rothschild to finance the purchase. 1875. From the granada series ‘disraeli’.

    By the Suez Canal the 177 thousand shares owned by the Khedive is there any certainty he’ll sell after years of colossal extravagance he has made his country almost totally bankrupt agent in Cairo tells us he has given an option on his shares to a French syndicate how

    Much 92 million francs 363 million six hundred and eighty thousand pounds then there’s no point the French Abbott no no no no no not yet this is the weekend they have until Tuesday now they would sell to us at once for a higher sum and in cash a

    Higher sup boo million pounds Sascha the question it is an international waterway we have more interest in it than anyone else four-fifths of the ships that use it are British why we have to buy it to make sure that no one prevents us using it the possibility of that link being cut

    Has an enormous threat to India with Russia already poised on its northern borders yes of course but we cannot make a hasty decision in any case the Khedive shares are less than half we would still not control it we would have by far the largest holding and with the huge shares

    We already own and more that we may acquire we we would have a controlling interest he is too big a step to quote the prince if we do not buy now one day we shall be forced to take it nothing is more certain if the French were allowed

    To buy the shares they will have a majority now the French were already trying to extend their influence in Egypt if if nothing is done then in a few days Bismarck will hear of it and will put the resources of Imperial Germany into the bidding and then there

    Is the Russian influence in the Middle East no Britton must have a stake in the canal for some such as four million pounds the decision should be taken by Parliament is not in session is it up to us to the 12 of you sitting here you

    Said yourself it is a matter of urgency Prime Minister we cannot approach the Bank of England before Monday then there will be endless inquiries committees to go through for such a large amount must have a decision there’s nowhere we can raise it quickly enough it’s impossible

    Do I have your agreement yes or no yes yes mr. curry do Sudan thank you you are you will forgive me intruding man I have just come on an errand from the Cabinet Room for mr. Disraeli he needs a sum of four million pounds by tomorrow and what

    Is your security the British government tell him he shall have it


    1. Jawarlal Nehru Outsmarted The Rothschild During India Rupee Forum Otherwise The Would Run Their Stupid Policy Here God Bless Him For That And Ya Fuck The Curent Prime Minister Modi Nothing But A Bootlicker

    2. "Tell him he shall have it" He didn't ask what it was for, he just knew who was asking, and that it was a good loan. That is the shining example of professionalism, considering it was one of the biggest loans of all time.

    3. Unfortunately, many of the abutting animadversions that are disgorged forth are of figmental and baneful nature.
      Lionel de Rothschild furnished Her Majesty's Government with the necessary wherewithal to gain a controlling stake in the Suez Canal Company. The sum loaned by Rothschild in 1875 was £3,976,582 equivalent to
      £462,297,946.18 in 2019, far from the half trillion pounds posited by some.

    4. The sum loaned by Rothschild in 1875 was £3,976,582 equivalent to
      £462,297,946.18 in 2019, far from the half trillion pounds posited by some.

    5. The Roths lent the British government 20 million, in 1835 to compensate the slave owners. Took the poor British taxpayer 170 years to pay it back, with interest of course. That's what you call a nice bit of business.

    6. There's an episode on "Reilly Ace of Spies" where Reilly actually tricks a Rothschild by taking away a very valuable asset. Plus the young Sam Neil was absolutely ravishing in the role.

    7. This is how you make stuff work, men simply agreeing, I have sometimes worked in projects where everything are decided by men simply agreeing after talking to each other and it is a great way of working, both effective, and also, it is a great experience to have trust from other men, I think this is something only real men thinking like real men can appreciate

    8. The title of this video Roschchild pays for the Suez channel how about Roschchild family giving loan to the British government and putting the British government in their pocket.

    9. The richest man in the UK at that time was the Duke if Westminster, worth about £10 million, and the richest American, Cornelius Vanderbilt, worth double that at £20 million, or $100 million. From the book "28 years on wall street" by Henry Clews: "Mr. Chauncey Depew, who succeeded to the presidency of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, was upon one occasion, while visiting in London, a guest at a dinner given to the Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone, then Premier of England, and was honored by a seat on the left of Mr. Gladstone, with whom he discussed the differences between American and English railroad and financial management. In the course of conversation Mr. Gladstone said, " I understand you have a man in your country who is worth £20,000,000 or $100,000,000, and it is all in property which he can convert at will into cash. The Government ought to seize his property and take it away from him, as it is too dangerous a power for any one man to have . Supposing he should convert his property into money and lock it up, it would make a panic in America which would extend to this country and every other part of the world, and be a great injury to a large number of innocent people." Mr. Depew admitted that the gentleman referred to — who was Mr. Vanderbilt — had fully the amount of money named and more, and in his usual suave and conclusive way, replied, a But you have, Mr. Gladstone, a man in England who has equally as large a fortune Mr. Gladstone said, " I suppose you mean the Duke of Westminster. The Duke of Westminster's property is not as large as that. I know all about his property and have kept pace with it for many years past. The Duke's property is worth about £10,000,000 or $50,000,000, but it is not in securities which can be turned into ready cash and thereby absorb the current money of the country, so that he can make any dangerous use of it, for it is merely an hereditary right, the enjoyment of it that he possesses. It is inalienable, and it is so with all great fortunes in this country, and thus, I think, we are better protected here in England than you are in America." "Ah, but like you in England, we in America do not consider a fortune dangerous," was the ready response. "

    10. I wish every person in every Country in the🌎World would all just stay home for a century and clean up their own backyards and clear out all the skeletons in their own closets!
      Hats off to🇪🇬Egypt for keeping what belonged to them in the first place.

    11. Rothschilds were the brains behind the financial engineering of the 19th Century British Empire.
      Rockefellers were the brains behind the geopolitical engineering of the 20th Century American Empire.
      Musk may turn out to be the brains behind engineering American Empire’s Second Century.

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