Ripple XRP – BLACKROCK IS ABOUT TO STOP XRP!!! XRP ETF IN APRIL? (Best Crypto To Buy Now 2024) Get Started Here:

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    Your individual success will be influenced by a variety of factors, some of which include your background, experience, and work ethic. Cryptocurrencies, like all investments, come with risks, including potential financial losses. If you’re unwilling to accept these risks, DO NOT engage in any purchases or investments based on the recommendations or mentions in this video. Particularly, refrain from buying any cryptocurrencies or products mentioned herein. Viewers in the United States are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations associated with cryptocurrencies and should review official websites for guidance. Remember: results are not typical, so don’t be typical. Always be proactive, informed, and, as we like to say, stay bullish!

    What’s going on bull Runners hey I wanted to make this quick video because yesterday’s video absolutely sucked with the Audio I just moved into our twostory Penthouse and I’m telling you the audio is absolutely horrendous my beautiful wife is behind here uh in the video she’s going sitting next to me with her

    Best friend who came from California so as you can tell if I get over here where there’s not a lot of furniture it gets a little echoey but we’re we’re getting this thing packed and jam-packed and pretty soon maybe I’ll give you guys an update but let’s get into the video at

    Hand Black Rock there’s a lot of stuff we’re going to be talking about watch this stuff so is it okay if I sit here with you ladies this is the only place that looks halfway decent uh for audio and we’re going to be sitting next to them throughout the whole entire video

    If they make fun of me it’s it’s okay if they make fun of you guys then that is not okay comment 777 below if you’re feeling bullish right now we’re going be talking about the markets I have a lot of stuff up so you’re not going want to

    Miss it what Black Rock had said is insane in my opinion I can’t believe they would say what they’re going to say but look at all the articles and the videos we’re going to be covering in this in this uh in this video let’s first get into the one that’s important

    Ripple responds to the SEC now check this out this guy did an amazing video to give you guys a highlevel overview and if you stick around throughout the entire video I might even give you some golden nuggets in some cryptos that you could be backing up the truck for in

    2024 the best cryptos so check this out the case that never ends SEC versus Ripple lawsuit update by the time this thing is over I’m might have some gray hairs up there so the SEC is trying to get the financial statements for 2022 2023 and then they also want to see all

    Of the contracts for the sales of xrp that Ripple has done since the lawsuit has been filed now many of you guys know since the lawsuit was filed Ripple has only been selling xrp to their institutional on demand liquidity Partners exclusively on demand liquidity Partners exclusively so what the SEC has

    Done now is they know they’re in the wrong Ripple did everything right and the sec’s now having to come back and say you know what they made a mistake they haven’t been selling it to exchanges they haven’t been doing any sort of other distributions exclusively selling xrp to ond demand the cred

    Partners that are all institutions now this is not included in the original lawsuit the original claim or complaint that the SEC filed so Ripple responded Yesterday by saying that this is untimely that this is not allowed within the law and we’re going to get the sec’s response on January 24th before before

    We will get the rolling from Judge Torres whether or not we’re basically going to open back up Discovery more to come on this one so George Tores just keep it on your calendars the 24th all right January 24th now boom this is important for many of you guys to be

    Careful because I’m not trying to scare you I’m trying to prepare you many people are watching stuff on social media which is ridiculous because a lot of people are being led astray this is important to watch this this guy literally says it’s about xrp Che take a

    Good hard look at this uh where does where does the price go it’s it’s easy to project that it that it’s a double digit number so you know I think it immediately shoots up to a $10 potentially $20 uh the wild card to me so so right now this video he’s

    Saying that xrp will be shooting up to $10 to $20 let me know in the comments below if you think that’s Pie in the Sky now let me know in the comments below if you think this is pie in the sky watch what he says here is that there is

    Actually a deal to be done among the central banks and and governments to basically have xrp work as the the world’s Bridge currency a neutral a neutral asset that could be traded between the central banks to move a specific type of Fiat to another type of

    Fiat if if that’s what occur it’s back to what we were discussing earlier it’s got to cover kind of all the money and I think you’re looking at a range that xrp would settle on agreements this would happen instantaneously somewhere between 10,000 and $35,000 a coin a CO a coin they

    Literally said a coin okay so now we’re talking about Insanity numbers some of this stuff could be complete fugazi fugazi so I want you to be very very careful because this video if you look at the comments below you’ll notice uh this person said that this video is actually made in

    2021 yes xrp could hit numbers that we would just be like wow this is absolute Insanity like holy how xrp hits this type of number like wow but I will say one thing it also makes me realize you guys my friends listen please please it also makes me realize that the stuff

    You’re watching on social media it’s just it’s just like you got other people saying the other way so you have the people are saying that xrp could hit like $10 $20 and then upwards of $35,000 per coin but then you have people that are also experts in this field Max

    Kaiser expects xrp to crash to one cent okay so see The Duality there’s Duality up down we live in in a world of Duality this at 1 cent if remember let me know in the comments below if you think that xrp went to 1 cent you’d be backing up

    The truck for it anyhow but I want you guys to be careful because a lot of these price predictions online it’s like it’s got people going crazy especially for xrp but let’s just talk about some interesting news about the dollar crash incoming the dollar we live in the United States of America at

    Least I do and this is this is interesting but what we got here is a list of the dollars of the world now notice where America is number 10 number 10 you guys come on this is pathetic we we were always the world currency now it’s like you can tell

    Remember crypto currency fiat currency the dollar is fiat currency cryptocurrencies what is going to be next think about that what could be next for the future of finances and I will tell you one thing I I I believe that the dollar is already losing value and

    If you guys don’t believe that come over to the United States of America and try to buy some gas with the same dollar you spent last year or the year prior try to get some groceries on that same dollar try to see if your grocery bill didn’t

    Go up see if your your your your your mortgage didn’t go up see if your uh homeowners insurance didn’t go up everything seem to go up but the dollar is not good anymore it’s not great Okay so now other great news though is that the Central Bank of Japan on a global scale

    Initiates the use of xrp for international Payment Solutions so now we have some other great news about xrp that that keeps you just massively wanting to know is this going to become the adoption of a world cryptocurrency I’m sorry I should say currency and in my opinion even if the Central Bank

    Digital currency concept comes into play who do you think will be backing that most people are thinking Ripple xrp all day okay now the official announcement indicates that the xrp based Remnant service is set to commence this month so guys get ready this month with an initial focus on bank accounts in the

    Philippines Vietnam in Indonesia this calculated expansion into key Asian markets aligned with uh SBI remnants ongoing commitment to harnessing the potential of xrp for crossb payments and watch this the selection of these countries is deliberate given their substantial share of remnants directed to bank accounts making them Prime

    Candidates for the adoption of xrp so great news across the board I love great news I really do and now watch this this is saying that the setting thing straight here is that Ripple’s digital asset xrp isn’t hitching a ride on bitcoin’s high hype all right it’s not

    Tied to bitcoin’s fate either is that true because truthfully Bitcoin xrp people will just argue back and forth like they’re the same no it’s doing its own thing in the world of Finance think about that personally he sees he’s saying that xrp Breaking Free from Bitcoin when the institutions are ready

    Remember they are not ready right now what happens when they are ready ooh ooh xrp pitched to 1.6 trillion asset manager as Ripple PRS for institutional use of xrp now I really want to get into this and let you guys know how important xrp is for the future of finance and

    This is Swift which transfers 5 trillion every day there is only 50 billion xrp only 10% of daily Swift so watch this Swift is the pr preeminent messaging system for the financial industry which covers say payments F trade in in terms of uh Securities Etc not reconciliations

    Etc what we’re looking with the crypto though is uh where Swift would have a store and forward system for most of its payment transactions where you need service level agreements that in a certain time I will do something for payment turns up at a certain time

    During the day here we’re looking at the new network Styles which allow instant real time movement to the funds and visibility of those funds as well where Banks need to come back to you and say have my funds arrived uh 3 Days Later think about that you guys come on please

    Please please how many times you guys been with big Bank deals many of you guys that have not you’re going to get there don’t worry you’re going to get more money in your bank account you’re going to deal with the same maybe issue of this happens to a lot of people where

    You’re like where’s the money all right where was that wire come on xrp is going to to fix this like cryptocurrency is going to fix this problem now another thing that we need to talk about is why you came on this video is that the gradually decoupling of xrp from Bitcoin

    Is a positive step forward he says but it boosts my confidence in Ripple’s Independence in its mission to revolutionize the way money moves globally however here’s the negativity side of it Black Rock rejects xrp ETF noise focusing on bitcoin for now so despite xrp’s strong growth in legal wins Black Rock pours

    Cold water on rumors delaying hopes for an xrp ETF it’s kind of a bummer you know I know a lot of people are like well you know like what what do you mean my cryptocurrency I’m a holder many of you guys have had a lot of success with

    Xrp and I appreciate you guys for watching this channel you guys know we’re the largest channel in the entire world for xrp when it comes to growth and uh I I will say we’ve been preaching from the top of our lungs I want you guys to have success but if you guys see

    Negative news like this don’t get too stressed out there’s more to come okay and we’ll go maybe back to this I want you guys to remember what is going on behind the scenes is that SBI CEO every Bank in Japan will use Ripple xrp by 2025 institutions are

    Coming you you’re not late to the party people are working together here on something bigger than ourselves and you think working together is a big deal look at what had happened when you see good old brag garlinghouse talking with algo and harar plotting to work together are they plotting to work together well

    I will say right now if you look at xrp sitting at a healthy 29 to30 billion market cap we have some growth potentially to have happened with elgo Rand right elgo and harar hyera well H is is is you’re looking at the market caps of 2.5 billion you know 1.3 billion

    And you have a $30 billion this is a low market cap even for xrp if these people work together and and collaborate do you think it’s possible for these things to go through the absolute Moon do you anybody you guys bullish on these types of cryptos do you think these are the

    Best cryptos for 2024 and Beyond Eland harar I’m not going to tell you guys that that they are I’m going to say maybe take a good hard look at these projects because if this guy it could be wrong could be wrong but what if they do actually work together what would that

    Look like for the future of crypto so yeah and in the meantime if you don’t like what’s going on with the world economic forum and you know what is happened for the future of what they’re trying to tell us they’re going to do to the world just going on over to Elon

    Musk’s page on on you know Twitter what they call X now and you could just be just like him it looks like he’s posting photos like this like he’s Kanye West and his wife I don’t know what’s going on right now but we’re he decides to

    Post the most random things I have ever seen now now I’m going to kind of do my best to leave this video with the ideas of looking at the cryptocurrency markets and finding that Hidden Gem you guys we are seriously at the beginning of crypto when it comes to the institutional money

    Coming in you guys we are in at the beginning like stop thinking that you got in late you guys we are in at the beginning your grandma and grandpas and your and your your moms or your dads they don’t know about crypto yet they aren’t backing up the truck yet when

    They start acting like crypto is like them back in the day investing in 401ks and like the stock market we’re going to have influx of money big money the ETF approval is no joke right now slowly but surely people are coming over I want to share with you guys a quick story before

    I get off this video I was a young guy working in the cell phone industry okay and back then they had dumb phones there was no such thing as a smart screen phone it wasn’t okay okay I I I I remember that this phone came

    Out it was called the iPhone and it was only on AT&T and there was another phone called a Google phone I think it was HTC if I’m not mistaken that made that first product and I just remember watching the grandma and grandpas come in and just update their phones all the time because

    You update your cell phone right old phone dumb phone not going to work for the future but they would just buy another dumb phone until slowly but surely I was able to sell them into the idea of this could be awesome for you your emails could be on

    Here for you would you would you love to have GPS to know where you’re going from here to wherever you’re going to go and see your granddaughter your your just your trips that you want to go on with you and your husband they’re like yeah what about if I could just transfer all

    Your contacts over and you could have this so seamless and all look at all these apps and everything slowly but surely these grandma and grandpas and people that just use the dumb phones transferred over to these smartphones this new technology and now everybody has it all right everyone is going to get

    Into crypto sooner or later the more easy this gets the better now that makes me think oh okay so is this like buying Apple before Apple becomes Apple Facebook before Facebook comes Facebook Instagram all these companies yes so some of these projects are a are a solution to your guys’s problem you

    Don’t have to think to yourself that I need to buy everything some of you guys need to just bet on the right thing so when you’re looking at these projects you could potentially be thinking about it as a long-term play because you are going to probably work until the day you die if

    You don’t make the decision right now to break free of this Matrix work until the day you die on and not be Happ happy about it it’s okay if you work till the day I I’m working till the day die right I enjoy what I do I love what

    I do and I want you to love what you do but I want you to also think that you need to find the right projects and in this ecosystem I know that I’m talking about a story that’s important for you but in this ecosystem the top 100

    Projects right now there are at least 5 to 10 projects that you can buy and hold for the long term as similar as you buying and holding stocks some of these are never going to make it but do you think that xrp is going to make in the

    Long run maybe it’s just a buying and holding for a long term for you it’s not about making that quick flip but then if you want to be degenerate I would highly encourage you to learn what we know about how to make even more money if you

    Want to learn how to make even more money and not just go and buy just Bitcoin etherium you know salana xrp and you just buy it hold it and treat it like it’s a stock portfolio for your future and your kids kids and you want

    To make money right now then you got to learn our altcoin picks all right these are low cap gems these are these are and we’ll be talking more about these in the future but you have to become a part of our early bird Access Financial educational platform and the only way

    You do so is go to Bull click that link below this video


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      Watch out for impersonators and scammers in the comments. We will never ask you to message us, txt a number, or reach out on WhatsApp or telegram asking for money or crypto.

      As always, past results don’t guarantee future profits. Common sense would suggest that It takes solid risk management, patience, and persistence to make money with crypto. We do not guarantee any results nor are we financial advisors so don’t buy anything we talk about. This is all public information and Results aren’t typical….. so don’t be typical. πŸ₯‚

    2. There's so many things you'd have to research to understand the SEC was never "attacking" crypto. Ripple goes back 12 years and yeah they sell it to partners to pump like a ponzi. Then they change the supply and do it again. So when more people started to figure it out how they ran it up to 2.00 and figured out the suits were literally just giving themselves 1.5B they complained to the SEC. So the reason for going after their paperwork to determine if they were acting as a security. Was Securities Fraud. I've mined and traded 10 years never lost money watching this cycle repeat but yeah I get it if they're giving you XRP specifically to pump it whatever it's going to come back to haunt you one day. Otherwise, I would just stop.

    3. trump gave us: lowered taxes, energy independence, border wall construction, lowered gas price, 5 middle east peace treaties, no war, low inflation PEACE ON EARTH

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