For that tonight russia has signed a final agreement with slovenia paving the way for the south stream gas pipeline project prime minister vladimir putin says all european partners involved are now fully on board it should see russian natural gas pumped through slovenia to northern italy from 2015 it will

    Eventually mean an uninterrupted fuel flow to europe and there comes after deals were sealed for a similar north stream project just last week well both will avoid transit countries like ukraine which have disrupted winter gas supplies in recent years let’s get more from vladimir fagan from the institute of

    Energy and finance in moscow come see us this saturday night thanks for taking the time to be with us slovenia was the last to sign the dotted line they have now done it what was the delay no it is not easy of course to reach all these agreements with all

    These potentially new trends and countries and so on yeah and of course it was and it is a pressure from the eu to push forward nabooka project which potentially is partly competing and partly supporting maybe additional flows to europe so each country had to make its higher choice or to join maybe

    Potentially both i see that maybe crucial things where that hungary which was one of main supporters of nabooka it is still already is in south stream and slovenia is so it was work successfully done by russian society so it seems it’s all systems go now hot on the hills as i mentioned of

    The the final green light for the north stream uh project just just last week what difference are these two massive pipelines got to make to energy security in europe no i think it’s potentially of course huge difference because total capacity of visible of lines it’s 118 bcm a year it’s

    Approximately the same volumes which are now going through ukraine of course the total supply of russian gas will increase somehow but nevertheless it is promising that it will be a huge diversity it’s real diversification it is the alternatives roots it’s a flexibility of supply potential yeah so

    I think when it comes on stream with both pipelines which will be totally different picture from point of view of european consumers it will be a huge system partly half let’s say absolutely new it’s not a soviet time it’s what my representative told we have to develop new infrastructure of course it sounds

    Like a great plan it looks like a great plan but everything costs money and times are very tight for countries across europe and for russia right now do you think the uh fact that it’s going to cost such a lot of money and we’re in the middle of a financial crisis right

    Across europe is going to affect that uh 2015 deadline when they say it’ll be on stream do you think the reality is that it’ll be some time in the future after no first of all of course we’re not fully aware how the economical crisis will evolve and we believe it will not

    That long of course so maybe one year more couple of years more but the project looks much further secondly of course both projects we will be developing stages we know two stages on uh north stream and off onshore pipe part of south stream will be two pipelines as well and offshore will

    Consist of even much more i believe lines all has to be developed through the feasibility study so it will confirm so it will be done in stages i believe that it will be done in line with how market how demand is evolving in europe so it all may be adjusted but until the

    Agreements are in place it is all in heavens it is not in reality now it is coming to reality and so when it is in the hands of those who support it who will make investments and so on how quickly has to be done how massive so a

    Lot of but a lot of opportunities in paris we’ll be tracking the progress of course here at rt the number one station across the world in english to uh track all the events in russia thanks very much for now vladimir phager of the institute of energy and uh finance here

    In moscow good thank you thank

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