It will double the amount of natural gas Russia can funnel directly to the heart of Europe from newly tapped reserves in Siberia.…

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    These steel pipes will be part of a vast undersea pipeline bringing gas from Russia to Germany’s Baltic coast the Nord Stream 2 project will double the amount of natural gas Russia can funnel directly to the heart of Europe from newly tapped reserves in Siberia that worries the u.s. who believe the project

    Could be a security risk and it’s threatening sanctions but a Nordstrom spokesman suggested Russia wouldn’t be able to use its gas supplies as a political tool because the rest of Europe relies on many sources for its energy needs there are opportunities for most of the countries to get their gas from various

    Sources a competition within the domestic market is working and therefore this pipeline cannot be used to blackmail or negatively affects any country but it will play a role in securing the gas supply and it will also be an important competitive factor the Nord Stream route will deliberately

    Avoid Ukraine which means it will lose the lucrative transit payments it gets from existing Russian pipelines across its territory Ukraine stands to lose 2% its GDP such a project is questionable in an energy economic and political way because it disadvantages Ukraine one will try to find a solution for Ukraine

    A compromise could be but on the one hand the pipeline project isn’t blocked any further and on the other hand Russia would commit itself to keep using the gas route through Ukraine so that all signs have a face-saving result the stakes for Germany are high its Europe’s biggest economy its energy needs are

    Growing and it’s already the world’s largest importer of natural gas


    1. The
      Germans are rushing to help Putin from Nord Stream 2, before agreeing
      a new agreement with Poland for gas to Poland (around 2020) that
      Putin would have strong arguments for a higher gas price for Poland.
      These are the Governments of Germany !!! All the time they are waging
      war with Poland, now processes from Brussels and bullets – turned
      into a mammon, which – without rules, (abroad) and shot – they buy
      everything from Spain to the Crimea. Niemcy

      spieszą z pomocą Putinowi z Nord stream 2, przed dogadywaniem nowej
      umowy z Polską na gaz do Polski, ( około 2020 roku) aby Putin miał
      mocne argumenty na wyższą cenę gazu dla Polski. Takie są Rządy
      Niemiec!!!. Cały czas prowadzą wojnę z Polską, teraz procesami z
      Brukselki i pociskami – zamienionymi na mamonę, którą – bez zasad,
      ( za swoją granicą ) i strzału – nabywają wszystko, począwszy od
      Hiszpanii po Krym.

    2. This is just business. The problem for the USA is not to be able to dictate the price of oil and gas in Europe and abuse Europeans.
      As for Ukraine, as long as they pay in advance there can be no problem, it`s just business.

    3. Is russia responsible for survival of ukraine economy ? US and the EU should take care of ukraine since they caused the mess in the country economy. Russia is in business,therefore have right to follow path to reduce cost.

    4. question is should USA have to compete selling gas to the Germans against Russia's Gazprom? a proven corrupt gas company run by corrupt oligarchs under Putin's protection who has among other things invaded his neighbors and Syria for one reason only – to stop the Qatar-Arabian gas pipeline being built which would compete with Russia – and Putin has stolen 2/3 of Ukraine's Black Sea gas reserves? – answer is no and Merkel is on her last legs anyway and Germany needs more visionary leader

    5. To hell with America, the Germans should do business with whichever country they choose in order to obtain the best deal. Why should they seek to please these US bullies to their own disadvantage?

    6. According to US, Chinese Huawei, Germany Russia Nord stream 2 project, S-400 purchased by Turkey and stopping used clothes from US by Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda to revamp their textile industries pose national security risk to US.

    7. It's simply more affordable to buy gas from RUSSIA which is not far in Location.The relations with European Nations and RUSSIA is not new..RUSSIA also liberated the GERMANS in WW2.

    8. those who control
      control the World

      john halford mackinder

      Than Nicholas J Spykman defined geo strategic imperative of USA

      It's Imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging

      Zbignew Brzezinski (Spykman)

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